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Sudan Tribune

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Corrupt practices are rampant in South Sudan – official

By Isaac Vuni

September 30, 2007 (JUBA) — The Chairperson of Anti-corruption Commission, Dr. Pauline Riek, presented recently a report on her visit to the ten states of southern Sudan to the participants of states consultative planning and budgeting workshop, indicating that some senior government officials are milking GoSS’ cows outside the fence.

The following are some excerpts from her speech:


Welcome to the first of it kind, the workshop for financial leaders at the states levels of the government of southern Sudan.

I the commissioner for Anti-Corruption in the new government of southern Sudan had the opportunities of visiting the ten states and I met most of you. So I warmly welcome you to Juba and hope that you will use this opportunities to express your aspirations, fears, constrains and to make constructive suggestions on the way forwards.

My visit to the ten states was educational and it gave me a better understanding of your challenges, constrains and the general weakness of financial management in government of southern Sudan (GoSS) and across the nation of southern Sudan.

I also witnessed disunity, tribalism, nepotism, hastate towards misused and abuse of official powers of some of our leaders, politicians and administrators for their private benefits.

I heard of the area in which officials improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves together with those close to them, often stealing or using funds meant for the public good.

I was told of bribery and extortion of officials who are bribed by contractors who deliver inferior quality services at supervision of officials who receives 10% of the contract value then look in opposite direction despite the fact that the work was done shortly, and government officials demanding payment in return for services they have failed to do as government employees.

I was also told that some officials feel that they have powers over others when in fact they are intended to serve the public.

I would like to remind ourselves that those people who give bribe or extort money for service not deliver are guilty of corruption just as the person who gave the bribe.

Nepotism is also common in states governments where I was told that charity begins at home. Hence those in authorities surrounds themselves with their immediate relatives and friends who made loyalty to them yet they are totally incapable of doing their work (there was loud claps) professionally. We southern Sudanese do not think to realize that southern Sudan is our home. Otherwise, our behavior encourages workers to be loyal to individuals than to the nation of south Sudan.

These things are wrong and they are all corruption and they result in sustained poverty and under development since the resources are used to benefit only small number of people who are often not very productive.

I was even told about the inflicted payrolls or payments made to people who you know do not exist or collection of pay by one person at states, counties or payams levels for the work not done.

But also I am aware and met among you hard working, dedicated and committed professionals who are not part of the on going corruption.

At this juncture, I would like to assure you that Southern Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission is fully mandated to protect public properties, funds, assets and also to investigate and seek persecution for corruption cases in Southern Sudan or outside Sudan if necessary.

There are problems in GoSS as we all know the 2.5 million allocated to southern Sudan anti corruption commission, only i/4 of operational budget cost for the month of April 2007 was released together with salaries. GoSS treasury still owns the commission 880,000 dollars out of 1.25 million that was allocated to the commission. Hence I am obliged to say when we do international assessment of anti-corruption commission that is successful internationally; there are two things that come up;

If money is not provided, then we in the Anti-Corruption Commission become a rubber stamp as an organization

If you are not independent, then we in the Anti-Corruption Commission become a rubber stamp


As a concept and practice, anti-corruption is new in Southern Sudan and it does not exist even in northern Sudan. Therefore, little is known about the Anti-Corruption Commission by the public who hold misconceptions about the work of Anti Corruption commission is doing. Fore example, people expected the commission to arrest all those thieves looting public funds and assets are to be lock in jail immediately.

However, anti corruption commission work is still more related to issues of good governance and the rule of law in order for the sack reason we have to enrich our people.

How to ensure the entire government at all levels commits it-self to ensure a corrupt free Sudan and this is where all of you become very important to works of GoSS.

You are the one who protects the resources of our government finances, and assets.

“If you do a lose job, then people will thinks the whole government of southern Sudan is corrupt and cannot mange itself”.

But if you are able to do commendable job, the same is true, you will lift this government to a very high heights, say Pauline Riek.

The commissioner congratulated the states of Jonglei, Warrap and Central Equatoria for having appointed anti-corruption unit in their respective states.

The Commission is also mandated to educate the public on corruption issues as GoSS is determined to fight corruption from its roots and with your support, together we can make positive difference.


1 Comment

  • Manyang

    Corrupt practices are rampant in South Sudan – official
    Thanks Dr.Pauline Riek and your Anti-Corruption Commission Team. The report is a welcoming news to the people of South Sudan where the Youth of S.Sudan has no acception. Infact the issue of corruption needs to begiven full attention by all and in particulr the leaders(GOSS) which the fade of this annihilated nation the S.Sudan rests.Our leaders should initiate and take major steps lead to combat the corruption.If we lose sight to this reality issue, then the window opportunity and possible return shall be intensed imbalance development where poverty will be firmly entrenched at all sectors and to all walks of life in the nation. So,your commission must at all level advocate strongly to the GOSS inoder to provide total auspicious support to the commission or else your commission will be a teethless and a laughing stock commission in the eyes of common people of S.Sudan and indeed the whole world.

    Manyang Rwei Gach Gabriel.
    [email protected]

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