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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebel figure to leave UN hospital Monday risking arrest

August 10, 2007 (PARIS) — Darfur rebel figure Suleiman Jamous has said in a press statement that he will leave the UN hospital where he is confined since more that a year exposing him self for arrest for the first time.

Suleiman Jamous (©L. Traktman)
Suleiman Jamous (©L. Traktman)
I a press statement issued yesterday evening the rebel figure and Sudan Liberation Movement humanitarian coordinator announced he will quit the UN military hospital in Kadugli, southern Kordofan and go to the UN office to demand his transport to Kenya.

“On Monday, I shall leave the UN Military Hospital here for the first time in more than a year. I shall walk to UNMIS headquarters here in Kadugli, and request the UN to transport me to Kenya where I can receive medical treatment, after which I shall return immediately to the challenges of humanitarian assistance and peace.”

Jamous said he never committed a crime and all what he did during the past years is to ease the suffering of Darfur displaced.

“I have never carried a gun and never will. In my position as humanitarian coordinator I never engaged in any act of violence. As all who know me can attest, I deplore all violence.”

On Tuesday a Foreign Ministry official said that Sudan will allow Suleiman Jamous to be moved without risk of arrest if the international community guarantees he will not rejoin armed rebels in Darfur.

In his statement, Jamous pledged to not return to Darfur until the starting of peace negotiations with Khartoum. He further underlined that if he returns he will do what he always did “humanitarian work” besides working for rebels’ unity.

U.S. actress and Hollywood star Mia Farrow this week offered her freedom to Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir in exchange for the elderly and respected Jamous.
Also, last week 11 prominent activists including South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke, former Czech President Vaclav Havel and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jody Williams asked Bashir to release Jamous.

Below the text of Jamous’s statement:

I am pleased that the government of Sudan has announced its willingness to release me from detention in the UN Military Hospital in Kadugli. For more than thirteen months this detention has interrupted my humanitarian work on behalf of the people of Darfur and my efforts to promote a fair and inclusive peace for Darfur.

I have committed no crime and consequently have never sought a “pardon”. Nonetheless, I thank the President of the Republic of Sudan for the decision he has taken to facilitate my departure from this place.

I pledge that I will not return to Darfur until peace talks between the Government and the rebel movements have opened. When I do return, I will do no more than I have always done. First, humanitarian relief for those who are suffering. Second, consultations with the people of Darfur for peace, unity and a just and lasting agreement that can end this terrible war and make Darfur a peaceful common home to all its diverse peoples.

I have never carried a gun and never will. In my position as humanitarian coordinator I never engaged in any act of violence. As all who know me can attest, I deplore all violence.

I call on the international community and the Government of Sudan to do their utmost to bring a speedy end to the suffering of the people of Darfur. I call upon the people of Sudan and especially our brothers and sisters in Darfur to put aside their differences and work together for justice and peace.

On Monday, I shall leave the UN Military Hospital here for the first time in more than a year. I shall walk to UNMIS headquarters here in Kadugli, and request the UN to transport me to Kenya where I can receive medical treatment, after which I shall return immediately to the challenges of humanitarian assistance and peace.

Suleiman Jamous,
– Humanitarian Coordinator
Sudan Liberation Movement.
– 9 August 2007


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