Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan ruling party accuses SPLA of launching military offensive

By Wasil Ali

October 20, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese ruling party accused the southern ex-rebels of occupying a town Al-Kuwaik located south of the White Nile.

An unidentified military source told the government sponsored Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website that Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) forces are on the offensive to take over some more cities in the region supported by tanks and vehicles.

The source said that the SPLA is massing troops on the eastern bank of the White Nile River in preparation for an attack on Al-Tboon area bordering the states of Sinnar, White Nile and Upper Nile.

However the governor of Blue Nile State Malik Agar told Sudan Tribune by phone that he has no knowledge of such news and denied any military movements by the SPLA.

“The SPLM leadership is not aware of any incidents involving our forces” he added.

The United Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) spokeswomen Rhadia Achouri told Sudan Tribune that she has no information on the government claims.

The 2005 peace agreement brokered by the IGAD, US and other western countries ended two decades of civil war between the north and the south.



  • Manyok s. Arok
    Manyok s. Arok

    Breaking News: Sudan ruling party accuses SPLA of launching military offensive
    NCP is playing delaying tactics. This is somewhat a nasty game. Imagine, how can SPLA troops move all this far without being noticed by Sudan Peace Observers? I mean, NCP has nothing to do now after it has fallen into the SPLM and Peace brokers’ trap. What it’s left with is to falsely accuse the SPLM/A.
    Because SPLM and international community woo the NCP in failing to implement the CPA, the latter wants to create situations which it hopes shall cause delays in all it ought to answer. Nevertheless, this is nonsense.
    In my opinion, both the SPLM and UN peacekeepers in Sudan need to be charged with this to honestly investigate the cause/course of this awful behavior. With empirical evidence established, there is need for early warnings. ”It’s not advisable to oftenly awake a sleeping lioness”, NCP must take care. SPLM/A is ready to do anything for peace in Sudan apart from war at the moment which NCP is waging. NCP has to be condemned not to always provoke situations; Sudanese are nearly forgetting war and are working for Peace and development.

    Manyok Arok, Rumbek South Sudan

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    Breaking News: Sudan ruling party accuses SPLA of launching military offensive
    Best S.S this is what NCP good in it creating false buying time skipping the CPA,
    But it’s too late the game over what all the Sudanese people waiting for is for the NCP to implement the comprehensive peace agreement


  • ngorkolong

    Sudan ruling party accuses SPLA of launching military offensive
    Bravo SPLA, We are ready to withdraw NCP, we are not like long years ago, Khartoum is the Target, Move on.

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