Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan Vice President meets SLM leader in Paris

By Miyong G. Kuon

September 10, 2007 (PARIS) — The Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Riek Machar, arrived in Paris, France on Sunday Morning to hold talk with the rebel SLM/SLA Chairman Abdelwahid Mohamed Ahmed al-Nur.

Riek Machar
Riek Machar
According to Sudan Tribune information, Machar has met al-Nur but no details are available about the meeting. The Southern Sudan Vice President cancelled a press conference scheduled this morning in Paris at the last minute.

The SPLM undertaking contacts with the SLM rebel leader to persuade him to join the peace talks mediated by the United Nations and the African Union. Nonetheless Nur wants Khartoum commitment to stop violence s and the deployment of the international force to ensure protection of Darfur civilians.

“If Paris meeting Nur goes successful, and the SLM/SLA leader agreed to joint the talk, the Chairman of the SPLM and the President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kir Mayardiit would meet Abdelwhid al-Nur in one of the neighboring countries in the region.” Jamese Kok Ruai, Acting Chairman of the SPLM taskforce said.

In August this year, SPLM leadership sent a Darfur taskforce delegation to Paris, in an attempt to convince al-Nur to joint the peace talk but to no avail. This time, the delegation headed by the Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Riek Macha,r invited the paramount chief of Fur Joma Hassan and SLM representative in Juba Sefeldin Eissa aiming in persuading Abdelwahid to join the peace talk.

The Southern Sudan government delegation is expected to hold talks with the French Total in order to set details of oil exploration in block B after the National Petroleum Commission decision to kick out the controversial White Nile company form the southern Sudan.

Sudanese First Vice-President promised the UN Secretary General during a meeting in Juba last week to convince the SLM leader to attend the peace talks in Tripoli at the end of October.



  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    South Sudan Vice President meets SLM leader in Paris
    Best S.S Riek Machar, has no power to pressure Abdelwahid Mohamed Ahmed al-Nur. If I was al_Nur I will tell him go back to juba and tell NCP to implement CPA first you are week riak macher unable to solve your own problem with NCP and now you want to jump to another problem AL nur is very wise men he will not listen to you simply you are loser not wanted to confront the NCP to implement the CPA

  • Emilio Mongu
    Emilio Mongu

    South Sudan Vice President meets SLM leader in Paris
    It is really of no use for the GOSS to convince the SLM leader Abdelwahid el Nur to join the negotiation table scheduled in Paris while it’s still facing problem with the same enemy.
    We are expecting SPLM leadership to coordinate their activities with SLM for the preparation of fighting the common enemy. It is clear that SPLM partner, NCP,is NOT interested in peace and is preparing for war as long as its forces are still in the oil fields in the South Sudan.
    The SPLM should not beg for peace if the other side to peace do not show interest. It was a shame for SPLA to resolve the problem in South Kordofan without setting preconditions for their withdrawal, in stead the besieged SPLA were (without shame) asked to leave the territory within seven days. And at the same time SAF are present in the south Sudan and nothing was done to them. Why not to do the same? This question is opened for answer.

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