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Sudan Tribune

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Salva Kiir donates $100,000 to Sudanese women group

May 7, 2007 (JUBA) — The First Vice-President and President of government of Southern Sudan, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, today, donated one hundreds thousands US dollars to southern Sudanese Women in politics advocacy group.

He made the donation during the official opening of the five days national conference of Sudanese’s women in politics, first of its kind in the history of Sudan, being held at Juba University premises under the theme; “Participation and Empowerment”.

President Mayardit told women not to fear completion with men since they women are best placed in their respective career, adding that women should strive for political representations that would allows them to defend their rights at all levels of administration in Sudan.

He said the conference is an historic gathering of Sudanese women who are yet contributing to life areas of the empowerment of women country wide.

“Do not be complacent with the 25% positions granted to you by SPLM/A, rather you must aim higher like your sisters in the neighboring Rwanda who are occupying 50% of administrative positions of their country”, advised president Mayardit.

President Mayardit said GoSS would ensure that the ration of 25% for women is included in the electorate bill of 2007 to enable women to fairly compete in the 2008 election.

President Mayardit reminded the women that the 21 years of war waged by SPLM/A, from May 1973 to January 8th 2005 was aimed to address injustice, inequality and marginalization throughout the Sudan and that Sudanese women are the most marginalized in Sudan hence the SPLM/A has decided to grant southern Sudanese women 25% positions at all levels of government.

Mayardid say SPLM has three female representatives at Government of National Unity in Khartoum, and that there are also a large number of women in the National assembly at Omdurman.

At the level of southern Sudan, there are four women advisors to the presidency, three female heading Commissions of Anti-corruption, Human rights and Employees’ justice chamber respectively. Equally, there is Dr. Julia Duwany, the first female Undersecretary in the Goss ministry of public service and human resource development. Adding that there are also 40 female legislators in southern Sudan legislative assembly.

Meanwhile at the state level, President Mayardit says women are progressing fairly good; adding that the first women Speaker in the history of Sudan was elected from Eastern Equatoria State while Northern Bahr el Ghazal has a Deputy Speaker, Warrp and Upper Nile states each has a Deputy governor.

President Mayardit praised the role being play by women in developing southern Sudan in various fields and that his government and the entire southern Sudanese are very proud to have 17 female judges and 30 legal councilors in the competitive positions of judiciary in Sudan.

GoSS President further disclosed that there are several women holding positions of county commissioners at the county level. He also says the annual leadership award given to Mrs. Awut Deng Achil by vital voices global partnership of USA was an international recognition of southern Sudanese women participation internationaly.

The first lady of southern Sudan government, Mrs. Mary Ayan Salva advised women not to only concentrate on the 25% ration granted by SPLM/A rather women should go and compete for the 75% of men since they women are the majority.

“Lets not only concentrate on 25% rather go for the greater balance of 75% because it is us women who are the majority” remarks Mrs. Mary Ayan Salva.

Meanwhile first lady Fatima Bashir calls on all women to be united irrespective of their ethnicity, political or religious affiliation in order to realized the objectives of the CPA.

First lady Bashir commended southern Sudanese women for their pro active participation in the liberation struggle that gave birth to the CPA.

The minister of Roads and transport who is also the wife of late Dr. John Garang, Mama Rebecca Mabior said women should not wait for men to give their rights rather they women must demand for it through organized approaches to respective leadership in Goss and at the level of Government of National unity in Khartoum.

“We southern Sudanese women are internationally best known for begging but we did it with dignify in order to safe and educate our children”, recalled mama Mabior.

She went on saying “As women in the liberation struggle, we gave our men courage to continue with the national liberation struggle whose fruits all of us today are enjoying the CPA; therefore, we need to protect the CPA at any cost.
Mama Mabior appeal to all southern Sudanese especially women to work together with her in reconstruction and repairs of roads.

“As your minister, I cannot build or repairs southern roads alone, hence, I need your full participation and moral support in the same way you gave it to me when our leader and hero of the CPA , my beloved husband died in a plane crush in July 2005.”

In his welcoming remarks, the host governor of Central Equatoria state, Major General Clement Wani says Sudanese women are best place to stop the war in Darfur. “It is you women who can stop the war in Darfur. Otherwise, Governor Wani warns that it would be meaningless to go for election in year 2008 while one part of Sudan is bleeding”.

The Goss minister of public service and human resource development, Mr. David Deng Atorbis described Sudanese women as being like John the Baptist of biblical who Jesus referred to as rock. Therefore, he says it’s upon Sudanese women that a free and shining southern Sudan would be build.

Meanwhile the minister for Gender, social service and religious affairs Mrs. Mary Kiden said Sudanese women only have one father and one mother which is the CPA. She appeals to all Sudanese women to learn and respect each other and work as a team to address issues that concern them be it social or political.

Minister Kiden say 80 year old men should not be allow to Mary under age girl of 18 years and below. Should such case happened, women in the location should seek legal redress so that the culprit is taken to court and imprison.

The national Sudanese women in politics conference opens today at Juba University Samani hall Under the theme “Participation and Empowerment” During the five days conference, Sudanese women leaders from southern Sudan, northern Sudan, Sudanese political parties and friendly countries of Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and South Africa would focus their discussion on Women Empowerment and Affirmative Action, Sudanese women in politics, Sudanese Women in liberation Movements, An explanation on Comprehensive Peace agreement by Dr. Ann Itto, south Sudan woman who was within the negotiating team of SPLM/A ,Creation of a Culture of Peace in Sudan, Truth telling and Reconciliation, National Policies and Women Empowerment in Sudan, Empowerment of women into politic through Health promotion and Mentoring, Women empowerment in Economic activities, Women in public service, the role of political parties in empowering women, the role of women in eradicating poverty in the Sudan, Literacy for southern Sudanese women, Education and Nationalism, Poverty and education, strategy for women political empowerment and the role of civil society in political arena and recommendations.


1 Comment

  • Wol Door
    Wol Door

    Salva Kiir donates $100,000 to Sudanese women group
    Congratulation mum for that brilliant idea, that is how people should be thinking. I have read too many articles regarding South Sudan constitution since, but i haven’t get anything to do with rule law that aim to governing the marriage status such as elements of lawful and ethical marriage.

    I strongly believes that, this is time for changes and therfore social life revolution should take place right away at this point. This is a terrific notion that should not be rasied and leave to loiter around. I urge the GOSS and South Sudanese women to take notice of this and communicate it to the heart of civil society, if South Sudan really aim to improve social life and protect the right and dignity of young girls. Mothers! you have someone who might be ready to stand with you therefore, take your chance please. You may get more $ from His execellecy, FVP and President of GOSS Salva Kiir, to fuel up your compaign on this issue.

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