Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

War is inevitable, Southerners largely agree….

By Muoranyar Maker

September 14, 2007 — As we have seen some countless attempts in the last few days by the NCP to lay the embattling CPA at rest to its final moments, firstly spearheaded by that allegation of Kiir’s unfounded death .Following it closely was another embarrassing and humiliating siege of SPLA soldiers and now the fresh in news of heavily armed police raids over SPLM premises in Khartoum. Seems NCP’s taking such a big bold steps at the supersonic speed against all the metric of us chanting no more deaths to CPA’s provisions if not it as a whole, as Khartoum wanted us to believe.

These vast conspiracy theories such as alleging Kiir’s death are not only meant to provoke chaos among the people as the man himself acknowledged but also a test to see how southerners will respond, should anything like that repeatedly happen. No doubt we are all aware about the state of our parliament house the SSLA; they would by any stretch of imagination disavowed to hear any war related terminology anywhere possible near to them. Even if we are squeezed to the limited jungle of Nimule as the only country we dream but only have us told, to wait till southerners are humiliated even possibly more a little farther to the sharp minimum edge of survival. But can’t say NO to the NCP when they are still standing on their own feet as legitimately thick and proudly GOSS. Southerners largely agree that war is inevitable should the diplomacy, not satisfactorily concluded.

We are only confuse and deceive by the would be presumptuous civilization we arrogantly claim to have got a little of it, upon which the truth is really the reverse and as a result falsely insist that patience especially with our leaders, would help us to at least reach the final destiny. How long shall we continue covering our kool president from exposing his credentials in the naked faces of SAF practicing some regional military strategic analysis of the warfare through these series of water testings? Well this is a simple interpretation for one to sort out, wait for NCP’s reinforcement of troops level rather than drawdown in the South as witnessed by the Sept. 11th president address to parliament.

Reading this speech one wonders! How long will the audacious Pagan Amuom and Yasser Arman continue entrenched in the douchebags of political street fights in Khartoum? Give me a break, I am not a warmonger or propagator of another famously specious smoking guns in the South, but frankly speaking, war is inevitable. You don’t need to like it, this is a fact. There might be still an overwhelming enthusiasm in an attempt to please and show the NCP that, SPLM has no indication to default or act irresponsible as an unwilling participant despite all the right wing moves to the left. Yet there won’t likely be any change but only have to wait-

Have to wait, while some of the regional confidence and interests in the South slowly fading away. So far a number of repeated allegation have struck the media in some neighbouring countries such as the 20 Ugandans lost their lives while in Juba and no thorough justice provided to the families of the victims by the local crooked-Arabic language courts which I doubt have what it takes to deal with the sensitive issues of bi-lateral significance. Some of these people and other regional friends will finally realise themselves entangled into the net of a potentially losing and defenceless team evidenced by the visible facts such as 30% of CPA’s crucial provisions only implemented and the rest a nightmare.(An approx. statistics by Hon. Luka Biong in his address to people in Sydney earlier this year). And the future viewed through litmus paper of an on going events, reveals a triumph by a prototypical mould of an ideological purists the (NIF) rather than the economically viable South we dream and interested in.

Have us wait, till we experience the world changing circumstances such as the 64% chances due shift of course in American government towards Democrats- whom we know deeply disillusioned by an increasingly guilt felt over ploughing Irak into flames in contrary to their supposed actionable intelligence of Al Qaeda links .They would definitely refuse to slap another Arabs nation in the face so soon. And whom we know at the same time, hardly historically export American hot at heels’ diplomatic surge anywhere in the third world conflict zones rather then business for there almost now, a war trillion dollar deficit. Then coming here would be a long necked Warren Buffett, a billionaire, powerful political lobbyist in Washington and a current top fundraiser to both Clintons & Obama camps.

Another imminent 64% chances of green ticket with him to appear in the streets of Khartoum within 30 days of Democrats’ administration. Over a slogan of easing embargo in rewards to the good faith and pledges to give some unabiding crooked concessions to Darfur rebels in the peace settlement by al-Bashir. In Mr. Buffett’s hands unfortunately would be drafts of previously attempted and failed agreements, to rehab bid for oil exploration contracts. Now a competition in Sudan with its energy threatening rival-China. A one step to see al-Bashir smiling before the cameras of the Western world media in general and CNN in particular. You don’t have to like it but at least I am telling the facts of the changing world’s dynamics.

Then come to the end of 2009 quarter, Darfur world mediated peace settlement with all of its ultimate maximum pressure on various rebels leaders, will be concluding and surely another enormous credit to the terror oriented NCP and a significant lost by the voiceless and human rights breached citizens in the South of the country. Who would care as the big news of co-operate interests and Darfur final Peace settlement unfolds to the enthusiastic peace loving fans, Hollywood activists such as George Clooney and Oprah Winfrey.

Then lastly a crowd or polls driven politicians in the West slip back for another moment, leaving CPA implementation crises with non penetrative, too little or no press at all, ( give me another break journalists, I don’t mean to shout you down from doing it but worried over the scale of attention & coverage that your reports will garnered). CPA will not only remain as a leg wounded agreement as described in the Kenya daily Nation but would catch a series of multiple virus as time goes and lastly a fatally flawed agreement not to overhaul in any easy way soon. Hence back to the status quo or the notion that SPLM is the strongest but unfortunately the remotest movement in Africa if not the world. Then approaching here will be endless and ungrounded claims of mismanagement of almost non existing oil money from Khartoum or too little indirect compensation in aids from America plus little dues such as the 2% to the oil producing areas that is a likely part of the CPA will survive, given America would impose it as of ethics itself being the law in Engineering profession, will do it to address the conscience of its qualified engineers unlike Chinese with their thuggish al-Bashir.

Growing anger and frustration not against al-Bashir this times around but against our leaders who would be squabbling trying diplomacy over here and there, and nothing yields fruits- only untested or unbearable promises from the one time friends right away from the closest Museveni who uses to adopt a chameleon lifestyle after America behind the pretext of characterizing himself as the deep and staunch Pan-Africanist, (another little funny story worth thousand of volumes of books if properly narrated or avoid behaving Aleu in that sense). No wonder there will be no tangible help at all except hosting some huge influx of Sudanese Refugee brothers should we try a “Johnny come late” position then, to stage a re-rebellion.

What we fail now to do when we have a strong backing from not Arabs but African countries – something the current lesser of evils Hassan al Turabi feared most in his recent interview but still hope not knowing what to do will hound us anyway, he has no worries there. It’s important to note that an international support that hasn’t yet faded away but could soon change plus the current united Man fronts rather then later, because of simmering division as a result of unfair or no services straight away. Because of dwindling oil money from North and we don’t understand, thinking it was eaten and other factors such as corruption, tribalism and the heavy handed fever of regionalism given in the South now.

Something we fail now when we have a reasonable and compelling UNSC motive who immediately will bounce onto our cause to avoid a bigger Darfur and hence a golden chance for Kiir’s Monumental Declaration of Emancipation, that all men & women deserve equal footing before the law of South Sudan, a statement that no one will again in the future or has ever made in the past in the South. But seems a little bothering that people are confused with how to swiftly move in and align our cause in line with the world’s strategic attempt to challenge a demographic culture of extremism and radicalism currently a huge division that has provided so many cracks that even those without nails can utilize the situation to get what they want. Give me a break here guys, I am not slinging an unsubstantiated mud on southerners including myself but given the petulant cold war we are in, it’s here where one wonders, shouldn’t we get a little warmer straight away earlier instead of daily practices of “slash and burn” moves by the NCP.

The author resides in Australia and can reached at [email protected]

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