Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s president urges SPLM to lift government withdrawal

October 23, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir urged on Tuesday the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to lift the suspension of its participation in the central government, warning that the decision has put peace efforts in danger.

Omer al-Bashir
Omer al-Bashir
In his address to the parliament, the Sudanese president noted that the SPLM’s decision to freeze the participation of its ministers in the government had “put the peace efforts in front ofa real choice which we had not expected.”

He said that because of the decision as well as developments and a new political language resulted from it, “the consultation and cooperation between the two sides had been replaced by differences and disputes.”

The Sudanese president reiterated that the peace was a mutual right and responsibility for both partners, adding that the SPLM’s decision had forced the government to take a review into the basis on which the peace agreement was reached.

SPLM, which signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) with the Sudanese government in 2005 to end a 21-year conflict between them, decided on Oct. 11 to withhold the participation of its ministers in the government.

This is the most serious crisis for the present Sudanese Government of National Unity since it was established in September2005, in which political power is shared mainly between the SPLM and the National Congress Party led by al-Bahir.



  • Samson Liberty

    Sudan’s president urges SPLM to lift government withdrawal
    When the Government of Sudan is falling apart and Sudan’s president Field marshal Omar Hassen Ahmed Al Bashir urged the Sudan people’s liberation movement(SPLM;urgently to rejoin the coalition,otherwise the “peace is in great danger” the president lamented.If the two parties gets into difficulties to resolve their problems,then a rescue team must be called in like the AU,IGAD and UN security council.The reason is that; many peace analyst believe that if the CPA fails the cause will definitely affect the whole continent.

  • Mayen Mangok Mayen
    Mayen Mangok Mayen

    Sudan’s president urges SPLM to lift government withdrawal
    Dear President Bashir, it is right time for your government and you to accept mistakes. The CPA failure that you wanted to put blame on SPLM is ‘BIG FALES’, Since from the beginning your goverment was force by international bodies out of your wills to signed CPA but now you have got a ground to destory its. Please go head and do whatever you think will be good for your government and we will see whether its will favour you in anyway
    The people of Sudan had suffered in the hands of your brutal government during the 21 years of civil war but now they are no long willing to entertain your nonsense.
    Decide now either to resign for the unity of Sudanese or implemented CPA such that we are again eat together in one plate.

    reach me using Email [email protected]

  • Abila Ocho
    Abila Ocho

    Sudan’s president urges SPLM to lift government withdrawal
    Dear Omer El-Bashir, it’s good you have realized the significance of SPLM participation in the Government of National Unity to strengthening CPA to survive. Then what is difficult for you as a president to set a degree for proper implementation of six pillars of CPA (protocols)? Who do you think will come from heaven to implement these demands claimed by the SPLM?

    Now you said this action is threatening the peace in the country, as the top decision maker and a final man in any act in this country why can’t you come up with a good solution to end this political crisis in the country? I know we are capable of solving our own affairs but stubbornness and the attitude of who is he demanding for his/her democratic right? If we change this element from our minds we will development this Sudan in shorter time.

    To His Excellency Silva Kiir Mayanidit the president of south Sudan we shouldn’t be threaten by words of dictators so that we continue kneeling on our knees for our citizen right. If it means we should dig position to make CPA paralyze we are ready. This time we should not compromise with rigid Khartoum Government who thinks we have not brains and sight to judge between bad and good, between a liar and transparent partner with humor of integrity to his citizens.

    Keepup Mr. Kiir with the decision never reverse your though because this determines how matured we are in resolving the internal conflicts. This decision has blow off the government of national unity and has exposed their weakness in the international community who are the stakeholders of this peace by Monitoring, verifying and reporting but no change.

  • Bob Tata
    Bob Tata

    Sudan’s president urges SPLM to lift government withdrawal
    This is what we have been saying all this time that SPLA/M is pushing things too hard! Now, what is going to be the SPLA/M’s next move as the militia has already affirmed to NCP that is not going back to war! then, what staying away of SPLA/M from the government of national unity will produce to militia!

    I hope SPLA/M will not be blindfolded by the fraudulent support offered by those who are betting with our people blood while I am sure they will never go to frontlines in south Sudan to join their militia there! that is in-case things get worse! Which will then leave us with the biggest question: who is going to fight on behave of militia as not everyone is happy with her?

    SPLA/M harassments to CPA are causing the militia and the whole south Sudan dearly! Let us see who is going to come to recruit people of from sidelined tribes to fight in SPLA/M forces this time! I believe it is not going to be like in 1986 when young children from Greater eastern Nuer were being abducted and recruited to SPLA/M forces by some Nuer traitors such as Dead William Nyoen Bany, among others, this time I don’t think people of Greater Nuer will allow that to evil deed repeat itself! So, I am warning SPLA/M that she must not relay on those disgraceful deeds any more as this is age is the age of technology not like 20 years ago when the militia was slaughtering millions of our innocence southerners while nobody notice what was going on! Let SPLA/M learn from Darfur issues and realise why it is touching people that bad and that fast! I believe it is not only because of human right campaigners or activists but also due to this ages technology!

    Thus, If you’re(SPLA/M) causing this war hopping that you are going to do as you like with our innocence people of South Sudan, then you better think twice because you will never succeed to do that again as we will not allow it to happen simple! no one will allow you to decide our fate or destinye any more I hope you will listen if you have ears!

    But the worst will be what this man said when commented on the so-called Bor massacre posted by someone on YouTube:

    So what..? What about the Federal Republic of Nuerland after 2011 or whatever comes first? With Nuer People’s as Defence Forces as it forces……

    I hope SPLA/M understood what NCP meant by reconsidering of some aspects of CPA and thus save the CPA before it is sunk!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir(UK)

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    Sudan’s president urges SPLM to lift government withdrawal
    Oh, Bashir,

    The Comprehensive Peace Agreement [CPA] was already at risk before Sudan People’s Liberation Movement [SPLM] decision of pulling out from GoNU; because the time you Bashir went for a visit to Italy, your expression to the Press says Sudanese Armed Forces SAF weren’t defeated during fight of a 21 year struggle war, mentioning 86% of armed forces withdrew from the South which actually shows that CPA wasn’t National Congress Party desire but SPLM and International Community desire. Same happened the pending issues were presented by SPLM on October 11, 2007 you still neglecting some but mind you Mr. Bashir the one you called as a colleague of yours, Mr. Ali Taha is compaigning for a position you are holding if you don’t know. That is why he always accuses SPLM even when there is nothing went wrong in the Government such that the Sudanese people may think of you as a weak Leader who listens to rumour and spoil a fragile peace deal. But frankly speaking, the whole World will look at you but you are innocent person I can say the problem is Taha……………… He was the person who negotiated a peace process more than other NCP leaders with Late Dr.Garang but now he wants to sabotage it by accusing SPLM every now and then.

    To conclude my comment; implementation of CPA or separation………


    Yirol boy

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