Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes States governor details plan to quell insecurity

By Manyang Mayom

Jan 4, 2006 (RUMBEK) — The Governor of Lakes State said peace and security are at the top agenda of his administration. He further explained that no peace without disarmament, justice, reconciliation and development.

Daniel_Awet_Akot1.jpgThe governor of Lakes State, Lt.Gen Daniel Wet Akot, stated that peace is everywhere in his state as a result of plans and huge efforts exerted by his administration since his appointment last September.

The governor, who was speaking on 26 December at the Cultural Week held under the auspices of ministry of Information and Culture in Lakes State, said “Since October there are no cases of sectional or tribal fight s and cold blood killings reported. People are now moving freely in greater Yirol and other parts of the State without fear and hostilities.”

The governor Akot was appointed after the failure of the former governor John Lat to quell the insecurity in the region. Lat was reportedly ousted for fuelling inter-clan clashes in the state.

“In September to the first week of October 41 people lost their lives including a chief in the hand of criminals and peace spoilers in the State.” Governor Akot stated.

He further indicated he approached the insecurity in the Lakes State from four steps: restore law and order by disarming and arresting the culprits, application of justice, reconciliation with the involvement of church and local leaders and promoting regional development.

Lakes State governor highlighted the importance of coordination with the other neighbouring states on this regard. He said that an agreement was reached with the Warrap and Western Upper Nile states to “monitor and report on the issues of concern at the borders.”

Akot announced that the government of Southern Sudan had promised to excavate and deepen some rivers in the state to avert water crises among herders. “The work will start very soon with their two rivers; Bahr-Naam and Bahr-Gel. It is also in our agenda to create water reservoirs (Haffir) and more hand pumps to provide water for both human and animals.” he said.

The following is the speech of Lakes State Governor on the Cultural Awareness Week under the auspices of ministry of Information and Culture Lakes State:

Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s a pleasure and gratitude to welcome the secretary general of the SPLM Party, Mr. Pagan Amuom and our distinguished guests from Khartoum and other parts of the world who have joined us in this wonderful time of the year.

Today our reunion under these beautiful and lovely trees of Rumbek, after this long year of war and despair signifies the real love among ourselves and the motherland. As we are just to close the curtains of this year 2006, I’m very much optimistic that the year 2007 will be the beginning of the stability, peace, unity and development in Lakes State as well as other states in the South.

Distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen,

Following my new assignment as the governor of Lakes State in September last year 2006, we were still loosing many lives in sectional and tribal fights among our people themselves. In September to the first week of October 41 people lost their lives including a chief in the hand of criminals and peace spoilers in the State.

However, with the introduction of my security measures and tours all over the state from mid September through November, there is relative peace and tranquillity realized now. Since October there are no cases of sectional or tribal fight s and cold blood killings reported. People are now moving freely in greater Yirol and other parts of the State without fear and hostilities. My strategies and efforts of quell the insecurity in the State is through well studied systematic approach in four stages.

These stages are as follows:

1- Law and Order: in this stage we are imposing disarmament and arresting culprits to face charges and investigations.

2- Application of Justice: in this stage the criminals and all accused persons must face justice in fair trials in the courts of law.

3- Public Reconciliations: in this stage the state Government will involve churches, leaders of the communities and all stakeholders in process of healing and harmony.

4- Sustainability of Peace through Development: in this stage we will encourage both public and private sectors in the development of our state; which will in turn provide the employment to our people and hence keep them out of the troubles.

Honorable Guests ladies and Gentlemen

With the signing ceremony of the Interim Constitution of Lakes State (ICLS) on November 23rd 2006, last year, this was followed by the state provisional order of Disarmament passed by the State Legislative Assembly. The current collection of fire arms in the hands of civil population, SPLA Disabled, Loitering NCOs and men is going on productively in the state through the guidance and rule of law.

In addition, many murderers, cattle thieves/raiders and other wanted fugitives are not in detentions facing charges, investigations and trails. In this regards, the relationship among the three pillars of government; Legislative, Executive and Judiciary on the security matters in the state is flourishing on the respect f separation of powers and maximum co-operation. The old pending cases are moving faster now with proper investigations and trails.

I have also introduced curfew in Rumbek town during the nigh hours till morning; and this seems to be achieving some good results. This process will continue till we are sure that there is discipline respect to the rule of law.

Distinguished Guest Ladies and gentlemen

In the area of relationships with the other neighboring states, we have started with some good resolutions achieved at Bentinu Borders Peace Conference in October among the three states of Lakes, Warrap and Western Upper Nile. As a result of that Conference, we have exchanged Liaison Peace Officers among the three states to monitor and report on the issues of concern at the borders. Soon we will have a meeting of the three Governors in Warrap. It was scheduled to take place in December 2006 but adjourned because of Christmas.

We also hosted a successful workshop in Rumbek between chiefs and community leaders of Western Equatoria and Lakes in November last year 2006. This was done under the auspices of New Sudan Councils of Churches (NSCC) to build peace, trust and normalization of relations between these two great communities.

Recently, I and Lt.General Bol Akot Madut, Governor of Warrap State conducted big public rallies in Rumbek, Cueibet, Tonj and Makuac on issues of disarmament, apprehension of criminals, application of justice and above self control of our people avoid tribal fights.

These tremendous efforts resulted to Maper meeting between chiefs and of Pakam and Luac-jang on December 7th 2006. However, this Maper meeting under my chairmanship was embraced with mutual understanding between chiefs of Pakam and Luac-jang. They also recognized the badness of fire arms in our communities. As a result they pledged seriously to surrender all their weapons back to the authorities; so that they and their children enjoy peace and stability. Furthermore, they had shown genuine concern and great desire to stop hostilities among themselves.

Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the area of water and pasture which attract serious competition and conflicts among our communities during the dry season, we have a pledge from government of South Sudan (GOSS) to excavate and deepen some of our rivers and Lakes. The work will start very soon with their two rivers; Bahr-Naam and Bahr-Gel. It is also in our agenda to create water reservoirs (Haffir) and more hand pumps to provide water for both human and animals.

Distinguished Guest, Ladies and Gentlemen

This cultural Awareness Week I anticipate good results out of it under its themes of peace and cultural. I also believe this would be the beginning of reunion of all Lakes State youths Associations at home and Diaspora to know each other, interact and work together for the common interests of Lakes State.

Once again I thank our Distinguished Guests for having come to share with us this Christmas celebrations of year 2006 to 2007. My best season’s greetings for all of you, and happy New Year. May almighty God bless you all.


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