Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

USA urges GoS and SPLM to reach final agreement

KHARTOUM, Jan 29, 2004 (Sudan Tribune) — The USA has confirmed its commitment to help Sudanese government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement to reach a peace agreement in Sudan, a communiqué issued by the US embassy in Khartoum indicated yesterday.

It also stressed its commitment to support efforts to reconstruct southern Sudan after the signing of the peace agreement.

The communiqué said the USA would support the implementation of a comprehensive and final peace agreement in Sudan.

The US administration congratulated the government and the SPLM on the agreement on the wealth sharing which was signed during the last round of talks.

At the same time, it praised the notable progress achieved in the issues of the three disputed regions, Abyei, Nuba mountains and southern Blue Nile, in particular the Southern Blue Nile and the Nuba mountains.

The US administration urged the two parties to reach a final agreement on the unsettled points related to the three regions and the power sharing in the forthcoming weeks.

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