Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Rebel group welcomes designation of SPLM envoy to Darfur

April 5, 2007 (LONDON) — A rebel group has welcomed the designation of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement special envoy to Darfur charged of contacts with rebel groups and to work for the resolution of the four year conflict.

Darfur rebel National Redemption Front (NRF) has welcomed the appointment of Reverend Clement Janda as SPLM Envoy for Darfur and pledges full cooperation to secure just peace in Darfur, the NRF said in a press statement Thursday.

Reverend Janda was part of Sudanese delegation in Abuja peace talks representing the SPLM. “While in Abuja, Reverend Clement was able to form a solid communication line with Darfur Movements.” NRF said.

Earlier last week, the chairman of the SPLM issued a decision to appoint Reverend Janda as envoy with a six-member team. Abdelaziz al-Hilo was appointed as deputy chairman and Joseph Deng as secretary while Yasser Arman, Edward Lino, James Kol, Persikilla Nyang as members.

This decision has come in response to the SPLM Interim National Council meeting held last February at Yei Town in South Sudan.

The NRF blamed the chairman of the SPLM of not visiting Darfur since his designation as First Vice-President and requested the envoy to start with this point.

“To date, SPLM Chainman/ First Vice President Kiir Mayardit has not had time to visit Darfur. While we understand the colossal work the Chairman has to manage in his southern constituency; it is hard not to conclude that Darfur has never been an SPLM priority. Embarrassing as it may be, this unfortunate fact must form the starting point for the new Envoy.”

Rebel NRF said that SPLM should not act to find a solution for Darfur crisis in order to not hinder the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that it signed with the ruling National Congress Party in January 2005.

“Reverend Janda must work from the premise that Dr. Garang’s New Sudan cannot be built at the expense of any part of the Sudan. He must equally understand that the conflict of Darfur can never be reduced to a simple strategy for the implementation of the CPA. Far from it, New Sudan can only be founded on just and dignified peace for all including Darfur.” NRF statement said.

“Reverend Janda’s arrival into Darfur’s political jigsaw might be late. Nonetheless, there is an opportunity not to be missed. SPLM must note the urgency of the situation. Work must start as early as today and the NRF is ready for that.”

The late John Garang had made the resolution of Darfur crisis on the top agenda of his program but after his death, Salva Kiir dedicated most of his time to resolve the endless conflicts with his peace partner president Omar al-Bashir on the implementation of the CPA.


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