Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Eastern Equatorians flee villages as Ugandan rebels resurface

By Isaac Vuni

March 14, 2007 (TORIT) — The Ugandan rebels LRA has resurfaced and displaced entire people from Imurok and Bunyoro Villages in Eastern Equatoria, yesterday night, Col. Massimino Alam has said.

LRA_soldiers_stand.jpgCol. Alam say LRA incursion in Eastern Equatoria state has become like a torn in the flesh and therefore appeal to SPLA commander in chief to immediately send SPLA forces to come and flash LRA out of the state.

During the press briefing in his office Wednesday afternoon, Commissioner Alam said Imurok and Bunyoro Villages are 16 miles from Torit, capital of Eastern Equatoria state.

Surrounded by Paul Eric Gworo, Acting Executive Director of Torit County, paramount chief Gilbert Albino Abile and Sub chief Zakaria Tito Ochang who hails from the affected areas, say Ugandan rebels LRA has last night at 5pm attacked and displaced entire community of Imurok and Bunyoro Villages.

“As I report to you, we left LRA up to this morning looting our food while people are in hiding”, says sub chiefs Zakaria Tito Ochang.

Commissioner Alam said LRA had earlier on March 12th 2007 attacked and displaced people from the same villages and he was forced to higher two lorries to ferry SPLA soldiers from Papa 91 at Nimule and they are expected to arrives anytime from today to help in evicting LRA and groups of cattle raiders from Hiyala, Hilieu and Ilieu villages that has become another threat to people’s life in the state.

Commissioner Alam says he had requested Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation (SRRC) Office in Torit to support the LRA displaced people with emergency assistance but Brigadier General, Luka Acaye, state Director of SRRC say, “Even though we have 219 bags of sorghum, 97 cartons of cooking oil with three bags of salt in our store, I got to seek first approval form WFP officer in Kapoeta because WFP officer always suspects us of not telling the truth story on emergency ”.

When contacted this afternoon, Mrs. Constance Lewanika, Head of Sub office WFP, Eastern Equatoria State Kapoeta denied having received any information on LRA displaced person from the SRRC Torit Office.

Meanwhile the acting Executive Director of Torit County, Paul Eric Gworo accused SRRC director of undermining Commissioner by saying “I am tired of your commissioner of calling me frequently from time to time. He should understand that I am a senior officer, therefore not answerable to him the commissioner than the state governor. Go and inform Col. Alam to come to my office”, claimed Commissioner’s messenger.


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