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Sudan Tribune

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Somalia releases information on Islamists deported from Kenya

Jan 29, 2007 (MOGADISHU) — The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia has spoken out about the terror suspects who were recently deported from Kenya and handed over to the TFG, Mogadishu .

Tthe official spokesman of the TFG, Abd-al-Rahman Dinari, told the Shabelle Media Network that the first phase of the investigations into the conduct and the background of the suspects, who were deported from Kenya last week and the previous deportees have both been concluded.

Dinari disclosed that some of the deported suspects are members of international terrorist network of various nationalities, including Tanzania, Comoros Island, Kenya, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Sweden, Ethiopia and Syria.

Dinari said the deported suspects include the wives and the children of prominent terrorist suspects such as Haroun Fazul, wife and three children, Muhammad Ali of Morocco and his wife, Mulki Abdinasir Umar, who is of Somali nationality. Muhammad Ali has three children from his Somali wife, Mulki. The foreign terror suspects were using Somalia as hid out, Dinari added.

The spokesman also said the deported suspects also include some of the defeated Union of Islamic Courts members, adding that there are still investigations going on regarding some other suspects which the government will soon disclose. Dinari avoided divulging where the suspects are being held. He said the suspects would be arraigned in court.

It was on 27 January when 23 suspects were deported from Kenya and handed over to the TFG. The 23 were nabbed at Somali-Kenya border by the Kenyan security personnel.

Security sources at Mogadishu Airport confirmed to Shabelle Media Network that a plane carrying 32 suspects landed at the airport on 27 January. The sources confirmed that the suspects were handcuffed an their heads were covered with sacks.

(Shabelle Media)

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