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Sudan Tribune

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Removal of Arman from parliament provokes divisions within SPLM

July 5, 2007 (KHARTOUM) – The vote to remove SPLM MP Yasir Arman from the federal parliament in Khartoum is provoking divisions among the SPLM officials, some backing his relieve while others consider the move as “illegal.”

Ghazi Suleiman
Ghazi Suleiman
On Wednesday June 27, a majority of MP’s in the National Assembly voted to remove Arman and two other MP’s from their seats in the legislative body.

The Deputy Chairman of the Legislation and Justice Commission for the CPA and fellow SPLM MP Ghazi Suleiman says Yasir Arman was stripped of his MP seat because he has been absent from the assembly for seven months without a satisfactory explanation. He said the Interim National Constitution’s provision 87-1 allows the lawmaking body to remove members if they are absent — in the words of the constitution — “for one full session without permission or an acceptable excuse.”

“Sudan National Assembly is not a civil service sector where anyone can be absent for one year or two years and then they keep their seats. We have historical duties to be done during this transitional period. We cannot wait for Yasir Arman until he finishes his studies. We better allocate another MP to replace him so he can contribute with the SPLM to realize a democratic transition.” Said Ghazi Suleiman.

However, not all MP’s agree.

The SPLM’s northern sector spokesperson calls the removal of Yassir Arman from his seat in the National Assembly “illegal.”

In a phone interview with Sudan Radio Service (SRS) from Khartoum on Monday, Deng Goc Ayuil said Arman’s riddance from the assembly contradicts the assembly’s own rules of conduct. Deng says the move was politically motivated and an effort of the National Congress Party and some SPLM members in the assembly to remove a vocal critic of those hindering the implementation of the CPA. He termed the vote as a “settling of scores.”

“Arman is a symbol of peace in the National Assembly. His revocation was personal and the real aim of the NCP is everywhere to hinder the implementation of the CPA. Unfortunately some of the SPLM caucus in the National Assembly also voted to pass that bill, allowing the NCP to realize what they wanted, which was to remove Arman from the National Assembly. That is just settling of scores.” said Deng Goc.

Deng further said Arman is in the United States studying on the authority of First Vice President Salva Kiir, a claim that Suleiman says has never been supported by any official communication from Kiir’s office or even the SPLM.

Deng Goc Ayuil said the SPLM will fight Arman’s removal.




    Removal of Arman from parliament provokes divisions within SPLM
    There is no doubt at all my fellows Country men and women, in relation to the removal of Yasir Arman from the federal force. Iam convience with a period of time that he had been out of parliament, he deserve it as like the relevant sanction.
    Long live democratic system of new Sudan.

  • Swaka Pitya Laku
    Swaka Pitya Laku

    Removal of Arman from parliament provokes divisions within SPLM
    The removal of Mr. Arman from the federal assembly is necessary and it should happen as soon as possible regardless of Deng Goc Ayuil asking the SPLM to fight for that. The federal assembly is a full body with constitution and bylaws that is subject to every member or MP working there.
    Firstly, Mr. Arman is not delegated by the assembly for his studies in United States, but he is doing that on his own, or might have been sent by the SPLM party. And if the SPLM party was the one, who sent him, then they should have coordinated that with the national assembly, and I am sure there are conditions there in their constitution that can guide such cases.
    Secondly, MP Arman is not the only person that can do the job as Deng Goc Ayuil said, “a vocal critic of those hindering the implementation of the CPA” What are the other members doing there? If they are scared to speak out I want to know, how did they got there? Because if some of them are not fit to be there, but they just got there under the table, then this is the right time to change them all.
    Thirdly, the absents of MP Arman from the assembly for the period of his studies is going to affect the SPLM party in the assembly. Because if there is any argent decision needs to be taken, SPLM is going to be short one seat, and that’s usually where we are losing. Mr. Arman can not vote for his seat from USA, why don’t we just replace his. If Salva Kiir replaced E. Equatoria MPs last week, why not Arman?
    Fourthly, the SPLM party is not above the national assembly’s constitution or bylaws, otherwise there is no need for the national assembly. Because the national assembly is controlling the government, not the government or simple party like SPLM just stepped into politics to control them.
    Lastly, Deng and Ruben, if you want the CPA to be respect, then it should start from you. You are asking the SPLM to disrespect the CPA, what do you think will the other foes do? Of cause they are going to go with what you have started. Again we have many people out there who can do the job, lets not waste our time debating, fix the empty seat and we are fine.


  • Wol Door
    Wol Door

    Removal of Arman from parliament provokes divisions within SPLM
    Well, people should think and analyse their thoughts before they express those ideas on public issues.I have read the article written by Iowa state university regarding Mr. Arman resuming studies few weeks ago but i couldn’t figure out how it happen.

    People certainly need to be sincere, frank and consistent in matters related to nation affairs if we, the sudanese people dare to achieve justice. we don’t have to make NCP as escapegoat whenever we go wrong path. Arman removal from lawmakers’ room is very legitimate, justly, right, necessary and appropriate.

    I did agree with those SPLM members who voted for his removal and not adhering to party line rules. Those are the politicians we have to trust to do the thing in the legislative assembly.The question i will ask for those who seek to persuading SPLM to fight against Arman’s removal is that, is there part-time job in parliament? It’s absolutely irrelevant for MP to study in USA while serving as lawmaker in Sudan.Arman or SPLM should have known that.

    Therefore, he should have resign from parliament or replaced by the SPLM rather than being stripped off by the entire parliament which is too embarrassing for SPLM.He deserve to do one thing at a time,let him have that devotion to his studies.

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