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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Political vision of South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF)


August, 28, 2007


“To pioneer democracy through dialogue; tolerance by promoting culture of peace; good governance; freedom of expression and assembly; social justice; liberty; unity; cultural diversity; human rights; and equality for all Sudanese people”.


The problem of governance, which currently faces Sudan, began with the coming into existence of humanity on the face of the earth. When Adam and Eve were placed in the beautiful garden, they had everything for their happiness which they could desire. However, Adam and Eve were subsequently expelled from the Garden of Eden, were ceremonially separated from God, and lost their immortality after they broke God’s law about not eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

In the traditional Sudanese family, governance commences in the household until it reaches the larger community through the extended family system, socialization, intermarriages and expansion. From the time immemorial, humanity was obliged by the social circumstances to find ways and means to resolve conflicts that arose in a given family by utilizing the mechanisms of conflict resolution. Like other human beings, the Sudanese have immense cultural experiences in resolving conflicts amicably.

The institutionalization of good governance as a means of controlling the fluctuating human nature has led to safeguarding the destiny of mankind, to provide better services by organizing and regulating social and economic relationships, especially after the primitive communal society based on nomadic life that represented the only just human society governed by egalitarian norms, social equality and cohesion as a means of survival. However, this egalitarian way of life was ended after the discovery of agriculture that permeated the people to settle down to till the soil, cultivate crops and raise livestock that brought about the class struggle and accumulation of scarce available resources. Such a noble idea of community formation was manipulated and abused or misused by each patriarch or matriarch who led the people throughout the mankind’s history to the slave owning societies, feudal lords, capitalist societies and socialist societies due the mankind’s selfish attitudes.

In the long search for a sustainable solution and a system that could ensure prosperity, so many forms of government systems have been tried and failed in the course of human history. One of the political concepts employed by humanity in its search for perfection is democracy. Although democracy is not the best political system, there is no other system to replace it on the face of this planet Earth. It is naturally assumed to be the only durable form of governance or mechanism in dealing with the human nature. However, totalitarianism and colonialism have resisted democratic reform throughout human history. Thus, the modern world has been pitted against itself by two schools of thought, namely, capitalism against communism, and totalitarianism against democracy.

The Solution:

The leadership of South Sudan Democratic Front believes that there is no human, business and social problem that cannot be resolved. Majority of man-made problems have solutions. Throughout the history of Sudan, so many social, political and economic upheavals erupted. Though such endemic problems were created by human beings, it is always possible to find relative solutions to such prevailing and impeding problems that bedeviled Sudan. The problems which are currently prevailing in the country are not peculiar to Sudan alone. The tragedies which are facing mankind in many countries were caused by human’s stubbornness to seek solutions to man-made problems. The failure of humanity to mitigate or seek solutions to endemic problems made mankind to become inevitably part and parcel of those problems.

A correct diagnosis of the problems that exist in the Sudan thus represents the basis for a creative and analytical solutions because, as human beings, we have fallacies and contradictions that have been inculcated by our traditional circumstances and values that become the password to our lives—that means without such a password, anyone could remain an outsider to any human society. As a consequence, that is why we believe that unless we sufficiently address the doctrines that divided the public opinion of Sudan, in order to save its people and to gain their trust, it would be difficult for democratization and good governance to take off.

The South Sudan Democratic Front has a political vision aimed at implanting democracy in Sudan so that all Sudanese, irrespective of their ethnic backgrounds, shall enjoy peace brought about by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). If all the political groups in the Sudan have accepted democracy, then, from there we could engage the people of Sudan for a bigger agenda that would include unity in diversity. It is our belief that a policy of multiculturalism in the Sudan would lead African traditional religions, Christianity and Islam in the country to live in peace. We know for sure that African traditional religions, Christianity and Islam in Sudan can live side by side without problems if unity in diversity is the cornerstone of the State.

Without prejudice to the need for unity in diversity to tackle the problems that face Sudan, the Naivasha Peace Agreement has stated that the unity of the country shall be based on the voluntary will of its citizens. The CPA has given the people of South Sudan a constitutional right to express their opinions on unity or secession through the exercise of the right of self-determination as enshrined in the Interim Constitution of Sudan. However, the issue of unity or secession of the country could only be decided by the people of South Sudan in a free and fair referendum under international monitoring. Let it be known to all parties concerned in the issue of the right to self-determination that neither South Sudan Democratic Front nor the SPLM could unilaterally determine the terms of secession or unity of the country. There is no political party in the South that can abrogate to itself the right to decide how the people of the South will determine their destiny. It is only the people of South Sudan to determine the verdict of the referendum when the time comes as stated in the Naivasha Peace Agreement.

The significance of letting the people of South Sudan to exercise the right to self-determination in a free and fair atmosphere is predicated upon the experiences of countries that conducted referenda without violence. For instance, Canada allowed the people of Quebec to exercise the right to self-determination twice. Because the referenda were conducted in free and fair environments, the separatists did not instigate violence because the unionists won in both occasions. South Sudan is full of groups who espouse the culture of violence that can destabilize the country if referendum is not conducted in a free and fair atmosphere.

We, the sons and daughters of South Sudan, have dedicated, committed and pledged to safeguard the political destiny and the right to development of our people by organizing the South Sudan Democratic Front, as a political party of the people, by the people and for the people. The Democratic Front shall seek to create a conducive and alternative political environment, visionary democratic leadership, tolerant and good governance based on federalism and multiparty system that would cope with the challenges of the 21st Century in Sudan. It should be noted that constructive opposition in the Sudan in general and South Sudan in particular shall constantly search for comprehensive political solution to the prevailing current ethnocentric, tribal and hegemonic tendencies that impede democratization, transparency, and accountability in the South.

The South Sudan Democratic Front is dedicated, and shall be committed to support democratization, good governance, peaceful and political means of resolving social conflicts in Sudan and the South in particular. The fundamental principle of Democratic Front is to ensure that democratic institutions, such as trade unions, civil societies, media, etc… are established in the South, that government derives all its powers from the people, that leaders are accountable to the people (the governed), and that basic fundamental rights of the individual such as freedom of speech, liberty, equality, assembly, human rights…etc. are protected, and participation of all citizens are guaranteed and protected under the laws of the land. It is the utmost mission of Democratic Front to fight for the rights of all citizens of Sudan regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds.

Despite the signing of the CPA in January, 2005, South Sudan is still faced with irreconcilable political and ethnic dilemmas, underdevelopment, backwardness, diseases, hunger, abject poverty and misery. It is therefore the goal of the Democratic Front to dedicate itself to absolute elimination of all forms of oppression, social injustice, social discrimination, ethnocentric hegemonic tendencies, and domination of one group by another. The South Sudan Democratic Front, as a political party that is more mature in tackling social problems, shall heretofore encourage the implantation and development of the seeds of good governance, democratization, rule of law, human rights, and equality through dialogue and culture of peace.

The Democratic Front is also committed to pioneering the establishment of democracy, good governance, political correctness and fiscal responsibility through unity of equals and the culture of peace in a community that is oriented on democratic values that would reflect the cultural diversity of the people of the Sudan.
As demonstrated by the maturity of its leadership, the ultimate dream of the Democratic Front is a commitment to pioneering democracy where people should not be judged on the basis of their ethnicity, language, nationality, religion, gender, creed and national origin, but rather on the content of each individual character. The Democratic Front envisages a democratic leadership that derives all its powers from the people, i.e., the leadership that should be accountable to the people in order to create a democratic, multicultural, multiethnic, and multi-religious state.

Moreover, the Democratic Front shall seek to establish a truly multicultural democratic society through the culture of peace, unity in diversity and dialogue to preserve multiculturalism, national unity, national integration and harmonious peaceful co-existence throughout South Sudan. With these timely principles and visions, the Democratic Front would be prepared to devise strategic plans of action to eradicate racial biases or prejudices, ethnic hatred, divisiveness, and ethnocentric, hegemonic agenda being self-proclaimed by some ethnic groups against others.

We, therefore, reaffirm that the South Sudan Democratic Front is fully prepared and equipped to advance the struggle for liberty, freedom, democracy, equality, and social justice amongst all Sudanese and South Sudanese in particular.

Section 1: Goals and Objectives

1.1. To promote a culture of peace and tolerance that shall weaken and neutralize tribalism from monopolizing the political scene and the economy, with a democratic system and complete support and participation of people from all walks of life.

1.2. To create formidable institutions that shall remain in place forever. To free South Sudan from the authoritarianism, dictatorship, ethno-centrism (tribalism) and its hegemonic tendencies, religious, language and other divisiveness and to bring about unity, equality, social justice, freedom, liberty, rule of law, transparency and accountability.

1.3. To bring about development through the implementation of a free-market economy (laissez faire), privatization, democratization and peaceful federal system of governance.

1.4. The Democratic Front would engage the people at the grass-root level for effective political, economic and social participation.

Section 2: Reconciliation and Peace

2.1. To create a government through peaceful and democratic process, South-South Dialogue and roundtable discussions that should include all political forces, religious and civic societies.

2.2. To have a government which respects basic human rights, bill of rights and genuine participation by all political parties on a fair and open democratic national voting system that will ensure prevention of going back to instability.

2.3. To strive for the complete elimination of the divisiveness, tribalism, stereotyping, stigmatization, hatred and fear among the general public and to accelerate the process for reconciliation, unity of purpose and of equals, repentance and forgiveness, peace, cooperation and economic development.

2.4. To work in union with all the forces that are prepared to promote unity, democracy, rule of law, human rights, civil society, culture of peace, and promote good governance.

Section 3: Political Vision

3.1. To empower the people and to establish democratic and transparent institutions founded upon the constitution with freedom and equality for all, without any discrimination on the basis of tribe, religion, sex, region, etc….

3.2. To encourage the formation of political system that should be free from tribalism, religious intolerance, and gender differences.

3.3. To ensure that the Government of South Sudan responsibly continues to create an enabling environment for rapid development and economic growth for the ten states of the South.

3.4. To ensure that a democratically elected assembly of the South shall return the historical flag of the Southern region with Red, Green, White, Black stripes and a Buffalo in a white circle in the center that has represented South Sudan unity, honor, and pride since the independence of Sudan.

3.5. To ensure that all avenues of communication are open and transparent and that freedom of speech, press, assembly are fully exercised and guaranteed.

3.6. To ensure that the government of the South makes a distinct line of demarcation between the separation of state and religion. Without prejudice to the doctrine of the separation of religion and state, the Democratic Front encourages harmony between religious communities and the state as a means of peaceful coexistence.

Section 4: Economic Agenda

4.1. The Democratic Front shall devise policies that would encourage the practice of free economy for the prosperity of the South Sudanese people. It shall ensure that the law allows free-market enterprises and privatization to grow at an accelerated pace; however, foreign investment shall be regulated by law to avoid illegal takeover of South Sudan’s economy by foreign entrepreneurs. The Democratic Front’s administration in the South would encourage northern entrepreneurs to participate in trade, economic activities and socio-economic development of the South.

4.2. To ensure that the policies of a government favor and promote research and development for self- sufficiency in food production, and the creation of employment opportunities that improve the people’s standard of living. Moreover, the government shall ensure to further assist private and public entities with credit programs which are essential for stronger economic development.

4.3. The Democratic Front shall prioritize projects for economic development and ensure that South Sudanese have full rights to participate and/or involve foreign investors on joint ventures.

4.4. To guarantee that land be divided among farmers in a lawful, traditional and equitable manner. Individuals who legally own their land would have the right to sell, exchange, bequeath and transfer among family; lease such properties in cities or in the rural areas.

4.5. To improve the standard of living for the domestic sector of the nomadic and horticulturalist population by providing technical assistance and training for improved livestock management.

4.6. The Democratic Front shall devise strong measures for the elimination of corrupt practices, nepotism, favoritism, bribery and extortions which have hindered progress in the South, including organized embezzlement, money laundering, institutionalized tribalism and illegal acquisition of wealth.

Section 5: Social Issues

5.1 Education

5.1.1. The Democratic Front shall ensure its administration implements modern education for all people of South Sudan. It is the belief of the Democratic Front that South Sudan’s growth and development shall be ensured when her children are empowered with modern education where they are given equal access. Thus, education would receive a priority where there is an expansion of vocational/technical training schools and universities/colleges.

5.1.2. To encourage programs that would increase patriotism and inspire the students to make a positive difference for the future of the South.

5.1.3. To give special support to the institutions of science and technology in order to make it possible for South Sudanese from all walks- of -life to attain subsidized education at federal and states levels.

5.1.4. To encourage and provide the support needed to advance the establishment of schools and teachers’ training institutions so that it accelerates the education of the masses to eliminate illiteracy. Veterans, the disabled, widows and their children shall be entitled free education up to university level.

5.1.5. The department of education, in conjunction with the department of health, shall develop special education and training of teachers who will cater for children with disabilities and special needs.

5.1.6. The policy of the Democratic Front is that all types of education shall be free. In states and areas where there is an acute underdevelopment, co-education boarding schools shall be paid for by the central and State governments.

5.1.7. The government of the South under Democratic Front will ensure by law that every child has access to education so that no child is left behind. In order to completely increase literacy among children, women education shall be given top priority.

5.2 Health

5.2.1. To ensure that the South Sudanese people shall have free access to all basic health insurance, services and social welfare, and to implement a preventive health education agenda through the establishment of community health centers all over the South. The federal and state legislatures shall draft laws for compliance.

5.2.2. To establish a social health plan that works towards effectively eliminating infectious, treatable diseases and the creation of Center for Disease Control (CDC) and National Institute of Health (NIH) for the treatment and study of diseases for which cures have not yet been found such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and other diseases.

5.2.3. To establish modern health facilities in all areas of the South, and to ensure that the availability of medical supplies and equipment are a priority.

5.2.4. To provide aid in the proper preparation and distribution of traditionally effective medicines such as acupuncture, herbal treatment and medicinal plants under the regulation of the Ministry of health.

5.2.5. To ensure that the availability of health care is free and accessible to all. The government must regularly monitor children’s health in order to prevent ailments such as obesities.

5.2.6. To provide the whole South with clean drinking water, waste management and proper sewage system.

5.3 Other Social Priorities

5.3.1. To encourage the country’s agricultural, manufacturing, trade and services sectors for improved training such that better skills can be attained for the effective use of the available national work force.

5.3.2. To ensure that retirees and disabled veterans are given fair compensation that is livable and competitive with inflated prices. Consideration will also be given to creating other avenues of income for these individuals by creating the department of Veteran affairs.

5.3.3. To create alternative means of earning a living for citizens that are currently under destitute conditions such as begging, dependency syndrome on UNOLS and WFP, drugs or other dehumanizing activities.

5.3.4. To establish a social welfare programs for the rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents, homelessness, orphans, drug addicts and alcoholics.

5.3.5. To eradicate the negative effects that result from human and natural disasters through the establishment of national emergency relief programs.

5.3.6. The Democratic Front shall ensure that South Sudan Legislative Assembly passes laws that protect a family since it is the nucleus of society. In the event of divorce, the government must ensure that children are taken care of financially by both parents. The parent who has the custody of children must seek child support from the other parent to meet the financial needs of children.

5.3.7. To preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the South. The appropriate preservation of religious and cultural artifacts, traditional South Sudanese languages etc… would be given national priority with in-depth studies and documentation.

5.4 Religion

5.4.1. To ensure separation of the state from the religion, whereby all individuals are guaranteed freedom of religion while respecting the rights of non-believers.

5.4.2. To provide peaceful religious practices which promote social harmony and diversity of Sudan.

5.4.3. To closely monitor any illegal movement that might use religion as a cover for challenging the sovereignty and security of the Sudan.

5.5 Languages

5.5.1. To give special provisions for the use, preservation and growth of the indigenous languages in the Sudan.

5.5.2. To ensure the preservation of minority languages and cultures of South Sudan.

Section 6: Individual Basic Rights

6.1. To guarantee individuals the right to work, exercise free speech, expression, assembly, accumulate wealth, commune, and the pursuit of happiness.

6.2. To uphold all international protocols, Covenants and Agreements that have been ratified by Sudan.

6.3. To ensure freedom of movement for all South Sudanese throughout all the regions of the country.

6.4. To ensure that no South Sudanese shall be forced to lose his/her citizenship rights without legal proceedings. Unless it could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that an individual has committed a crime up on the findings of courts, one shall not be imprisoned, and one’s place of residence shall not be searched without a warrant from the courts. Moreover, no person shall be detained without a charge for more than 72 hours because it would tantamount to violation of an individual habeas corpus.

6.5. To ensure that all South Sudanese shall have the right to sell, exchange, and bequeath the property to which they are legally entitled. The movement of goods and services shall be protected except for health reasons.

6.6. To ensure that all South Sudanese who are of age shall have the right to participate in the political process, to vote and run for an office as long as they do not have a criminal record or are not declared mentally incapable or impaired.

6.7. To ensure establishment of fair labor laws that provide for equal opportunities.

6.8. Establishment of a fair minimum wage law in the country.

6.9. The government under South Sudan Democratic Front shall pass Access to information Act, which would allow the journalists to have unimpeded access to government’s documents in order to combat corrupt practices.

Section 7: National Defense, Police and Intelligence Services

7.1 National Defense

7.1.1. To ensure that the National Army (the JIUs) is reformed, well trained and equipped, in democratic manner, including how the relationship between the armed forces and legislatures, judicial, and executive power might be institutionalized in a way that promotes democracy and accountability. The army must be independent from special interest groups, and shall not be under the influence of partisan politics in contravention of the constitution of Sudan.

7.1.2. To build a strong Defense Force, modernized for the defense of the integrity of the entire nation. Members of the former movements who have sought resettlement abroad shall be allowed to participate in the army if they are interested in protecting the sovereignty of their nation. They should be promoted to equal ranks as their former colleagues of the same ranks.

7.2 Central Police and Intelligence Services

7.2.1. Provision of public security could be achieved by regulating and institutionalizing their functions to establish an organized and capable central police and intelligence system that can enforce national peace and stability.

7.2.2. To ensure that the national police and intelligence services respect freedoms enshrines in the Interim Constitution of the Sudan in order to make sure they have the right education and code of conduct in place that would teach democratic values and human rights in schools before joining security services. They should be thoroughly subjected to criminal background checks and take an oath to protect and serve the country.

7.2.3. To ensure that Police and Intelligence officials are prohibited from participating in any active politics. They must be given a good training in connection with constitutional principles which separate politics from security services.

Section 8: National Foreign Policy

8.1. To devise a foreign policy that is free of influence and interference of any external government, but at the same time open to working in partnership with foreign countries in ways that are mutually beneficial.

8.2. To ensure that the foreign policy would assist accelerating economic development. The foreign policy would generally support the overall need for cooperation, peace and partnership.

8.3. To collaborate with nations of the world that work for peace and democracy in order to ensure that the image of Sudan which has been tarnished by external enemies is restored.

8.4. To uphold the charters of African Unity (African Union) and of the United Nations Human Rights Organizations as long as these declarations do not interfere with vital territorial integrity, sovereignty and internal affairs of Sudan.

In conclusion, the South Sudan Democratic Front therefore presents its political program to all Sudanese, international community, friends of Sudan and South Sudan in particular. The Democratic Front believes that “charity always begins at home.” The party does not discriminate against any Sudanese citizen on the basis of ethnicity (tribe), religion, ideology, gender, race, creed and national origin. It is a Democratic Party, which operates on democratic tenets and values. It is a people’s party which is determined to eradicate ethnocentric domination and autocratic rule by any means necessary.

28, AUGUST, 2007.


  • Buol Garang
    Buol Garang

    Political vision of South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF)
    I am affraid of the formation of so called democratic parties by former militia groups, after the achievement of CPA for a good reason that; there is no democratic society that could emerged from any former militia groups that have been responsible for killing of own southern Sudanese alongside the enemy. therefore any militias must go back to where they break away from and begine a new version than trying ti imitate behind the mirror of any established entity


    Political vision of South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF)

    The so called South Democratic Front (SSDF) in their mission statement and political vision that appeared on the Sudan tribune website dated August 28,2007 formed with the aim “To pioneer democracy through dialogue; tolerance by promoting culture of peace; good governance; freedom of expression and assembly; social justice; liberty; unity; cultural diversity; human rights; and equality for all Sudanese people”.

    SSDF is a coalition of militias under command of Gen, Gabriel Tang-giny aligned to the government of Sudan that works days and nights to see CPA collapse for their greedy lives.They betrayed,attacked,recieved bribry to kill and assassinate their own brothers-the Arabs politic of rule and divide in South Sudan.

    The comprehensive peace agreement between the NCP and SPLA did not create rooms for militias’ coalition but rather says all militias must either joint SPLA or the SAF.

    The same militias’ groups were responsible for last year Malakal incident where many lives were claimed during the SAF militias’-SPLA war. After SPLA victory over them, they evacuated to the 1-1-1956 border where they settled.

    Majority of the civil population in Rank areas are now in the most unsecured situation(Renk will soon be another Malakal) because of the militias coming from the North located in Kenena, Kosti, Jabalayn, Upper Nile state, ad Duwaym and Sivar.

    These militias are well-armed with highly sophisticated modern weapons. Not only should you find these groups in Renk but also in upper Nile state in areas like Paloitch, Wunthou and Adar.They had formed other smallest groups in most of the counties in upper Nile and Unity state where they caused insecurity to the local population.

    They called themselves South Sudan Democratic front (SSDF); according to the CPA, all these troops must be redeployed to a new assemble areas to the North.

    Extension of SSDF objective is being felt in Bor town and Akobo of Jonglei state where JIU SAF commander, Major. Amir Mohammed Idris in Bor Town held meetings with members of the former militias, the people defense force (PDF) of the former Murle Militias, led by Chief Ismail Konyi.

    Most of the PDF militias refused to joint SPLA and instead are fueled by Khartoum to loot, kill, rape, abduct children and raid cattle from the Nuer of Akobo and the Bor Dinka counties. Of latest occurrence, the Murle had abducted two children from the general area of Kaikuiny (N 08 05’33.8, E 032 23’31.0’) taking advantage of Lou Nuer last year disarmament.

    However, looking critically into what the Khartoum government is doing through Southerners’ Militias, one is reminded of the Dinka saying that goes,” if you want to kill an hippotamus, use its hide to kill it.”

    SSDF got formed by Southerners who are paramount enemies of peace to their own people with greed to leadership in the South.

    The Arabs vision in this regards is to turn south Sudan into another Somali where tribes will finish tribes and clans against clans through the so called SSDF.

    The main political goal of the newly formed militias’ party (SSDF) is to pioneer democracy through turmoil, tolerance by promoting culture of war, social injustice, limited cultural diversity, human right abuses and inequality for Southerners.
    For life’s seek, there is no democracy society that could emerged from any former militias groups that had been responsible for mass killing in South Sudan alongside the common antagonists .

    Nevertheless, Southerners should not be fool by some few stooges who are heavily bribed by the Arabs to bring chaos into the South Sudan communities.

    Times have gone when Arabs used to pull the wool over southerners’ eyes. Separation is our goal and political fronts later as Militia and politics not acceptable.

    For the mean time SPLM is the only government party to be embraced in the South which respects basic human rights, bill of rights and genuine participation by all political parties on a fair and open democratic national voting system that will ensure impediment of going back to instability.

    SPLM OOYEEE, Goss Oyeee! CPA Oyee!
    John Chol Deng, Bor Town

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