Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NCP relentlessly sponsors anarchy in South Sudan

By Peter Lokarlo Marsu

Dec 18, 2006 — In the light of the unfortunate Juba salary furore caused by the JIU, the jig-pokery is now becoming more lucid and definitely crystallising into a visible silhouette that the NCP’s sinister hand has at all times undeniably, been at work.

It is very untoward that the National Congress Party is not a trustworthy partner and stakeholder to work with the SPLM for the realisation of the CPA. Omar Al Bashir and his NCP party have more often than not engaged in acts inconsistent with the moral fibre of running a coalition government. This surreal sequel represents the mainstay of the NCP’s official policy prescription. Since the beginning of the implementation of the CPA more than a year ago, the NCP has executed acts of sabotage and flagrant violation of the CPA including the following:

– The Soba Aradi police assaults and killing of over twenty innocent IDPs
– The Hammeskoureb provocative act
– The waylay of the SSDF soldiers on the way to Abyei
– The cowardly ambushes carried out by some elements of the JIU soldiers in Gumba,
– The Juba-Torit-Nimule roads,
– The Nile Ferry Terrorist act that left more than fifty SPLA soldiers dead,
– The regrettable Malakal incident
– The relentless stealth sponsorship of the LRA highwaymen
– The murder of the senior SPLA officer in Jebel Aulia in Khartoum and the killing of the SPLA soldiers in the same location
– The Juba salary rampage

These cherished trends together with the satanic intent of the NCP are bound to coalesce into an unparalleled anarchy in Sudan, unless the NCP is called to order through concerted pressure. It is hard to envision serenity in Sudan as long as the NCP runs the country, however it is up to Al Bashir to make substantial progress toward the achievement of milestones on national reconciliation, security, and good governance.

Sponsoring of terrorism and mayhem in South Sudan is not a solution to the country’s quandary. We have been made to understand that Khartoum pays the salaries of the whole Joint Integrated Units (JIU). It does not seem natural that one unit or group of soldiers (JIU) is on the pay list of two different governments. I think the SPLA high Command should take full responsibility for paying monetary entitlements to all its soldiers whether in the SPLA proper or component of the JIU forces and Khartoum must only pay its soldiers in the JIU and not the militia groups or the LRA. GOSS should have off pat that Khartoum has not yet exhausted all its cards of pandemonium and machinations.

* The author is a Sudanese based in Australia. He can be reached at [email protected]

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