Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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UN sets up fund for South Sudan LRA war victims

June 28, 2007 (JUBA) — Residents of areas affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army insurgency will benefit from a revolving fund of $1.5m offered by the UN, the New Vision reported.

John Holmes, a UN undersecretary, approved the fund which will support activities in Ibba, Ezo, Maridi and Yambio counties in South Sudan.

David Gressly, another UN official, announced that the fund would cover food aid, health, provision of water, sanitation and shelter.

“The target population are vulnerable populations directly affected by the LRA including displaced persons and returnees not assisted by other agencies.”

Meanwhile, 15,433 South Sudanese refugees who have been living in Uganda have been voluntarily repatriated since 2005 out of a targeted 46,000.

Ann Encontre, a UN refugees’ official, said the repatriations were slowed down by heavy rains.

She noted that the exercise was also plagued by security concerns in Magwi and Torit areas but was non-committal as to whether it was the LRA responsible for the insecurity.

(New Vision)

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