Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Paradox of Lasting Peace: Murle vs. Security in Jonglei state

*By Deng-Athoi Galwak Deng-Athoi

March 25, 2007 -– On March 2nd, exactly three weeks ago, Murle cattle rustlers’ waged overwhelming raid in many parts of Jonglei state while President Salva Kiir addressed a rally in Bor. Ishmael Kony militias raided Anyidi, the following day, another squad raided cattle in Akobo and Duk counties. A total of 18 people [my heartfelt condolences goes to the families of victims for this vicious murdering] were killed in Duk, Twic East, Bor South, and Akobo Counties combined. An estimated 900 cattle were stolen. In addition, hundreds of children have been abducted in the same episode.

As a result, there was wide spread outcry from Jonglei citizens to rearm or hold government accountable for not bringing Murle culprits to their knees because all other counties were disarmed except for Pibor county. To make matter worse, Commissioner Jok Ariing had a pressure from his constituents to demand retort from the government to protect vulnerable citizens or rearm his people. Similar calls were made from other counties. I too pledged to my commissioner Mayen Ngor to do something. I further send email and advised governor to pressure the (government of South Sudan) GOSS to take immediate action.

While the government was contemplating and evaluating best options, Commissioner Jok could not bear patient from Governor Thon Leek and Prez Kiir Mayardit. He went on by threatening to re-arm his people if the SPLA cannot disarm Murle. According to Bor South Commissioner Jok, “citizens need to be re-armed if other areas are still left with weapons. Our civilians were disarmed last year; we thought everybody would be disarmed… I know it can cause more death but we are ready to do it for our safety,” (Jok Ariing March 2nd) with due respect to commissioner, this is intolerable in deed for Murle to jeopardize peace in the state. However, I find it very irrational for Mr. Commissioner and vast majority of citizens to call for the “rearmament” if the government does not disarm murle. I find it very unfortunate that others are blaming state government [specifically governor Thon Leek, Commissioners Jok Ariing, Mayen Ngor, and Diing Akol] for disarming their people in the first place. Exasperated citizen wrote “Hell with Thon Leek and Jok Aring and those who claim to Bor leaders! (Meaning commissioners in this context) Why did they accept disarmament in the first place and they knew how susceptible the security in that region was? I’m too tired of our leaders being submissive to the higher authorities because they always fail to voice their concerns critically and that is why the Nassir faction in 1991 overruns the whole population.”(Name withheld March 5th)

I don’t personally condone what murle did and I wholeheartedly condemned this brutal and savagery attack on peace-loving societies, however, if we look at larger picture, the means does not justify the end. Hence, “rearming” our people will not unravel the tribulations with murle. I mean, this is not the ‘first and last’ time murle raided us. This is not the ‘first time’ Murle acquire weapons. Murle had been prowling our communities for centuries and they keep doing it. It became second nature for murle to survive on pilfering from others. It is gauche penchant for Murle society to have these hasty raiding.

Murle tribe is miniature tribe compared to Nuers and Dinka Bor; most certainly, we can wipe them out in a matter of seconds if we opt to wage ultimate revenge against them. However, Will that make us happy to annihilate Murle? Are we afraid of Murle? No! And yes our forefathers prefer peaceful coexistence with murle instead of vengeances. Do we have to blame our dear governor, president and commissioners? Theoretically yes. The government owed it to the victims for not protecting them but technically, we should not blame it on our leaders for the atrocities committed by the murle perpetrators. Murle are still in savage lawless path and the government is preparing to pacify them how to be law-abiding citizens. I am sure SPLA will disarm them by all means soon or later. Let’s not be irritated for what actions the government will take.

Moreover, some individuals have hijacked the recent pillaging by Murle as their “window of opportunity” to criticized and questioned the leadership of Governor Philip Thon Leek. It seems to me that others are looking for ways to criticize the governor in vain. It is absolute that peace is golden and security is diamond. Disarmament was a best way to secure lasting peace and I applauded governor Leek for prioritizing peace as away forward in the state. I’m sure he recognized the impact of Murle horrendous raid and he is working with GoSS to decipher this problem. Let’s wait and observe the proceedings and procedures the governor has taken to address these problems. Governor is not immune to criticism but it is due were it doable otherwise, we are jeopardizing and undermining his authority.

Be reminded if some of you do not know that this massive foray in the statewide was carried out by Ishmael Kony militias. It was carried out by our “traditional murle cattle raiders” that we normal defeats. This incursion was masterminded by Kony and “axis-of-evil”. Therefore, it is beyond our governor sphere of control to negotiate disarmament with these well-equipped forces. Let me elaborate further that, these militias are still supplied by the regime in Khartoum to cause problems in our state. In fact, our faith is put in jeopardy by the El Beshir gov’t as a temptation to cause misunderstanding before 2011. SPLA disarmament unit has the lead-role into this problem and let not blame it on the government to initiate disarmament in our state. Currently, High Commander George Athor is on standby mission to disarm Kony militias.

Let’s not fail to remember that our people are paying for the price of peace. It is painful to bear but it will worth it at the long run. If we choose to rearm against murle, it is more likely that we are creating another “Darfur crisis” within Jonglei state. We are not defiant society to be use by Beshir as Janjaweed against Fur people; it will not do us any good. The stockpiles of guns are still reachable in our hands in Bor Town warehouse and Akobo but we must recognize that guns will not grantee our wellbeing. My recommendation is for the SPLA to disarm Kony within the blink of eye.

We must recall that there was peace agreement held in Poktap, Duk County in 2005. All the tribes agreed to be disarm completely. It was unanimous recognition of peace by all clans and tribal leaders. Thus, when Nuer Lou youth refused to disarm, their elders appealed to them and the final stage of disarmament in Akobo was peaceful, bloodless and nonviolent. In the case of Murle, SPLA should be the one to disarm Kony mavericks’ militias who are carrying out these horrific and unpleasant incidents. I appeals to all Jonglei citizens, commissioners, and governor to seek non-violence approach so that our cradle state may enjoy “peace at last”. Rearming will invite more evils within our society. Less guns, less violence. We cannot afford to trade peace for rearming.

*Deng-Athoi is a graduate student at the University of Mass. Boston (USA). He can be reached at* [email protected]


  • Ariik

    Paradox of Lasting Peace: Murle vs. Security in Jonglei state
    It is very unfortunated that our people are still facing such issues,I don’t see the point that GOSS has not responses to the need of Jonglei state, yet we are all know that our people depends on the cattles. There are many soci-economic issues paving road to suffering of Jonglei state particular Bor north GOSS must looks at the life people especially people in villages and small town. I agree with Jok Ariing ideas of army Bor and Nuer people to protect themselves since GOSS is not acting, however,let’s not blame the leaders but work toward action that will be productive to the future of our forks, we have many wounds to be heals, we have enough problems therefore we have not times to deal with murle, I pledge that the governor act according to the best interest of Dinka, Nuer and murle. my condolences to the families of victims may God give you comforts and may God rest the soul of victims in peace.
    Yr Truly Ariik

    • Ajou

      Why Condonning the Presence of LRA in our Region?
      Confrontation does not help in a sense that you will face out the elements by guns, this may even caused more lives of innocent civiliians. let us seek for peaceful solution to this as the only means of solving regional conflicts and as initiated by the GOSS to mediate the talks.



  • Milton Severino
    Milton Severino

    Why Condonning the Presence of LRA in our Region?
    Dear Fellow Sudanese,
    I am writing from Kenya Nairobi. A am a Sudanese. There is a proverb says that, the best advantage frogs have over men is, they don’t jock with anything iching their body. Men does. This is our big mistakes.
    It has taken us long struggle to claim for a total peace and enjoyment of fundamental right in our nation. There was nothing bitter like shading blood. Although it was achived through a CPA, We need to be in total enjoyment and pocession of the said.

    Why are we condonning the presence of the so-called LRA rebells in our area and to what extend shall we bear this? Wether they are supported by GoS or not, why can’t we eradicate them. What is the logic of their presence in our region? Are they tryig to invade Uganda, CAR, or Sudan? They have have become a simple mercenaries and bandits.

    Let us act, this does not require phylosophy, diplomacy but action. We have guns, we know how to fight, we have Soldiers, why wait?

    I am rready to forefront this.

  • malok

    Paradox of Lasting Peace: Murle vs. Security in Jonglei state
    I have gone through CPA and south sudan constitution once. I do not know or remember in both documents wether or not security ( of state for this matter) falls under the gonu,goss or state government.the level of government to blame for this insecurity in jonglei state depend on what the costittution say.

    But certainly, much blame should be on goss partly because they have not done uniform disarment of all tribes in jonglei state. however, this blame is valid only and if Ismael Kony militia are not involve, but instead was cordinate by murle cattle raiders.

  • Jok Awan Chengkuach
    Jok Awan Chengkuach

    Paradox of Lasting Peace: Murle vs. Security in Jonglei state
    “By Jok Awan”

    Indeed it is truly shocking that the government of the Southern Sudan didn’t act to solve this particular matter on time [Murle Aggression]. It is absolutely unthinkable that the government doesn’t mind people’s voices,but this Murle’s raids on other sub-tribes is brutul and it also jepeordize the peace prosperity in the State.
    The government of the State and Southern Sudan, both need to act now before it can further fuel the tension among other tribes. Government must do this with its authority cautiously and demonstrate clearly to Murle’s people that peace among ourselves in Jonglei state is a way forward, but not raids or conflicts. The average Murle may not like other tribes to retaliate against them.

    In addition, “rearming communities” I couldn’t agree with this motive anymore because it will worsen the security of the State and the whole Region. It is a short-term solution when I scan it and whoever propose this ideal, may need to revise it thoroughly before he can cross the line. Thanks a lot to all of you those who may voice their concerns…

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