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Sudan Tribune

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China intends to play important role in Africa, Darfur – experts

May 12, 2007 (BEIJING) — Analysts have pointed out that the appointment of Special Representative to African Affairs dedicated to Darfur crisis is an indication of China’s growing attention to African affairs, as well as its willingness to play a more active and constructive role in African affairs.

Liu Naiya, an African studies expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said: “China has always attached great importance to African issues. Since the Beijing Summit of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum was convened last November, significant advancement has been made in China-Africa relations in various fields.”

Chinese President Hu Jintao’s tour of eight African nations in February this year further attracted keen attention in the world. “Against these backdrops, China’s appointment of the special envoy on Africa meets the practical needs and indicates China’s growing attention to African affairs.”

The Chinese government announced on 11 May the appointment of senior diplomat Liu Guijin as the special representative on African affairs, a position that China has established for the first time.

Liu Guijin, age 61, was Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe and South Africa and director of the Foreign Ministry’s Department of African Affairs. Since he began his diplomatic career in African affairs in 1981, he had been stationed in Africa for 15 years and involved with African affairs for 25 years, personally experiencing the course of trials and tribulations in China-Africa relations. Expressing his thoughts upon departure from his post in South Africa in March this year, he said that after his retirement and return to China, he would be willing to continue to work for China-Africa and China-South Africa friendship and cooperation.

Liu Naiya said: Judging from Liu Guijin’s work experience and attainments, he is a “very suitable selection” and entirely qualified for the job. “He is prudent, amiable, and easy to approach and has uniquely insightful views on African issues. His appointment to this post will help coordinate the positions of all parties and facilitate better solution of problems.

“Meticulous thinking, accurate grasp of policies, and extensive human relations accumulated by working in Africa over a long period of time” is the impression of Liu Guijin given by Wang Hongyi, deputy head of the Department of Developing Countries under the China International Relations Research Institute.

At the present, China has appointed as special envoy on affairs in the Korean Peninsula, Middle East, and other hotspot regions, such as the Chinese special envoy on Middle East Affairs and special envoy on Korean Peninsula affairs. Most of these posts are filled by retired or soon-to-be-retired diplomats. As they have rich experiences working in the relevant regions, these diplomats have played the role of communication and bridge.

At a routine press conference on 10 May, Foreign Ministry spokesman said: “In view of the international community’s widespread concerns with the current issue in Sudan’s Darfur, the special representative will carry out his work in conjunction with the Darfur issue in the near future.”

According to sources at the Foreign Ministry, after taking up the post of the special representative on African affairs, Liu Guijin will receive an order to visit the relevant region in Africa “very soon.”

Liu Naiya said: “The Darfur issue will be the first high-profile challenge for the special representative on Africa affairs after he takes up the post. As the Darfur issue involves the political and economic interests of various parties, one of the special representative’s duties is precisely to coordinate the positions of all parties on this issue.”

He said: China has always put emphasis on resolving and coordinating the positions of all parties on the basis of respect for Sudan’s sovereignty. At the present, each party has a different perspective in understanding the issue. However, so long as all parties can sit down to discuss calmly, it will be not difficult to resolve the issue. “By appointing the special representative, China should be able to play a bigger role.”

Recently there were people in the international community, who kept accusing China of failing to effectively exert pressure on Sudan and, thus, causing growing tension in the Darfur region. There were even people, who linked this issue with the Beijing Olympics and called for boycotting the Beijing Olympic Games to “protest” China’s policy on Darfur.

As far as these people are concerned, Wang Hongyi said that their act “is entirely motivated by the political aim.”

“Turning a blind eye to China’s active and constructive role on the Darfur issue, these people are harbouring hostility towards the growing relations between China and Africa in an attempt to create trouble for China and sow discord in China-Africa relations through the Darfur issue,” said Wang Hongyi.

He said: This will be a test for China’s diplomatic work. “If the act of these people is handled properly, it will help dispel the international community’s misgivings with China on this issue, as well as be conducive to regional peace and stability.”

(Xinhua, in Chinese translated by BBCMS)

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