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Sudan Tribune

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AU security body expresses concern over Darfur

April 6, 2007 (ADDIS ABABA) — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union expressed its profound concern at the prevailing security situation in Darfur.

In a communique it released during the 75th meeting held on 4 and 5 April 2007, the council strongly condemns all attacks against civilians and NGOs, the violations of the cease-fire and other acts of violence and banditry, in total disregard of the agreements signed by the Sudanese parties and the basic norms of international humanitarian law.

It said expressed concern at the continued difficulties impeding the effective functioning of the Cease-fire Commission (CFC) and the Joint Commission (JC).

The council reiterated its appeal to the signatories to the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA), as well as the other parties, to extend full cooperation towards the efforts aimed at facilitating the effective functioning of these organs, including the CFC dual chamber system.

It demanded a prompt investigation into the recent attacks against African Union Mission in the Sudan (AMIS) and its personnel, with the full cooperation of all the parties involved, in order to identify the culprits and bring them to justice.

The council noted with deep concern that AMIS continues to face restrictions to its freedom of movement imposed by parties.

The council stressed the need for a robust peacekeeping operation in Darfur.

Reiterated its support to the efforts being exerted by the AU and United Nations special envoys, Salim Ahmed Salim and Jan Eliasson, in order to re-energize the peace process in Darfur based on the DPA.

The council also reaffirmed its determination to continue working closely with the United Nations Security Council to consider the best ways and means of addressing the new threats to peace and security in Darfur.



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The Peace and Security Council of the African Union, at its 75thmeeting held on4 and 5 April 2007, took the following decision on the situation in Darfur:

The Council,

1. Expresses its profound concern at the prevailing security situation in Darfur. Council strongly condemns all attacks against civilians and NGOs, the violations ofthe ceasefire and other acts of violence and banditry, in total disregard of theagreements signed by the Sudanese parties and the basic norms of internationalhumanitarian law;

2. Further expresses shock and outrage at the series of attacks directed against the personnel of AMIS, in particular the abduction, on 10 December 2006, of a seniormilitary officer from the Nigerian contingent; the murder of a civilian police officer fromNiger on 1stFebruary 2007, at the Kassab IDP camp, in northern Darfur; the murder, on5 March 2007, of two AMIS personnel from the Nigerian contingent in Graida; theshooting, in the Kurni general area of Jebel Marra, that clearly targeted an AMIShelicopter carrying the Deputy Force Commander and other AMIS personnel, on 31stMarch 2007; and the killing of five AMIS protection force soldiers from the Senegalese contingent, at a water point in Umbaro, on 1stApril 2007;

3. Strongly condemns these heinous acts, which are clear violations of the different Ceasefire Agreements that the Sudanese parties have solemnly agreed to.Council warns that if this increasing hostility against AMIS continues, the peacekeepingoperation in Darfur, which is already operating under extremely difficult conditions, willbe in serious jeopardy;

4. Demands a prompt investigation into the recent attacks against AMIS and its personnel, with the full cooperation of all the parties involved, in order to identify theculprits and bring them to justice. Council further demands that both the DPAsignatories and the non-signatories fully cooperate with AMIS and the humanitarianagencies, and create conducive conditions on the ground, including guaranteeing thesecurity and safety of their personnel, equipment and assets;

5. Expresses concern at the continued difficulties impeding the effective functioning of the Ceasefire Commission (CFC) and the Joint Commission (JC) andreiterates its appeal to the signatories to the DPA, as well as the other parties, toextend full cooperation towards the efforts aimed at facilitating the effective functioningof these organs, including the CFC dual chamber system. Council further expressesits support to the ongoing efforts aimed at streamlining the composition of the CFC andthe JC;

6. Notes with deep concern that AMIS continues to face restrictions to its freedom of movement imposed by the parties. Council urges the parties to facilitate the work ofthe Mission by lifting these restrictions. Council further urges the Government of theSudan to extend greater cooperation to AMIS and the Troop Contributing Countries,particularly by expediting the issuance of visas and the granting of flight clearances.

7. Stresses the need for a robust peacekeeping operation in Darfur. In this respect, Council notes with concern that the strengthening of AMIS, as decided at itsmeeting held in New York on 20 September 2006, could not be implemented due to thelack of financial and logistical support. Council appeals to the African Union memberstates and partners to provide the financial and logistical support required for thestrengthening of AMIS through the deployment of six additional battalions as authorizedby the Peace and Security Council;

8. Also notes with concern the difficulties facing the implementation of the phased approach towards a strengthened peacekeeping operation in Darfur, as approved at itsmeeting held in Abuja on 30 November 2006. Council emphasizes the imperative forthe speedy conclusion of the ongoing consultations between the African Union, theUnited Nations and the Government of the Sudan on the basis of the proposalssubmitted by the African Union and the United Nations on the heavy support packageand the AU/UN hybrid operation, as part of the implementation of its Abuja decision. Council expresses hope that the forthcoming consultations of the African Union and theUnited Nations with the Government of Sudan will succeed in paving the way for the fullimplementation of the phased approach;

9. Reiterates its support to the efforts being exerted by the African Union and United Nations Special Envoys, Salim Ahmed Salim and Jan Eliasson, in order to re-energize the peace process in Darfur based on the DPA. Council calls upon the non-signatories to join the peace process, and urges all the Sudanese parties to display thenecessary flexibility and spirit of compromise. Council stresses the need for all theother initiatives being deployed to re-energize the peace process in Darfur to be closelycoordinated with the African Union;

10. Reaffirms its determination to continue working closely with the United Nations Security Council to consider the best ways and means of addressing the new threats topeace and security in Darfur and facilitating the restoration of lasting peace and stabilityin the region;

11. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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