Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

“Our priority” is to ” hit the rebellion” in Darfur, Al- Bashir

By Sudanese TV

KHARTOUM, Jan 04, 2003 — [Newscaster] The president of the republic, Staff Lt-Gen Umar al- Bashir, has announced that the priority of the state is to enforce security in Darfur [western Sudan].

President Al-Bashir spoke at a meeting held in the Guest House, organized by the Presidency of the Republic. The meeting was attended vice-president, Speaker, [ruling party] National Congress’ secretary-general, governors, secretaries of the National Congress in the states and chairmen of legislative assemblies.

[Unidentified reporter] The president of the republic, Staff Lt- Gen Umar al-Bashir, has announced that the priority of the state is to eliminate the rebellion in Darfur, collect arms and go ahead with development projects.

Al-Bashir spoke when he addressed a large meeting in the Guest House, organized by the Presidency of the Republic. The meeting was attended by vice-president of the republic, Speaker, National Congress’ secretary-general, chairman of Southern States Coordination Council, governors, secretaries of the National Congress in the states and chairmen of legislative assemblies. The objective of the meeting was to discuss development in the situation in Darfur.

The president gave directives to the governors to send convoys [of assistance] in support for the citizens of Darfur and to organize orientation campaigns in all the states.

The president refuted allegations that Darfur is marginalized. He said Darfur had witnessed great development which had not happened in other states in the country. He said construction work was going on very well on Western Salvation highway. He said a great number of Darfur citizens were against the rebellion.

[Al-Bashir] Our priority is to direct all resources, energies and capabilities to hit the rebellion. We also want to send relief to the affected people, because there are so many people who have been displaced from the area by the rebellion, despite the fact that their areas were safe and had water and cultivation – they cultivated very well. The citizens had no problem, but they were forced out of there and are now in need of relief. There is plenty of food there [in Darfur] and other non-food items. We also want the people of Darfur to feel that Sudan is supporting them. That is why we requested all the states to send convoys to Darfur with the aim of extending moral support. We want to confirm that the rebellion in Darfur is limited.

[Unidentified reporter] The president has announced that there is a political and extensive media move inside and outside the country in order to give a clear picture of what is happening in Darfur. He said what is happening in Darfur is being backed by foreign forces and the aim of which is to destabilize security and stability, entrench the rebellion and destabilize the social fabric in Darfur.

The speakers at the meeting condemned all forms of rebellion and armed robbery which target innocent people. They expressed full commitment to support government’s efforts to achieve security and stability in Darfur. They affirmed the importance of dispatching official and popular delegations to give assistance and support to the citizens of Darfur. The speakers also called for isolating the rebellion, besieging it and mobilizing all capabilities to eliminate it.

BBC Monitoring Newsfile

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