Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Netherlands mulls sending troops to Darfur

June 14, 2007 (BRUSSELS) — The Netherlands is prepared to send a small contingent of troops to the conflict-ridden Sudanese region of Darfur, Dutch Defense Minister Elmert van Middelkoop said Thursday.

Speaking during a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels, Middelkoop said Dutch soldiers would probably be sent as part of a European Union mission in cooperation with the United Nations.

He said a NATO Darfur mission is unlikely.

The Sudanese government on Tuesday agreed to accept a hybrid United Nations-African Union peacekeeping mission to be deployed in Darfur, which would take up to 20,000 soldiers.

The operation is the third phase of a three-step process to replace the existing but under-resourced AU Mission in Sudan (AMIS), which has been unable to end the fighting in Darfur.


1 Comment

  • Hana

    Netherlands mulls sending troops to Darfur
    i don’t believe the white man is going to solve any problems in africa,except create more trouble for africans like they have in the past 2 centuries.i’ve lost trust in UN, World bank,WFP and USAID.african problems can only be solved by africans, if these organization could only allow us to do so. netherlands preparing to send troops to darfur is insanity. no need for them there. why not put Eritrean soldier or Rwandian soldiers, Centeral Repulican soldiers or Egyptians or any other african soldiers instead.

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