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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir urges SPLM to takes lead in organizing Sudanese politically

By Isaac Vuni

August 19, 2007 (JUBA) — The president of the government of southern Sudan who is also the chairman of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party has appealed for unity among all SPLM members.

Delivering keynote address at the opening of the second Interim National Council of SPLM in Juba, last Thursday, Kiir said SPLM has so many challenges ahead and urged members to face it diligently with national elections around the corner.

“If we the members of the SPLM are not united, then we cannot talk about the unity of our country”, says Kiir.

Kiir noted that during the past two years of GOSS in power they witnessed many problems ranging at all levels of government because SPLM as a new political party is lacking many things such as internal organization.

The SPLM chairman said that other political parties in the Sudan are much more advanced and have organized themselves better than SPLM.

However, Kiir said that SPLM has successfully emerged from the bushes to become a national political party.

“SPLM has no budget to organize itself as a party and; this explains why there was no major breakthrough in term of organization of SPLM as a political party” he added.

In the government of southern Sudan there are seven other political parties including NCP but there has been no political crisis between SPLM and any other political parties in the south. Therefore, SPLM should take the lead in organizing the people politically by starting from its internal organization.

Adding that the challenges facing southern Sudan include three areas of Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains and Abyei could not be addressed by the SPLM alone, but through good coordination and cooperation with other political parties, said Kiir.

The SPLM Chairman reiterated that NCP and SPLM who are signatories to the CPA should not be left alone in implementing the CPA; rather other political parties should also seek and forge unity of purpose with them for better and speedy implementing positive and effective developmental activities in southern Sudan.

Kiir challenged SPLM secretariat to have plans for all individuals’ political elites who cross over to SPLM by warmly receiving them even if there might no be a higher position to be offered to all of them but their membership in SPLM is vital as they are in the right place.

However, Kiir cautioned SPLM secretariat to be careful of those who could pose as member of SPLM but their true intention is to destroy the party from within.

He also advised SPLM members to refrain from contradicting themselves when making statements on behalf of the party as some of their remarks are personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views of SPLM as a political party.

Kiir went on saying that the SPLM and NCP have formed a committee to follow-up the implementation of the CPA to the letters and Goss team is headed by VP Dr. Riek Machar while GONU team headed by Ali Osman Taha.

Regarding withdrawal of Sudan Armed Forces from southern Sudan territory as of January 1st 1956, Kiir said SAF have not withdrawn from southern Sudan oil fields in Upper Nile and Unity states because Khartoum government does not trust the SPLA.

Kiir said that the borders between the north and south have not been addressed as expected because there was delay in approving budget for border commission. However the budget has recently been approved and the work of the commission will start soon, say Kiir.

President Kiir also said that SAF is occupying places in southern Sudan that were never occupied by SAF during war time. Adding that SAF action contradicts security protocol of the CPA and it is very dangerous for effective implementation of the CPA deal.

Southern Sudanese militia recruitment has become a lucrative job for SPLM partner in CPA who are still recruiting and training militias even after the CPA was signed and thereafter send the militias to be integrated into SPLA and if SPLA refuses to accept them, the same partner who is also a trainers of militia blames SPLM/A for rejecting their own brothers. On the other hand, if the militias are integrated into SPLA, a huge amount of money would be requires to cater for their upkeep, besides its a deliberate plot for the militia to outnumbered the SPLA forces but this in tricks by our partner will never be entertain by SPLM/A, Kiir said.

President Kiir further disclosed that there is a serious insecurity in the state of Jonglei including Central Equatoria state were children were recently adopted by gunmen while in Eastern Equatoria state innocent people are being killed within the towns. This insecurity is being perpetuated by militia groups whose operations are well planned and coordinated in order to create instability in southern Sudan including denial of economic development.

Because of continues and deliberate perpetuation of insecurity by SPLM partners, the Southern Sudan Defense Council has resolved and fixed a dateline of August 1st 2007 for accepting any other armed groups that have not yet decided either to join SPLA or SAF. However, Patriotic Resistance Movement (PRM) led by Alfred Lado Gore had been in contact with SPLA and now reorganizing would be the only one to be reintegrated into SPLM/A forces, declared president Kiir.

Kiir reiterated GoSS and SPLM’s commitment to finding a political solution to Darfur people.

The three days Interim National Council of SPLM workshop will focus on review of progress on the implementation of Yei resolutions of February 2007, reports on working of political follow-up committee, meeting of executive committee, security arrangements, SPLM mobilization campaign and preparation for the second national convention, SPLM Diaspora and youth conferences, SPLM national treasurer, Internalizing SPLM strategic framework from war to peace and the way forward for SPLM as a national political party.

Among the participants are: GoSS Vice President. Riek Machar Teny, SSLA Speaker James Wani Igga, SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum Okech, SPLA Chief of General staff Oyai Deng Ajak, Ministers from federal Government of national unity: Dr. Lam Akot of foreign Affairs, Prof. George Bureng Nyombe of Foreign trade, Dr. Tabita Botrus of Health, Federal government Deputy speaker of council of state Remi Oler, Governors: Daniel Awet Akot of lakes state, Samuel Abujohn Kabasi of Western Equatoria state, Aloisio Emor Ojetuk of Eastern Equatoria state, Mark Nyipoch of Western Bahr el Ghazal state, Anthony Bol Madut of Warrap state, Taban Deng Gai of Unity state, Malik Agar of Blue Nile state. Deputy Governors: Hissen Mar of Jonglei state and Daniel Kodi Angelo of Southern Kordofan state, states ministers both in GONU and GoSS, including SPLM members of parliament.


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