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Sudan Tribune

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Somalia urges Arab League to replace its envoy

May 29, 2007 (MOGADISHU) — Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) has called on the Arab League to replace its envoy to Somalia after accusing him of taking sides with the Union of Islamic Courts and of also undermining TFG officials.

According to London based Al-Sharq-al-Awsat, the Somali government has officially asked the Arab League secretary-general, Amr Musa, to replace the head of the Arab League mission to Somalia, the Omani diplomat, Abdallah al-Araymi, on the allegation that he is taking sides with the Union of Islamic Courts and also undermining members of the cabinet and other officials of the TFG.

A senior Somali official told Al-Sharq al-Awsat two days ago that Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi had requested Amr Musa on the sidelines of the Arab summit held in March to replace Al-Araymi with another person.

He accused Al-Araymi of repeating baseless allegations touching on the personalities of several government officials on political and financial matters.

According to the officials who attended the Arab summit, Gedi had condemned Al-Araymi’s support for the Union of Islamic Courts and accused him of alleging that some Somali cabinet members had asking him to lend them some money.

Amr Musa had asked that he be given six months before replacing Al-Araymi. However, Prime Minister Gedi shortened the period to three months only, before calling on the Arab League to replace Al-Araymi immediately.


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