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Sudan Tribune

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Egypt backs rejection of non-Africans in Darfur peacekeeping force

September 22, 2007 (NEW YORK) — Egyptian government has brought its support to the rejection of the non-African troops in the peacekeeping force to be deployed in Darfur with in the UN-AU Hybrid Operation.

Ahmed Aboul Gheit
Ahmed Aboul Gheit
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said that the African continent can provide the required numbers to complete the formation of the hybrid force to be deployed in Darfur without having to resort to forces from outside Africa.

Aboul-Gheit who held talks with his Sudanese counterpart, Lam Akol in the sideline of the high level meeting on Darfur in New York yesterday said Egypt has made an overall proposal for participation in the army and police components in the hybrid peacekeeping force in Darfur.

According to the official MENA, the Egyptian proposal was welcomed by all participants, primarily the Sudanese government, Aboul-Gheit said. He further said that it was welcomed because it was comprehensive and also due to the standing of the Egyptian military on the international levels and its fine technical and logistic capabilities.

During the high level meeting on Darfur, the composition of the peacekeeping force has revealed splits over the deployment of non-African troops, Sudan, backed by the AU, had turned down infantry from Thailand and Uruguay. Khartoum even rejected an engineering unit from Norway, although it pledged to allow non-African units for specialized tasks.

Foreign ministers and other top diplomats from 26 countries met at the United Nations to promote an agreement on the composition of the 26,000-member peacekeeping force, and give political momentum to Oct. 27 peace talks in Libya between Darfur’s rebels and the Sudanese government.

The meeting was called for by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and African Union Commission Chief Alfa Oumar Konare.


The Egyptian top diplomat said upcoming talks scheduled on October 27 between the Sudanese government and rebel movements should be serious and transparent.

Some flexibility is also needed on the part of negotiators, Aboul-Gheit said. All rebel movements should take part, but none should be granted the veto right, he noted.

The Egyptian foreign minister still urged them to go to the talks with a unified vision for the sake of the citizens of Darfur, who were the most harmed by the armed conflict.

Egypt will take part in the upcoming meeting, as one of the four states neighbouring Sudan.

Countries sharing borders with Sudan will work to bring closer the different viewpoints and support mediation efforts of the UN and AU [African Union] envoys.

Abu-al-Ghayt also took part in a separate meeting between the UN and AU envoys and representatives of Chad, Libya and Eritrea.


1 Comment

  • YihHon Alewei
    YihHon Alewei

    Egypt backs rejection of non-Africans in Darfur peacekeeping force
    What is Egypt, and who are Egyptian to reject non-African troops in Darfur!

    The support Egyptian government has brought to the rejection of the non-African troops for Darfur peacekeeping force is refering way back to the period of British-Egyptian colony in Sudna during the early days!

    Egyptian government don’t have any effective roll to play in Sudan in term of peace except exploitation of Sudanese people! Arabs migrants who fled their homeland in the centuries into African should have respect to the indigenuous African and their surroundings!

    Egypt have been a major influent in the Sudanese affairs since the Sudan independent from them and British! There is a saying that says “you can’t go for hunting without a proper equipments like spears and arrows”. Egypt influence in the Sudan is not properly thought by Sudanese government and its counterpart Egypt! The prize will be very big one day when African decent will take power in either Suadan or Egypt.

    That will be the day criminals both in Sudan and Egypt will be brought to justice! Justice is just in the corner, those who keep on triggering the conflict in Sudan will pay a big prize!
    Power without theory is a very big problem! Killing African tribes in Sudan is not a solution to the looting of their resources!

    Ahmed Aboul Gheit and his counterpart Lam Akol are not capable of holding those ministerial of foreign affairs. A Forign affairs minister is always skillful with negotiations abroad for the well-being of his own country and it’s people. Lam Akol would have opposed what have been put across by Aboul Gheit another inexperienced diplomats of Egypt! People like Lam are just in the parliament without any objectives for the country!

    To wrap it up, mr. Gheit is not African to solve Sudanese problems! Tell him to shut up! Egyptian have killed thousand of Sudanese and they are still keeping on with that hatred, God is great, a storm without rain will hit any bastard person who is against the will of African people in the Sudan!

    Me and my God are nearly in your doorstep to open your way to hell! Your days are numbered by God according to the sins you have committed!
    No forgiveness to people like Aboul Gheit!

    YihHon Alewei.
    A University Student in the Pacific Region.

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