Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM denounces false reports on corruption of South Sudan officials

Dec 28, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement condemned the publication of false reports accusing some members of the Southern Sudan government of corruption. The SPLM further urged the formation of neutral body to probe on corruption in the country.

The SPLM decried the publication by two Islamist newspapers of falsified statements of the bank accounts of the Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Riek Machar, the minister of transport in GOSS Madam Rebbecca de Mabior and the head of the Major Army Command of the SPLA, Gen. Oyay Deng.

The reports alleged that Madame Garang has US$ 14.199.611 in her account, while Machar has US$ 25.718.186 and Gen Deng has US$ 5.596.024.

The Vice president of GOSS told Akhbar Alyoum newspaper that he has taken a legal measure to pursue these newspapers requesting them to prove their allegations.

The SPLM has seen in these false reports sign of orchestrated campaign of defamation and hatred to discredit the SPLM leadership.

Yasir Arman, who signed the statement, as the SPLM official spokesman and a member of the political bureau, urged the Sudanese presidency to treat two questions: “the corruption and the declared war against the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and SPLM through identified tribunes to damage the reputation of the SPLM and disseminate hatred among Sudanese.”

He urged the presidency to form an ad-hoc panel to investigate and fight corruption in the apparatus of the state.

Observers say that these reports are directed against SPLM leaders who are known for their tough stand against the ruling National Congress Party.


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