Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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WBEG Governor accused of implementing Sharia over ban of hard liquor

October 10, 2007 (WAU) — The governor of western Bahr El-Ghazal was reportedly accused of implementing Islamic laws because he prohibited the sale and drinking of hard liquor sold in sachets here.

Governor Mark Nyipuoc told Sudan Radio Service that some people are calling his decision a form of Sharia law, but says he is acting in the best interests of citizens. He claims that the hard liquor, imported from Uganda and known locally as ‘knock out,’ is destroying the lives of civil servants in Wau.

“An official will come with it in his pocket and as if going to relieve himself and after he comes back, his eyes are changed. So we have prohibited that and people said, ‘oh, that is the Sharia of Mark Nyipuoch.” He said.

However the governor underlined that his decision concerns only this unhealthy alcohol.

“I told them, my brothers and sisters, that is not Sharia. I have left the other beverages like beer to you but this particular one is killing you. I have been to Uganda, the citizens are not taking that, it is being brought to you to knock you out.”

The governor is appealing to people in Western Bahr El Ghazal to drink moderately and not to allow alcohol to interfere with their work, the radio reported.



  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    WBEG Governor accused of implementing Sharia over ban of hard liquor
    people of western Bhar el Ghazal state your Governor is helping you out from the so called hard liqour that goes by the nickname of KNOCK OUT.You should be thankful you have a leader who cares.
    Please standby your leader and knock out, The KNOCK OUT.

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    WBEG Governor accused of implementing Sharia over ban of hard liquor
    Best southern Sudan about drinking alcohol is individual choice as nothing to do with the governor if the governor knows the meaning of freedom and democracy and am show he knows nothing about those things to me the governor is dead wrong
    He should be taken to court thanks

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    WBEG Governor accused of implementing Sharia over ban of hard liquor
    Thank you Very Much, Mr.Mark,

    You’re really for SPLM party even if they accused you. Imagine in Khartoum for the last four years ago before signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement[CPA], alcohol was banned by the Government of Khartoum but when the SPLA’s soldiers entered to the Capital city, Mr. Bashir allows alcohol drinks which I personally analyse as a political way of killing SPLM Representatives who use to go for such a drinks leaving their offices before working hours.

    Dear Nyipouch, I met you in Wau in the month August 2007 when I have gone for my leave to access some travelling documents but what I saw in you, you’re really a good leader, a man for development. Because, that time you moved together with those who are repairing roads in Wau town to supervise the work they are doing and that is the way the leader should be.

    Please Mark, keep on that spirit and leave them free they are doing what’s they don’t know.


    Yirol boy

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