Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Stop Human rights abuses in South Sudan


By Charles P.O

September 20, 2007 — We the Southern Sudanese are always panicking when things went wrong or done by Khartoum government/NCP,the SPLM continued to terrorize the South with their tribal appointed officials.SPLM continued to campaign for NCP mission objectives and had ignored the interests of the Southern Sudanese who fought for 55 years. We are people with various skills,talents and professions,our communities are rich with,resources like oil,minerals, brave and committed patriots and combatants but what frustrate us is our division due to our minds of tribalism, selfish interests and propaganda made by CPA major partners NCP and SPLM. The Southerners must now leave their internal differences and come forward to focus for the seperation awareness among our misguided communities.

The raiding of SPLM office by their partner NCP did not come to me as a surprise,first I opposed the SPLM transfer of their Headquarters from South Sudan capital Juba to Khartoum,the SPLM has different agenda contrary to the minds and aspirations of Southern Sudanese Concerned Citizens.The SPLM became blocking tool for the unity of Southern Sudanese both in Diaspora and at home in Southern Sudan.The SPLM has borrowed British Colonial rule policy of Divide and rule.

The declaration by President of GOSS His Excellency Salva Kiir that no more militias from South Sudan will be accepted to join SPLA or GOSS is over looked by shortsighted Southern Sudanese people like those who panic on drafting a letter to UN,IGAD and observers of CPA about the raid carried on SPLM offices.The continue harassment of former SPLA combatants,the blind eyes ,deaf ears imposed intentionally on the wounded,widows,elderly and women is another issue of interest for the people of South Sudan to draft alerter for. The current political prostitution among the Southern Sudanese is policy agreed between SPLM and NCP confidentially to fulfil their objective of a United Secular Sudan.The failure by SPLM to show the citizens of South Sudan the direction of independent is another confusing objectives of NCP/SPLM policy makers,we are running of time and the citizens of South Sudan are in dilemma ,the slogan of New Sudan continued to occupy the minds of the GOSS top brass and the corrupt officials who will not survive in South Sudan due to what they did wrong against their own brothers and sisters in 10 states.

The SPLM/A has introduced the old policy of 1991-2002 where some SPLA soldiers (Equatorians and None Dinka) were transported or put at the forefront to fight the Nassir faction while the SPLA/M decisions makers put their soldiers behind the hot lines. The deployment of majority Equatorians in areas like Bahr El Ghazal, Abyei,Upper Nile,Blue Nile and other Northern territories has left our areas unstable with no people to protect if Arabs make surprise attack on this historic towns of South Sudan and the transfer of people from Upper Nile and Bahr El Ghazal to Equatoria and Northern Sudan must be stopped and revised by President Kiir to allow these people to protect their states. The continues detention of major General Obuto Mamur by President Kiir is one factor that will lead to the division of South Sudan because, I believe there are people who welcomed the arrest of Obuto Mamur because they want the position held by Major Mamur,others wanted employment opportunities by selling their own brothers and sisters to Kiir . Other human rights defenders,those pro justice,anti tribalism did not accept the decision made by Kiir to keep Major General Obuto Mamur in maximum prison where there is no activist,Doctor and psychiatrist allowed to see,greet and offer him some trauma counselling.

The Southern Sudanese who are now panicking against the NCP raid on SPLM offices in Khartoum have themselves failed to write, draft letter to President of South Sudan Lt. Gen Salva Kiir on the deteriorating security situation,corruption,embezzlement of public funds openly,continued killing of innocent civilians,the abuse of interim Constitution of South Sudan 2005, the deadly “house arrest policy” introduced by SPLM/A administration in South Sudan and Africa at large, no other Southern Sudanese had agreed to draft letter to condemn the massacre of innocent civilians by cattle raiders in EES ,Upper Nile and Bahr El Ghazal apart from the very tribes who fought against their own brothers.No Southern Sudanese have united to draft letter to know the disappearance of $ 60 Millions US that have been given to SPLM by NCP Beshir, no concern Southerner has agreed to call for an end to land grabbing in Southern Sudan and resettlement of IDPs in their respective villages to allow the owners of that villages to return from Kenya,Uganda and Congo,the Southerners had continued to keep quite when they always hear the SPLA,Police are abusing the citizens of South Sudan and killing foreigners who come to help build the war torn South Sudan,the people who want to write to UN and IGAD had failed to draft document to these bodies calling for justice and fair trial of South Sudan war crimes and crimes against humanity criminals perpetuated by NCP and SPLM plus their young brother the Nassir faction of Vice President of South Sudan. The SPLM had choose to remain quite on the citizens of Southern Sudan call for the removal of some of his corrupt officers/governors who caused insecurity in Southern Sudan who are un wanted and refused by the people in Bahr Ghazal,Upper Nile and Equatoria region.No Southern Sudanese who are now panicking on NCP attack on SPLM offices had written or called for the members to appeal President Kiir to remove these governors and install those democratically accepted governors like Col. Patrick Zamoi. Our concern citizens has failed to draft letter to SPLM to speed up the reconstruction of public institutions,roads and public housing while dismantling the expensive hotels owned by SPLM Executive, Ministers and those currently running GOSS.No one has called the GOSS authorities to extend the expiry day for the exchange of old currencies in the Sudan and in South Sudan in particular.

What we should write or draft now to UN , IGAD and President Kiir?
I believe,all of us has been convinced by the current situation in South Sudan which need immediate attention of UN,USA,Canada,Australia,Norway and IGAD member countries including other peace loving Western nations countries that can bring permanent peace in South Sudan.We should write letter to demand the UN,IGAD to pass resolution calling for an Independent of South Sudan immediately and redeployment of all soldiers SPLA of Southern Sudanese origin to the South of the country and the transfer of all Northern forces to Khartoum or out of South Sudan. The reasons are simple ,the failure by Beshir to implement the core elements of CPA like Abyei border demarcation,continued insecurity in Sudan caused by CPA partners NCP and SPLM through their poor policies of buying militias in their respective jurisdiction ,example Beshir buying,recruiting SPLA defected soldiers,demobilized soldiers while Lt. Salva Kiir going to Eastern Sudan, Kordonfan to recruit the militias opposing Beshir to join the Southern Sudanese army of SPLA. These are all factors that cost tension in South Sudan among others.

We need to draft letter to President Kiir to release all Army officers,political prisoners,to allow other militias from South Sudan to join SPLA,call for him to speed up reconciliation and unity among the people of South Sudan.We also need to call for an end to tribalism and corruption within GOSS that has contributed to division within Southern Sudanese people,the SPLM and President Salva need to draft a policy outlining their vision for the people of South Sudan before the elections in 2009. We need to write letter to President Salva and SPLM policy makers to immediately employ our jobless freedom fighters who are now homeless and psychologically tortured due to their differences with Dr.Garang and President Kiir objectives towards the people of South Sudan,their division caused/affected some committed SPLA officers to be sidelined from the current GOSS government,others ended up joining Beshir and those who resist joining NCP end up in SPLM safe house known as “House Arrest Maximum Prison). These are some of major areas which the people of South Sudan need to focus at,by writing letter rather than to condemn Beshir raid on SPLM offices which can not produce any tangible result to the suffering people of South Sudan.

For those who are ready for military action,I disagree with you and I can say hold on while the people of South Sudan want to have rest,we should use peaceful means to bring NCP and SPLM agenda to meet the interests of Southern Sudanese. To fight this two elephants will kill our human and natural resources of South Sudan,remember there is say “When two elephant fight the grass suffer”. We are tired of War for New Sudan but I believe the Southern Sudanese population will be forced to wage war for Total Liberation of Independent of South Sudan as country.If NCP/SPLM continue to fool the people of South Sudan on their ideology of New/United Secular Sudan,one day a son of South Sudan will unite all the Southern Sudanese in the name of South Sudan to bring an end to the suffering people of south Sudan and to set them free for ever and ever. Dr. Garang said let first fight the whole Sudan and when we get our peace or New Sudan then Southern Sudanese can get their own way as it happened to our neighbours Ethiopia and Eritrea in the horn of Africa.So it is time for Southern Sudanese to get their Independent.

We the southern Sudanese Intellectuals should not waste our minds,intellects,skills and get traumatized of intentionally planned and programmed propaganda made by NCP and SPLM to confuse the minds and to test the people of South Sudan. We should focus on issues that benefit the suffering Southern Sudanese population in Sudan and those in refugees camps.The Southerners should concentrate on issues of peace and reconciliation among the Southern Sudanese,we should focus, direct,advocate and lobby our SSLA to pass laws that protect and limit the President powers to arrest Innocent civilians and to impose his tribal officials without skills and knowledge to abuse their offices and the people of South Sudan, we should write a memo to President Kiir to speed up the establishments of courts and speed up the crowded prisons in South Sudan. Let us unite our voice against cattle raiding and killing of innocent civilians especially children, elderly, refugees, women. Let us call for all political parties of Southern Sudanese to unite under one umbrella of Southern Sudanese focused party with a New name which is not SPLM.Uniting all our Southern parties will stop NCP from continues harassment and crossing to Southern Sudanese borders and interests.

In conclusion we should first unite and draft aletter to our President of South Sudan seeking and advising him to reverse the CPA and call for UN,USA,Canada ,China,Britain,Russia and other Europeans nations to declare South Sudan sovereignty or independent.The President should release people like Major General Obuto Mamur to defend South Sudan than dying in Maximum prison called “House Arrest “.Let us call and draft letter to President Kiir to stop Beshir and oil companies from exploiting our oils in Upper Nile and pipes must be stop from going to Khartoum.President Kiir must think on how to defend and protect the people of South Sudan from external attack or aggression.

We people in Diaspora should unite and must look at our tribes as ways of achieving South Sudan in dependency but use them to identify us as one nationality of south Sudan.We should start lobbying our MPs,governments of residence or countries of asylums and refuge/Resettlement about the need and our call for separation of South Sudan from the whole country.We should select committees to move around the globe to air,educate,inform the concerns and needs of the people of South Sudan and their aspirations to above mentioned countries.We are tired of war and we should use other avenues that do not produce violence or the use of weapons.Let us learn from the past and the present conflicts around the globe. We are not cowards and weak but let us take break,allow our women of South Sudan to produce many children who are activist and oriented with South Sudan independent ideology but not that of United Sudan. Let us teach our people about our rights that are removed and curtailed by the Khartoum Successive regimes and the current NCP.

Let us pray and fast to allow GOD change President Kiir inherited ideology of New secular United Sudan to change to anew United Republic of South Sudan.Let us pray that President Kiir should not follow the principles of his predecessor of making those opposing his policies like corruption,favouritism disappearing without questioning and fair trial.Let us pray that the legislative Assembly of Southern Sudan not been bribed by NCP and SPLM to pass and approve laws,bills,acts that sells the land of Southern and its people to Khartoum where our abuse,oppression and exploitation will be renewed and carried forward in the name of New United Secular Sudan.

It is time for us now to accept the division we have and to agree for anew agenda of peace and reconciliation among the people of South Sudan.we have accepted and come to our sense that we need a permanent solution to 52 years plus of
war,oppression,rape,exploitation, arbitrary arrest and political prostitution within Sudanese, people, political parties and collaborators of Khartoum successive government. Let us call for both SPLM and NCP to stop Human rights abuses in South Sudan and the country at large.Let us write a memo to call SPLM to respect the Constitution of South Sudan which is the supreme law of the country. Let us call President Kiir to use the criminals code and Interim Constitutions of South Sudan and GONU to prosecute his opponents,offenders and the innocent detainees currently in South Sudan Prisons know us “House Arrest” but not to use his tribally imposed officials to persecute the Concerned Citizens of South Sudan and those who believe in democracy, rule of law, transparency, accountability and human rights respect.

As I stated above in my analysis of what we the Concern Citizens of South Sudan origin should draft and write to President Kiir and President Beshir, UN and IGAD.I asked myself what make Southern Sudanese panic to NCP and SPLM planned Propaganda? I wish one can answer or convince me about this so called raid of SPLM offices in Khartoum and why did official GOSS spoke person keep quite on this issue?

Struggle for Justice and independent of Southern Sudan continues.

* The author is the head of South Sudanese Concern Citizens International (SSCCI). He can be reached at [email protected]



    Stop Human rights abuses in South Sudan

    Human being were created differently from one another. They tend to think according to their psychological make-up, in term of prevailing circumstances, according to their abnormal desire for leadership and affluent which can be put together as ego-trip.

    All these are temperament which driven us to dissociates and fall at the start-up of the race.
    Our individuality can sometime betray our corporate vision that we have for our nation, we develop force of repulsion at the expense of whatever we aspires to achieve as a nation. We all seem to pursue self-interest by swallowing the national pride which should be an asset in each of us.

    No matter how much we tries to evade ourselves from risks, we tend to lay an induce trap of liability by our own causes.

    We bargain for acceptance and compromise at the irony of our skin and through these short-term desires, we forget about what the future hold for us; we used the assumption for today as the standard of measures for tomorrow which rarely comply.

    We further forget that the road to prosperity lies reciprocally from loyal individual to the wider nation just as one hand cannot kill a louse.
    We don’t recognize the need to take risk for the emancipation of our society, instead we are impurely traitors looking for favors from our enemies who after all uses the same strategies to make us regurgitate our deeds.

    To draw out the truths,nothing is worthy about us unless that which satisfy one individually but to the disadvantage of our society.
    We don’t appreciate the value of what have until we lose it.
    For instance, am always exacerbated if I hear people making their remarks and attribute to the late hero on flimsy ground just to seek approval for their loss reputation.

    And for heavenly sake, how do we reaffirm the loyalty of dishonest leaders who at one time make an attempt to kill Dr. John Garang for the votary and pursuit of his ideal personality to bring liberty despite internal forces that were used to hinder the accomplishment.
    How many times should people remember and forget the mortality rate of 1994 genocide that have deserted most families while leaving a huge proportion of children as orphans?

    Am not convince, the motives should remain questionable even in the time of the so-called peace. I don’t think if amnesty can be dispense by those in authority without the consent of the victims. Am not impressed at all by the very few voracious leaders who are now the occupants of parliament without even a concrete evidence established concerning their reformation.

    To me, this is just a secondary loyalty to the country which was cultivated hypocritically out of Garang’s death and we should not accept leaders who are on their selfish mission for mileage. I believed Garang’s death has left a guarantee for political seat but it will never immunize these very leaders from their original sin of evil deeds.
    I don’t think whether there is anybody in the entire world who can forget the circumstances under which he loss his parents and relatives mysteriously, the circumstances under-which he/she was amputated or develop any other form of artificial deformity, the circumstances under-which a person loss livelihood properties leaving one vulnerable to hunger, diseases and you can name them.

    What should really account for the massacre that was directed at civilians? How can we pull-up together for national development when we allow the culprits to be the executive in the country?

    There is much and much to be done in order to achieve sustainable development in our nation. This could be nothing other than to unseat Lam Akol and Rieek Machar from their current seats or else they should be detribalize from their own communities to make them go into exile. Period!
    By doing that, it would serve as an established system to curb tribal-clashes and counter-revolution within the government of southern Sudan.

    We should not condone untrustworthy leaders who aims from nothing to something. They were pessimistic in the sense that they surrender to circumstances and forgot that, a true leader is one who is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of freedom.

    And shamefully, what are they doing with us today when in fact, they were traitors and murderers during the struggle for liberty.
    They should not dare to undermine Kiir’s administration because his leadership is an avenue for what he had fought for in irrespective of his low profile in politic which many people perceived as an obstacle.

    In my justification. Having a lowly educated leader is not an obstacle but it can be a hindrance if only his followers are disloyal.
    I don’t think whether proficiency is a primary attribute which every leader should have but it is a supplement to the qualities of a good leader.

    Hence, Kiir will remain a leader in his time given the fact that he became a successor of circumstance since he posses qualities of a good leader through his allegiance, honesty, courage, wisdom, visionary and you goes on to name as many ingredients as possible.

    To cut the story short, ”let live to appreciate the devil that we know than the strange angel we deserve to know”

    John Chol Deng,Bor town

  • Ngong The King
    Ngong The King

    Stop Human rights abuses in South Sudan
    A lot of contradictions & lies! One must know that the 21st century South Sudan is different from the previous one. People should stop lying and start working for the people. Nothing can be achieve if people don’t change for better.
    IS there anyone wondering what the contradictions and lies I am talking about? If you do, you needs to learn the history of the movement!

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