Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Widows demand to know fate of Husbands disappeared in Juba Incidents

By Isaac Vuni

July 20, 2007 (JUBA) — The government of central Equatoria state will build a monument in memory of Juba Martyrs of 1992 and to also declare the day to be observed annually through parliamentary act, Governor Clement Wani Konga has said.

Speaking on the occasion to commemorate the massacre of senior government officials in Juba incidents of July 7th 1992, today, at Buluk square, Governor Konga says there was cross section of southern Sudanese who lost their lives during juba incidents.

He promised to write a letter to the Government of southern Sudan (GoSS) to officially decree on the fate of those beloved brothers and sisters who disappeared since June 6th to July 7th 1992 so that a dead certificates could be issued to enable released of any of the deceased assets from the government to their respective family’s members including taking care of widows and orphans, Konga assured.

According to Sudanese laws, any one who disappeared for seven years without any information on his or her whereabouts is legally assumed dead.

Governor Konga appeal to both Christians and Muslim in central Equatoria state to join SPLM party to enable them vote for a right person in a right place than criticizing SPLM as a ruling party in GoSS for not having deliver their expectation from outside.

This year the commemoration of Juba martyrs, conducted under the theme “The Precious Blood for Peace and Freedom”, was organized by widows who lost their husbands, fathers, mothers, brothers, sons and sisters during Juba massacre of July 7th 1992. They were picked from their offices at broad daylight by Sudan Armed Forces and their security organs which to date have not given any explanation on the fate. Up to now no one knows the whereabouts of our husbands are, and hence most family members became parishes and stigmatized besides being labeled the fifth columnist.”

The sobbing representatives of widows and orphans, Mrs. Edensia Charles posed several questions to GoSS and Central Equatoria state governments thus, “How could we forgive if we don’t know whether our loved ones are dead or alive? If they are dead, how did they die and for what crime? As widows, we want their remains so that we give them a decent burial and the last funeral befitting a human being as our loved ones left behind families, relatives and friends who up to now could not easily forget them without a clear explanation form those who arrested them.

“Who will cater for education and counseling of the orphans who are still asking us mothers of when will their fathers be release from detention?”

“Because these are some stories we mothers told our children as we are not aware of the fate of our husbands. Hence our children are still harboring hope that one day they will see their fathers.”

“We the widows have noticed that SPLM/A has released their prisoners of war but Khartoum government has not yet release those they arrested in June 6th 1992 to July 7th 1992 incident including subsequent arrest of thousands of people in Juba are nowhere to be seen to the present.”

“We therefore appeal to the governments of national unity, GoSS, and Central Equatoria state to disclose to us the fate of our loved who have contributed to liberation of the oppressed and marginalized people of southern Sudan. ”

Thereafter, “We would be proud to offer our brethrens as sacrificial rams who shed their blood to bring peace in southern Sudan and will forgive but not forget and then reconcile with those who assassinated them because we would not like the same to repeat it-self in future.”

Such declaration and forgiveness would held in offering a clear explanation to our suffering young children who have missed the love of their parents for so long to also be proud of them, she said.

Reverend Raphael Kenyi of Episcopal Church of Sudan in his keynote address recalled that it was then difficult for any southern Sudanese in Juba to talk about those who were arrested from June 6th to July 7th 1992 by Sudan security organs but today anyone can freely express his/her minds because CPA has brought freedom of speech and of association for all to express themselves without any fear.

He disclosed that the Sudan army security organ were using southern Sudanese to accuse, arrest, torture and even kill fellow southerners because of very little money.

From today “I would like every southern Sudanese to open their eyes and cultivate patriotism as south Sudanese and never again to betrayed fellow southerners. Let the Juba incident of July 7th 1992 be the last betrayal in the history of modern southern Sudan,” advised Reverend Kenyi.

It is to be recalled that in May last year the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Samson Kwaje has on behalf of GoSS assured the affected families that Goss has some names of the missing officials but also would appreciate if those who lost their loved ones could give the Government of Southern Sudan more information to enable it compare note with the list in its possession.

“I am appealing to anyone who might have a father, mother, brother or sister who got lost, to kindly forward their names to us. Even though Goss doesn’t have firm proposal for them including heroes of the frontline, Government of southern Sudan is going to establish a commission that would be listening to all cases of abuses during the war” said Kwaje.

Kwaje went on disclosing that SPLM/A negotiating team at Naivasha Kenya had proposed establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission similar to that of South Africa but then Khartoum government rejected their proposal. Instead they came up with an alternative called “Healing and Reconciliation Process” which was eventually adopted and incorporated into the CPA.

The healing and reconciliation process would be used to create the Human Rights Commission in Southern Sudan would be able to listen to any complaints. Therefore, Kwaje urge the aggrieved families members to appear before the proposed commission to give evidences on what happen and what they know about their loved ones. Then the commission would make recommendations to effect compensation if the missing persons are declared dead.

Below are some lists of Juba incidents of July 7th 1992

– Anderia Macek Kuc : Military Officer
– Joseph Lado Lawrence: Military Officer
– George John Daudi: Military Officer
– Samson Gwoda Loro: Military Officer
– Martin Oluma Rudolf: Military Officer
– Zuker Noah Said: Military Officer
– Benjamin Manular: Military Officer
– Edward Farajala: Military Officer
– Benjamin Maluwal: Military Officer
– Kasimiro Kenyi Makaryo: Police Officer
– Gabriel Bazia Fotiro: Police Officer
– Jino Lomoru Moi: Police Officer
– Samuel Laku Anderia: Police Officer
– Arkanjelo Yugu Pulemena: Police Officer
– Awad Lemi Geri: Police Officer
– Terensio Lucha: Police Officer
– Phillip Benerato Modi: Police Officer
– James Wani: Police Officer
– Venasio Juma: Police Officer
– Jino Awashi L: Police Officer
– Wilson Sometimes: Police Officer
– Amosa Lako Lado: Police Officer
– Hennery Ganzi: Police Officer
– Daniel Kenyi: Police Officer
– Marko Lado Kasimiro: Police Officer
– Wani Abdalla Lado: Police Officer
– Wani Jamus Amuzai Police Officer
– Luciano Lopuke Prison Officer
– Babiker Tombe Prison Officer
– Paulino Lado Gideon: Prison Officer
– John Manoa: Prison Officer
– Patricio Wani Lado: Prison Officer
– Mohamed Khamis: Prison Officer
– Mark Taban: Prison Officer
– Joseph Taban: Prison Officer
– Francis Lemi: Prison Officer
– Simon Sasanya Ibrahim: Prison Officer
– Pastino Ajsu: Prison Officer
– Lino Wani: Prison Officer
– Kamilo Koma Silas: Prison Officer
– Edward Wani Dere : Prison Officer
– Lazarous Tadeo Wani: Prison Officer
– Anania Laful Luba: Prison Officer
– Daniel Agoyo: Prison Officer
– Camilo Oman Anthony: Prison Officer
– Valentino Lafatiyo: Prison Officer
– Michael Alimu: Prison Officer
– Arkadio Pitia: Prison Officer
– Beda Maya: Prison Officer
– Raphiel Kisanga: Prison Officer
– Andrew Abong: Prison Officer
– Edward Wani Duku: Prison Officer
– Ripeni Jama: Prison Officer
– Valentino Ofere: Wildlife Officer
– Pompeo Aballa: Wildlife Officer Juba
– William David: Wildlife Officer Juba
– Mario Kudu: Wildlife Officer Juba
– Simon Jada Luto: Wildlife Officer
– Stephen Daniel Lokudu: Wildlife Officer
– Ben Ochi: Wildlife Officer
– William Androga: Wildlife Officer
– James Peter Dulling: Wildlife Officer
– Daniel Garju William: Wildlife Officer
– Isaac Losuba: Wildlife Officer
– Mustafa Abdel Gadri: Juba Airport
– Taban Elias Lodiong: Juba Airport
– Evalino Modi: Juba Airport
– Khanus Kenedy: Custom Officer Juba Airport
– Nickson Kenyi: Technician Juba Airport
– Sebit Joseph Luate: Juba Airport
– Moses Okayi: Juba Airport
– Olimpio Lado: Juba Airport
– Tito Jamal Marona: Juba Airport
– Andrew Lado Tombe: USAID- Juba,
– Alfred Yoron Modi: Radio Juba,
– John Joseph Kebulu: Trans Arabian Airline Juba
– Michael Labujuk



  • Matiop Kuol

    Widows demand to know fate of Husbands disappeared in Juba Incidents
    First and formuos who kill their and what are they doing in juba.why don’t you tell them to go to khartuom and demand Bashir but not here in junub(south)Don’t give us headace leave nosenese we also lost in south for struggle.and you lost for what.you were the colaberates with Arab so you can harvert what you saw in juba during the time .thank

  • Ngong The King
    Ngong The King

    Widows demand to know fate of Husbands disappeared in Juba Incidents
    My prayer goes to those affected by war in Sudan. What happened in juba in 1992 is clearly the induction of the nature of our enemy. Our brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the brutal hand of our enemy are heroes and heroines. They are only heroes and heroines if they were killed doing what the people expected of them; that is providing SPLA with valuable information. But if they were working hard to let theirs-then-government (Khartoum regime) succeed, then they are not heroes and heroines. The government in Khartoum most of the times killed those loyal to it because of the suspicions that it always have toward South Sudanese. If some of these people were killed because of mere suspicions, then again, we have nothing to do with their death because they were nothing to us, but collaborators.
    The other thing that the requestors need to know is that nothing has been done this far to the families of fallen heroes and heroines on SPLA side. If our government is able to help and recognize the families of those killed, it has to be done first to those SPLA families. Simple put; first priority-if there is any, should go to SPLA families.
    Having that said, people need to be aware that the incident that occurred in Juba in 1992 is less evident than the one in 1991 in Bor. If the government (GoSS) needs to do something to the populous, it has to be done first to the people of Bor. The Bor-massacre has tremendous witnesses, and the criminals are arm’s length away from GoSS.
    An appendage of our brothers to the enemy was a disadvantage to our successes and we care less about anything to do with them at this juncture. The family claims are only legitimate to the Government in Khartoum, not the one in Juba. The unpleasant incidents that the requestors talked about had also occurred in many cities in Sudan. All these incidents are responsibilities of Khartoum-government.

  • Nangami Momwa
    Nangami Momwa

    Widows demand to know fate of Husbands disappeared in Juba Incidents
    I am so much disappointed by the comments of Matiop and his friend Ngong. The widows have the rights to know the fate of their loved ones not only the windows in Juba, but the entire widows in southern Sudan and else where in the marginalized areas of the Sudan. Your comments are based on ignorance and tribalism. That is not what our glorious movement was all about, but for all the oppressed Sudanese. What happened in Juba in June 6th to July 7th 1992 was not particularly for one tribe, but the massacre was meant for any southern Sudanese as you can see in the list. How can you call your brothers and sisters collaborators when they died for the same cause like those who died in the bush? Can Thomas Cirilo and his colleagues who missed to be killed that time and defected to the bush be called collaborators too? Bor massacre is also an issue of concern. Widows in Bor have the rights to demand for the fate of their loved ones too. Placing SPLA widows number one or as priority is also and ridiculous thing to say. Who is more southern Sudanese than whom? All those who died for the freedom of the oppressed Sudanese deserve to be given same respect and honor like any other SPLA soldier. Please think twice before torturing the victims of war.

    Sorry for you.

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