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Sudan Tribune

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Rebel umbrella urges recognition of new balance of power in Darfur

ASMARA, July 23, 2007 (AFP) – A newly formed Darfur rebel alliance has criticised other rebel groups for their “grandstanding” demanding equal representation at the peace talks for all the rebel groups and to acknowledge the new balance of power.

Sudanese_rebels_watch.jpgThe United Front for Liberation and Development (UFLD) demanded on Monday an equal representation in the forthcoming peace talks sponsored by the African Union and the UN. The new group said that the international community must “recognize the changed and new balance of forces”.

It also condemned the demand formulated by the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) to resume the peace talks with them and their opposition to the inclusion of new groups.

“The Front is opposed to preconditions that exclude other forces and thereby create unnecessary complications; and, also condemns the wasteful tactics of showmanship and grandstanding;” said a statement issued by the rebel group from Asmara.

The UFLD is largely seen as an Eritrean creation in order to encircle the two main rebel groups which declined an Eritrean mediation to hold peace talks with Khartoum. The main groups are worried by the new rapprochement between Sudan and Eritrea.

The group’s statement came after a weekend meeting between a joint U.N.-AU delegation and the group in the Eritrean capital.

The new umbrella was formed earlier this month in Asmara and represents five Darfur rebel factions. The current chairman of the UFLD, Khamis Abdalla Abakr, was one of the leaders of an alliance forged last year in Asmara, the National Redemption Front.

The group confirmed it will attend talks in Arusha, North Tanzania, scheduled early next month.

The AU UN mediators announced a meeting for the non signatory movements in Arusha to identify a joint plan for peace talks with the Sudanese government. They said the direct talks would be held in September.

According to UN estimates, at least 200,000 people have died from the combined effect of war and famine since the conflict erupted in February 2003.

The following is the full text of a press statement released on Monday by the UFLD.

United Front for Liberation & Development (UFLD)

Statement on the Search for Peace from Tripoli to Arusha.

The United Front for Liberation & Development (UFLD) followed the proceedings of the second international meeting on the situation in Darfur convened in Tripoli, during 15-16 July 2007 to coordinate the Regional Peace Initiative (RPI) of Chad, Eritrea and Libya with that of the United Nations and African Union.

In view of reports of the meeting and its final communiqué,


1. Welcomes the outcome of Tripoli II meeting and in particular its endorsement of the partnership between the RPI, United Nations and African Union. Accordingly, the Front in respect for the request of the meeting will decline any parallel initiatives outside the partnership; and, calls upon all political and military forces in Darfur, as well as other Sudanese political, trade union and civil society organizations to endorse and reinforce this position.

2. Affirms its preparedness to attend the Arusha meeting for the Darfurian resistance, and look forward to the participation and input of the SPLM in the deliberations, alongside the RPI countries, UN and AU, in order to arrive at a structure for negotiation with the government.

3. Values efforts by regional and international community members to facilitate the convergence of Darfurian opposition, which is also an important objective for the Front. In this regard we point to:

a. Although UFLD is the largest political and military force at present on the ground in Darfur, yet it refuses to veto others or engage in practices that are not inclusive. Hence, the Front is opposed to preconditions that exclude other forces and thereby create unnecessary complications; and, also condemns the wasteful tactics of showmanship and grandstanding, and asks all parties to focus on the critical issues confronting Darfur and the Sudan, to expedite an end to the suffering of our people.

b. The root causes of Darfur crisis are political and therefore should, neither be divided into isolated and separate compartments, nor viewed as conflicts between personalities, individuals or tribes over posts and job quotas as suggested by the ill-fated Abuja approach. Consequently, in an attempt to redefine the crisis and depart from the limited focus on individual leaders with their narrow self-interest, the UFLD insists on equal representation for all resistance movements.

c. Since no political situation can remain stagnant or be frozen indefinitely, the international community and regional actors must re-examine post Abuja 2006 political and military developments; and, recognize the changed and new balance of forces. Similarly, ULFD urges all concerned parties to abandon antiquated practices and illusions of earlier times for the present crisis can no longer be dealt with through retroactive thinking and hero-worship methods. Such approaches blur the path for a settlement and deliver the entire peace process hostage to petty concerns, idiosyncrasies and egos of few individuals.

d. UFLD is born out of a commitment to an inclusive vision of the diverse social, ethnic, cultural, political and military forces of Darfur and the struggle for a democratic, stable and just society in Darfur and the Sudan. Therefore, the Front reiterates its earlier call for dialogue with all those interested in unity or coordination of efforts. Our minds, hearts and arms remain open.

Finally, UFLD reaffirms its support to the Arusha meeting with the hope that it may provide an opportunity to deal with the aforementioned issues; and, establish a solid foundation for a common vision and inclusive participation in negotiations, all of which are necessary ingredients for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace.

Asmara, 21st July 2007.


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