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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan women have become freedom fighters – Darios

By Isaac Vuni

March 8, 2007 (TORIT) — The chairlady of Women organizations in Eastern Equatoria state (EES), Sabina Darios said women of southern Sudan have become freedom fighters for the coming generation to enjoy peace, freedom and justice.

Speaking on the occasion of commemorating International women day organized by women at their head office in Torit, Ms. Darios said women as custodian of life, therefore, should be accorded special attention by men than looking at women’s negative sides.

Tens of hundreds women commemorated for the second time in the history of Eastern Equatoria State the International Women Day in the state capital, Torit. Earlier, GoSS Ministry of Gender has donated US$ 8000 for the celebration in the state while Governor Ojetuk donated undisclosed amount for construction of women center in Torit and the center was officially launch on this auspicious occasion.

Ms. Darios observed that rural women are confronted with many difficulties ranging from fetching water, collection of firewood, grinding cereals, and taking care of children right from maternity period to teenagers’ hood.

She said domestic violence is a negative practice in southern Sudan that has to be stopped especially in Eastern Equatoria state. Otherwise, she warned “This makes some women to loose confidence in their men and eventually transferred their men’s frustration to their innocent children.

She said Girls should be involve in physical education and sports activities, and that midwifery training should be step-up in the state and a specialist in gynecology be sent to Torit Civil hospital to easy suffering of women and some complicated labour.

Ms. Darios appeals to all women in the state to encourage their daughters to go to school and at the same time to discourage them from early marriages arranged and also to refrain from unwarranted pregnancy as a way of eliminating customary rights that endangers female future and progress.

Meanwhile the youth representative says many women and youth have dearly paid for liberation of southern Sudan during the past 21 years but they are now forgotten by the ruling clique in the government of southern Sudan.

Youth representative said the youth from exile are highly trained in various skills but when they return to their respective states, the governors are not willing to accommodate them.

The statements appeal to women in the state to be very understanding, loving and forgiving citizens of southern Sudan.

The Commissioner of Torit County, Col. Massimino Alam, says women should not go astray because of International Women Day slogans but rather be contented with African cultural set up system especially in eastern equatoria state where women role was to assist their men in all matter of family concern.

“I would like to assure you that we are also united in ensuring that women are not beaten by men at will, especially in front of their children”.

However, Commissioner Alam says, “According to Otuho tradition, women have to be beaten by their husbands because she might be harboring behaviors from their home and would like to imposed it on her husband”.

Nevertheless, Commissioner Alam, regrettably recalled how three women; two pregnant and one with a suckling baby were recently short by raiders at Hayala village, he say, was totally against Otuho tradition. He said, according to Otuho tradition, when a women comes in between fighting men or raiders, they will automatically ceased from fighting because women are regarded as custodian of life. Commissioner Alam wondered why Otuho adages are not being practice today!

It is high time we must teach our children about our rich cultural heritage than embracing foreign culture that tends to destroy Otuho cultural setup, he says.

He declared that all southern Sudanese girls must be sent to school and be accorded equal treatment like boys because they are the future leaders of tomorrow. Adding that any parent who refuses to send their children to school must be severely punished.

Commissioner Alam told women of the state not to expect men to gives them their rights but they must demand for it at any cost.

He said grinding mill should be installs in all counties and villages to enable women have access for grinding their cereals for family consumption. He says women are the mother of every home and they have to be respected by men.

The catholic Bishop of Torit Diocese, Rev. Johnson Akio appealed to women in the state to refrain from battering their husband and forge the spirit of dialoged at event of dispute within a particular family. “If we men could explore the potentials of our women, they could be productive in our society in Eastern Equatoria state today”, remarks Bishop Akio.

The minister of Social Development, Mr. Morris Merisiya Kaunda says soon his ministry would build a center for women activities promotion in the state capital Torit. He appealed to NGOs operating in the state and are involved in gendering women programs to come to their aid.

Governor Ojetuk said there would be no a woman without a man, therefore he urges the two partners to work together for uplifting their god given responsibility of raising family.

He said men must change their attitude towards women and treat them as partners in all matter of family decision making.

Governor Ojetuk reminded women activists that changes of attitude towards women role as being equal to that of men would be gradually than over night.


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