Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Non-African troops not required for Darfur force – AU chief

August 12, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The African Union chairman said Sunday that outside troops would not be needed for the new Darfur peacekeeping force in Sudan because of sufficient troop commitments from African nations.

A_Rwandan_soldier.jpg“I can confirm today that we have received sufficient commitments from African countries that we will not have to resort to non-African forces,” AU chairman Alpha Oumar Konare said in a statement following a brief meeting with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in Khartoum.

The Sudanese government is adamantly opposed to non-Africans playing any major role in the hybrid U.N.-African Union operation that was authorized by the U.N. Security Council on July 31 and will be made up of 20,000 peacekeepers and 6,000 civilian police.

Konare’s announcement ran counter to statements made Tuesday by U.S. envoy to Sudan Andrew Natsios that Khartoum would have to accept non-African troops in the beefed up force because the continent does not have enough trained soldiers to fully staff the peacekeeping contingent.

Disagreements over the composition of the mission were a major reason the authorization was delayed for months despite mounting pressure on Khartoum to accept it to help end nearly four years of internal conflict in which more than 200,000 people have died and 2.5 million have been displaced.

Konare gave no details about which countries had pledged forces but several African nations have made announcements regarding troops.

In addition to the AU forces currently in Darfur, that are expected to stay on, Nigeria, Malawi and Rwanda have offered to deploy another battalion each, about 2,400 troops total, and Senegal has said it will triple its contingent to 1,600.

Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt and Ethiopia also have pledged to contribute troops or add to current contingents for a joint force.

According to the U.N. resolution, the composition of the force must be decided by Aug. 30.


1 Comment

  • Mabor Yiel Naih.
    Mabor Yiel Naih.

    Non-African troops not required for Darfur force – AU chief
    Dear Editor,

    The Statement which was released by AU, Chairman in Darfur on 12th August 2007 when he met with Sudan President Mr. Omar el Bashir in Khartoum is not logic. The conversation between Alpha Oumar the AU, Chairman and Mr. Bashir means something and it need people of Sudan to get to know about these guys. The fact that Mr.Oumar is to hold a seat of AU for Darfur does not mean to collaborate with alleged killers. Mr. Bashir was behind the crisis in Darfur and is trying to convince the AU Officers by giving them Cash to support him like what Mr. Oumar said that the Non-African troops is not needed in the Country of Darfur. We know that Khartoum has money to buy people to support its Government but in the South Sudan we know how to deal with SPies or Sympathizers. There is a need of International troops to come in Darfur to rescue the Lives of innocent people. The AU-Troops has nothing to do since they spent two and half years in Darfur. We in the Sudan as a whole, we need peace and i don’t think why other countries in Africa are laughing at us and try to get money instead of committing to the problems facing the Sudanese people. I personally asked the country where Mr. Oumar came from to investigate him or replace him with other good samaritan who can really syspathize with people of Darfur and to be neutral not favoring one side. shame on you Oumar and your Fake president the murderer of all prominent people of Sudan. We are watching you and the World at large.

    Mabor Yiel Naih,

    Lakes State, Rumbek

    E-mail: [email protected]

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