Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Eastern Equatoria parliament appoints new business panel

By Isaac Vuni

April 18, 2007 (JUBA) —The newly elected Speaker of Eastern Equatoria State Interim Legislative Assembly, Ms Sabina Dario has, today, dissolved the Assembly Business Committee (ABC) and appointed a new team.

Soon after appointment, the state Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Mr. George Muras Lomoro presented to the August House the state budget for physical year 2007 and it was subjected for first reading.

According to Conduct of Business 2007, it would have to undergo through reading by lawmaker within a period of two weeks. However, Marko Lokitoi s revealed that the Assembly is scheduled to go on recess on April 20th 2007.

Earlier Governor Ojetuk has released Jermiah Africa form his position of Leader of the Government Business in the Assembly and appointed Paul Napwon Yonai as the new leader of government business in the assembly.

Meanwhile the SPLM State Secretary, Felix Otuduha Siro bitterly complaint of being sidelined by Governor Ojetuk in process of political establishing of the state parliamentarian including recommendation for appointing cabinet ministers


The new team comprising of :

– Arungole Rino Loremo, Chairman Specialized Committee of Development, Economic, Public Accounts and Finance,
– Aziz Atari, Chairman Specialized Committee of Security and Public Order,
– Jamal Peter Lotipe, Chairman Specialized Committee of Services and Physical Infrastructure, Research, Science and Technology,
– Karlo Lopuke Amoni, Chairman Specialized Committee of Culture and Information,
– Agnes Odwar Chairperson Specialized Committee of Social Welfare, Youth and Sports,
– Julius Ajeo Moilinga, Chairman of Legislation and Legal affairs.


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