Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM leader calls for unity of the rebel movement

June 21, 2007 (LONDON) — The leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) has launched an appeal for the unity of the movement. He called on the dissident factions to rejoin the main stream of the movement. He further said all the current divergences should be resolved to end the suffering of Darfur people.

Abdelwahid Al-Nur, the leader of the rebel SLM has called upon all SLM factions to reunite and refocus their struggle on pursuing the achievement of Darfurians’ fundamental claims.

Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune that the unity of movement can only be achieved within the institutions of the SLM and through dialogue among its members on the internal issues. He further said “let us forget our divergences otherwise it will hamper the achievement of its objectives.”

“As a revolutionary movement, the only thing that should prevail among us is the realization of the legitimate demands of our people in Darfur and in the whole Sudan,” he said

“There is no winner or loser within among us. We will be all winners the day that the cause of our people prevails and the vision of the SLM comes true on the ground.”

“Among these objectives, the focus should be centered on securing the immediate and unconditional return of the IDPs and refugees to their villages and, the individual compensations; our concern also goes for the construction of a shared citizenship which flows from the values of a liberal-democratic state.”

The rebel leader expressed his readiness to meet the breakaway factions in order to prepare for the peace talks and to discuss the pending issues “we always welcomed dialogue and we are ready to discuss with openness any thing with our brothers in struggle” he added.

Al-Nur faced the most important split in his group when Minni Minawi held Haskanita congress in November 2005 and created his faction. The second breakaway group was created by a group of commanders called G19, in December 2005. The third dissidence was led by Ahmed Abdelshafi in August 2006.

The G19 of Jarelnabi and Suleiman Marjan has reintegrated the main stream since al-Nur’s rejection of the Darfur Peace Agreement. Only Adam Bakheit, who was the vice-president of the SLM remains in dissidence.

There are other SLM factions which were part of Minni Minawi group. The first is led by Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim and Esam Alhaj and the second is led by Mahgoub Hussein.


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