Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese press body slams ban of newspaper

Feb 2, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese press self regulatory body condemned the indefinite closure of an Arabic language leading news paper, saying press prosecution does not have the right to suspend a newspaper.

Head of the press council Ali Shummu, reaffirmed that the decision was an illegal move that had bypassed the press council’s powers. He said the press prosecution did not have the right to suspend the newspaper.

Al-Sudani newspaper has lodged an appeal at the ministry of justice against the decision taken by the press prosecution yesterday to suspend its publication indefinitely.

The newspaper representatives further handed over a protest note against the decision to the press and publications council and the union of journalists.

Sudanese authorities closed al-Sudani despite a new constitution adopted on 9 July 2006 enshrining press freedom, accusing it of illegally publishing articles about the beheading of a Sudanese journalist.

The Ministry of Justice had prohibited publication of any articles related to the case of Mohamed Taha, the editor of al-Wifaq paper who was kidnapped and beheaded last year, until the investigation had ended.

But al-Sudani said the investigation had ended and the case had already gone to court.


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