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Sudan Tribune

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TEXT: Salva Kiir Speech r before SPLM Chapters Conference

July 17, 2007 (JUBA) — Below is the text of speech by the chairman of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement at the opening session of the Conference of SPLM Chapters in Juba, on July 11, 2007.

Salva Kiir
Salva Kiir
Subheading inserted editorially.


– Comrade, Pagan Amum,
Secretary General, SPLM
– Members of the Interim Political Bureau
– Members of the National Executive Council,
– Madam Awut Deng Acuil
SPLM Secretary for External Affairs
– Chairpersons and Representatives of SPLM Chapters in the Diaspora
– Organizing Committee Members
– Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me a great pleasure to address this conference and to welcome you to Juba , the city that I believe many of you have not set foot in for a quarter century. In the name of our heroic Movement; the SPLM, I take this opportunity to salute all of you including those who could not make it here for various reasons, wherever; they may be.


Before we proceed, let us stand and observe a minute of silence in remembrance of our fallen heroes, and heroines at the top, our late leader and founder of the SPLM, Dr. John Garang de Mabior.


Please allow me to congratulate you for convening this important and historic conference in Juba , the seat of your Government, and the Capital of Southern Sudan. Since the inception of our Movement, twenty four (24) years ago, this gathering may be the first of its kind that the leaders and representatives of the SPLM chapters from various parts of the world, are meeting in their homeland.

Indeed this is a history-in-making; as such we therefore attach a lot of importance with it. For one thing, it avails us an opportunity to interact with each other, knowing one another and exchange views among ourselves on how together, we could make the SPLM an effective and stronger political party in our country.

Compatriots, for the past 21 years of civil war in our country, the SPLM/SPLA committed itself to fight for the rights and dignity of the marginalized, neglected and oppressed people of the Sudan . We in the SPLM with our gallant forces, the SPLA, have successfully accomplished that task through the conclusion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005. It is through this agreement that we are today able to meet here in Juba . I salute our SPLA forces for their zeal and bravery to make this happened.


The Comprehensive Peace Agreement is an important document in our contemporary history. It encompasses very important protocols, which if fully implemented, would provide a long lasting and peaceful coexistence of all the Sudanese people. It provides an opportunity for our country to exploit and develop its natural resources for the benefit of all.
And above all, the CPA has restored peace and tranquility, ending decades of blood shed in our country.

The CPA presents the people of Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains with the right of Popular Consultation, and grants the people of Abyei to enjoy special status during the interim period that will be followed by the right to choose between joining their brothers and sisters in Southern Sudan or to remain part of Southern Kordofan in the north, as is the case now.

The Machakos Protocol (CPA) gives the people of Southern Sudan the right to Self-Determination, which will be exercised in a referendum throughout Southern Sudan, six months before the end of the interim period. However; as a remainder to all of us, the road to the referendum may not be a smooth ride as many of us may assume, but we must do everything possible to ensure that the interim period is ended peacefully.

For the first time, as provided in the CPA, Southern Sudan has its own:

– Constitution, and (state constitutions for ten states)
– Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (ten state Assemblies)
– GOSS/and (ten state governments )
– Bank of Southern Sudan (BOSS),
– Southern Sudan Judiciary, just to mention a few.

These Executive, Legislative and Judicial institutions are the by-products of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that we enjoy today.


Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Following the signing of the CPA, our nation as you all know, was shocked by the sudden death of our leader, Dr. John Garang de Mabior on July 30 2005. The death of Dr. John came at the time when the above governing institutions in the South were not yet formulated. The only thing done by then was the endorsement of the CPA by the then National Liberation Council and the National Assembly in Rumbek and Khartoum respectively. This of course is a great loss to the nation in general and the marginalized Sudanese in particular. Regrettably, we have lost Dr. John, but his vision will always continue to guide us throughout this long and stormy voyage.

As you are all aware, the implementation of the CPA has not gone as smoothly as we all have expected. As we speak, there are some protocols in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that have not moved an inch from the day the CPA was signed, and these are:

– Abyei Protocol
– North/South Border as it stood on 1.1.1956
– The SAF has not withdrawn from Upper Nile and Unity states up to this moment, contrary to the Security Arrangement Protocol (CPA)
– Other Armed Groups still exist in the South, recruitment and training of the militia by our partners is taking place in Elodheya.



We are however; delightful to share this with you that despite the uphill and challenges above, we also have made some progress on the CPA implementation. One of the most important of that being the Juba Declaration of January 2006 between the SPLA and the Southern Sudan Defense Force (SSDF) led by then Major General Paulino Matip Nhial. I am personally, proud and grateful for the successful integration of the former SSDF into the SPLA. Lt. General Paulino Matip Nhial is today the Deputy Commander in Chief of the SPLA. This is a great achievement for us, the people of Southern Sudan.

Please allow me to seize this great opportunity to applaud the rightful decision taken by our other brothers who were in the leadership of the Other Armed Groups (OAGs) and have followed suit in joining their brothers and sisters in the SPLM/SPLA. This is a welcomed move and a victory for the marginalized people of Sudan in general and Southern Sudan in particular, and they are:

– Major General Clement Wani Konga
– Major General Abdelbaggi Ayei
– Major General Ismail Konyi Guzule
– Major General Simon Garwech Dual and
– Major General Peter Gadet Yakah, just to mention a few. Including all
the rank and files under their respective commands.

This move has been followed by many senior Southern Sudanese politicians, who resigned from their parties and joined the SPLM. The list is very long, but soon we will meet them here in Juba.

On behalf of the SPLM/SPLA I welcome all these leaders with all those under their respective commands to their rightful place among their brothers and sisters in the Movement and assure them of our full cooperation and teamwork, in protecting the CPA and the welfare of our people who have suffered from the decades of war in our country.


The SPLM Chapter leaders and supporters in the Diaspora, dear Compatriots,

you may be aware that we have officially launched the SPLM on 27th, January 2007 as a National Political Party. It is a long leap from a guerilla Movement to a mass National political party in our country. Aware of the challenges of this political transformation, which may entail availability of funds, qualified cadres, facilities, and other necessities for transforming a guerilla Movement into a modern political party to meet the standard of other parties in our country, just to say a least.

However; we must also acknowledge the fact that the SPLM is a party of the rural, marginalized and neglected people of Sudan , whose aspirations for freedom and dignity always outweigh the aforesaid challenges. Conceived with the will of our people and the decades of their suffering, the Movement finds no any excuse presented by the obstacles above, but has to avail itself for the noble call of our land and people. Together, we shall overcome all these challenges.

As on the development and infrastructure in Southern Sudan, I am glad that you are here in Juba and I will leave that for you to figure out for yourselves. Please take a honest stock-taking of what was constructed in Southern Sudan before the war, in contrast to what has been constructed now in the last two years following the CPA and the establishment of the GOSS.


We do read what some of our people in the Diaspora are writing in the Cyber net (Internet) putting the blame on the GOSS for being slow in developing the South. But I would like to take this opportunity to assure those writers that Southern Sudan has never had an opportunity for development, since creation. (As late Dr. John once said) but, with the CPA and the establishment of GOSS, we are sure and ready to construct Southern Sudan from the scratch with the view of achieving part if not all of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) set to end in 2015. I also take this opportunity to appeal to those writers in the Diaspora to come back home, so that they contribute in the construction of Southern Sudan.

As members and leaders of the Movement in the Diaspora, dear Compatriots, do not allow your-selves to become vulnerable to both deliberate and accidental falsehoods that are published on the escalating websites on Sudan . It is your duty to sift through these reports and try to separate fact from fiction. For it is in the interest of the SPLM that its members disseminate only the truth, whether that truth be bitter or palatable.

You are expected to find out the truth and accurate information about the activities of our public institutions before making any reaction based on such information. The best way to do that is to maintain contact with the General Secretariat of the SPLM or to establish channels of communication with the executive institutions of our government.

Our communication network leaves a lot to be desired. Although there has been marked improvement in this regard since the establishment of GOSS in late October 2005, our aim is to ultimately run an e-government. This requires resources and more importantly adequate time to accomplish it. Once we have achieved that the links between you on one hand and your political organization and government on other will be truly consolidated. Your input into how affairs are being run in your country will then become more pronounced and you will recognize your contribution through the final outcome of our government policies.

It is very important for our political organization to establish credibility in all fields of activity. We are the agent for political and social transformation and it is our duty to shoulder the formidable challenge of moving from a liberation movement to a political party competing for popular support within the context of a democratic political system. This requires us not only to win the support of our people for our political program but also to convince the world about our democratic credentials.


Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Among the immediate responsibilities of the SPLM are the needs to indoctrinate into our people the basic principles of democratic governance. Our members have to demonstrate at all times their tolerance for the views of those who do not agree with them. We have to show respect for divergence of ideas and attitudes. We have to encourage dialogue and objective debate. We have to be open-minded and admit to ourselves that we have no monopoly on wisdom or righteousness. We have to be courageous enough to acknowledge failure when we have not succeeded in any endeavor for reasons that cannot be attributed to any cause other than our own incapability.

The SPLM must open up to receive everybody who is willing to join us, as it has been shown by those southern Sudanese leaders, who resign from their parties and joined the SPLM. For example we have those from Aweil, Western Bahr El Ghazal and Greater Upper Nile. Such compatriots must be involved in our daily activities.


Another important responsibility of the SPLM is to disseminate the provisions of the CPA, particularly such critical issues which are related to the referendum and the Self-Determination for the people of Southern Sudan . We all stand duty bound to educate our people and come out with a direction that will put it into an end, the protracted wars that have devastated our people, resulting in our backwardness and under development for the last fifty years.


We have also the SAF who have not withdrawn from areas mentioned above as per the Security Protocol Arrangement (CPA). We have the Population Census, the second SPLM National Convention, which date has yet to be fixed; and the general elections ahead of us. Our performance on these forthcoming national events will be envisioned as our benchmark that would determent the outcome of the year 2011, referendum on the Self Determination for the people of Southern Sudan.


Compatriots, I will be remised if I end this speech without mentioning the on going crisis in the western part of our country. The SPLM has on many occasions reaffirmed its position on the Darfur conflict, acknowledging that the Darfur question is no different from the other conflicts that have pitted Sudan against itself; since it became independent, 51 years ago today. As is the case in the South, Nuba Mts. , and the Blue Nile, the Darfur people have thus, similar grievances of marginalization, social-economic development and neglect. The SPLM has on this regard, repeatedly called for a political solution as opposed to military campaign. We welcomed the United Nations Security Council Resolution Number 1706, barely on the humanitarian bases, but not as an act of escalation of the war. We also believe that any peaceful solution in Darfur crisis requires full time engagement of the regional leaders. The SPLM leadership in this context, traveled to Egypt , Eritrea and Chad in search for that possible peaceful resolution of conflict for the Darfur people.

You may also be aware of the SPLM initiative that went a step further and appointed, the Darfur Task Force (DTF). This initiative was aimed to unify all the Darfurian splintering groups before engaging them into a serious dialogue with the government. However; it did not go according to our expectations. But we still believe in finding a political solution for this conflict in our country. As we welcome the recent change of heart by our partner in allowing the hybrid AU/UN force to Darfur , we urge the same partner to seriously engage it-self into addressing the root causes of all conflicts in our country and provide a permanent solution to those problems. The Sudanese people must get the peace they deserve as citizens of this great nation.


Having that said, Compatriots, here in the South, we also need to combat tribalism and ethnic-centrism. This will necessitate explaining to our people that while belonging to a tribe or ethnic group it is an essential part of our individual identity, but not the act of using a tribe or ethnic group as the basis for delivering services, offering employment or apportioning development resources for the tribe or ethnic group that we belong to. It is wrong, and we must together unite to fight this uncalled culture in our midst.

This time, we must work towards uniting our people for united we stand and divided we fall. The SPLM Women League must continue its ground work in sensitizing our women in the Diaspora, we in the SPLM leadership, have a policy that recognizes the role of women, and the 25% share for our women in all levels of government in Southern Sudan must be reflected in your Chapters abroad.


Unless the SPLM succeeds in organizing and mobilizing our people through extensive enlightenment campaigns both here at home and those of you abroad, we will not be strong enough to stand up for the challenges that stand ahead of us. But I am confident that we shall together succeed. Get an accurate population of the people of Southern Sudan , win the midterm general elections, and achieve our long awaited goal through the referendum, come year 2011.


In conclusion dear Compatriots,

Our immediate task now is that we must provide exemplary leadership at all levels of government and in all aspects of governance. The leadership of the SPLM must be seen doing what it preaches. We must fight corruption in all its forms by resisting those greedy individuals, seeking for self-enrichment at the expense of public resources. These cardinal rules must reflect from your Chapters abroad.

Our members in the Diaspora should look upon themselves not only as ambassadors for the SPLM but also as representatives of the people of Southern Sudan . You are therefore encouraged to retain all the positive elements of our cultures.

We in the leadership of the SPLM especially those of us who struggled in the bushes of Southern Sudan , did acknowledge with gratitude the advocacy role you played in your host countries and further. I urge you to continue the same work with the same spirit, for we are not yet out of the woods. The CPA requires continuous pressure on our side so that it is implemented satisfactorily.

In order for that to happen the same international community that had brought pressure to bear on the warring parties until the CPA was signed must be kept informed and sensitized about the challenges facing its implementation. It is your duty in the Diaspora to bring home development through investment and mobilization of direct foreign investors

Lastly, but not least, comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I once again wish you well, during your deliberations and encourage you to address all the issues that impede your effective performance in the Diaspora. For I believe this is the right forum to address those issues. The SPLM Chapters in the Diaspora need to be structured to suit the prevailing political climate here at home.

Your advocacy during the war time was geared towards mobilization and sensitization of human resources and materials for the war afford. But your advocacy today would be towards full implementation of the CPA in letter and spirit, building democratic institutions in our country and preaching about peace among yourselves. The Population Census, General Elections, and finally the referendum are the major national responsibilities that we are duty bound individually or collectively, working to ensure that their success is paramount. I look forward to receiving your resolutions from this conference, which I am hopeful will be used as the basis for structuring your Chapters abroad, and establishment of the channels of communications between the Diaspora and the SPLM General Secretariat here at home.

SPLM Oyeeee,
SPLA Oyeeee,
Diaspora Oyeeee,
Juba Oyeeee

Thank you all

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