Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Better for Khartoum not to test the will of freedom fighters

By Chuar Juet Jock

October 28, 2007 — Khartoum can not have them both, it got to chose one of two, to hate us and let go or to love us and we chose to stay but it can not hate us and force us to stay or to co-exist within its hatred system against our own will or to expect us to chose inferiority, sub class humans and citizens, there is no holy war that can suppress people will, dignity and quest for freedom, never, and in the light of this, it is better for Khartoum to save millions of lives of Sudanese youth in south and north, to avoid the upcoming war, it take leaders with wisdom and reasoning to make peace not people with childish reactions like the so-called Dr. Moustafa Osman Ismail. No doubt that his being an advisor to president Bashir is one of reason that fuels the chaos and fire, a man who always doesn’t even know the consequences of his own words, and no doubt again that Sudan is cursed to have such a leader like him. But Mustafa Osman or whatever his name is got to know one thing, you don’t need to test the oppressed keen will and quest for freedom and clearly it is better for his Khartoum system to think twice and not to test our unparallel will for freedom and readiness to fight for it

Logic and wisdom are good; they are the foundation of a healthy and a sound mind, and blessed are those nations and countries that are led by leaders who do posses some of these two reasoning elements, because peace, justice, equality and all that high aspirations and Godly values that the humanity needs to co-exist and live in peace are but associated products of logic and wisdom. A permanent liar and a well trained professional in the art of deception and mockery, Mustafa Osman Ismail and his de facto Khartoum regime has nothing left to cover their ugly face, and must accept the consequences of their own mockery games

Faced with the reality of political crisis triggered by its very own tyrants officials irresponsible deeds and that forced the SPLM to withdraw from the then so called Government of National Unity (GoNU) in fact it is a government of national dismay, the National Congress Party (NCP) has only two options left, either to rush again to unfounded war with south, opening an all-out war and digging its own death grave or to come back to its long lost conscience and credibility (if it did ever had any) and willingly decide to implement the terms of Comprehensives Peace Agreement (CPA) it did signed with the SPLM on January 9, 2005, fully and honestly

Yes there is a dare need for peace and yes the poor people of Sudan are not even wishing to fight another bloody war, that is true, but in the face of the bitter reality of continuous defiance and tyranny of NCP, they would have no option. The gloomy situation in Sudan is not a creation of innocents Sudanese masses neither the provoked racial and religious wars have something to do with people of Sudan that we know very well. They are wars and conflicts that are imposed on them by the minority rulers in Khartoum to further their unrealistic agenda and that have no connection neither with a better future or welfare of Sudanese people, though how the Sudanese became displaced and prisoners in their own countries and refugee in all countries of the world and a sound mind in Arabic and Muslim world could simply identified the nature and ideology of this regime, what kind of government system in Khartoum that did make Israel became better refuge for the poor African Sudanese Muslims leave alone Christians than their own stolen and invaded Sudan, the Israel that we were told by the same minority media drums of lies that, hell but not Israel.

What type of government system that has been in conflict with certain ethnics of its very own people for two successive decades, systematically killing, uprooting them and having the free hand in transforming Sudan to the worst place a human can dream to live. For African Sudanese, Muslim or Christians alike, Sudan was made by this regime the worst than the Germany of Hitler. What is this system overall goal and objective? Isn’t it easy for the world to identify the system in the iron fist control of Khartoum through this mass killing and uprooting of African people of Sudan? If so than any peace negotiations with this regime is just but a complete lie, a tactic and strategy of buying time, a make up to an ugly inhuman face.

For those confused minds of ours and who criticized the SPLM pullout I simply do direct this question, why would SPLM stand on the way of full implementation of CPA? An accord that it fought for and negotiated and accepted as the least possible agreement for creation of new Sudan of unity on new sound bases, The CPA is a program of timed processes that if implemented fully in good faith and through excellent management it would lead to the Sudan that is the dream, at least, of all Sudanese. The agreement is what is possible for Sudan to co-exist as a country, united or separated, through the free will of its people and the NCP did sign it willingly and soberly. With the full implementation of the CPA, Sudan will never be the same as the late leader Dr. John Garang did put it. Sudan will change for better and it is this change that the minority in Khartoum and their backers around the world want to stop, because this change is a threat to their selfish interests and definitely this change will create new equal and just platforms of power sharing and equal participation in running the country affairs, this change will lead to democracy, elections, rule of majority, this change will give back the Sudanese people their stolen rights and freedoms. Why would the minority rulers in Khartoum fully implement the CPA, since the very CPA would shift the power base from them?

Who is really being threatened by the full implementation of the CPA? Answering this question will clearly identified the forces that are hindering and sabotaging the full implementation of CPA and these forces are not the hardliners within the NCP alone but there are old elements within Khartoum ruling circle that sees CPA as a threat to their interests, they oppose NCP rule but they are unwilling to change Sudan too, they want the change to be associated to their old short visions that have given the chance to NCP to reach to the power.

As southern Sudanese we are not going to be angels of perfection over night as some of us may have wish, we still have a long way to go to heal the damage done to our society in terms of structure and substance, we still have to come out from the long dominated characters and brains to a more independent, healthy brains and characters. Those who see our problems of tribalism, corruption and others as justification to prefers the domination of Khartoum oppressors then our immature own government have a very short sighted and selfish interests, the CPA itself has given a chance for each Sudanese to joint either north or south system. In south we have our northerners that do enjoy the system we do have and vise versa. so please if you are southerner and you think you inclined to the northern system just simply joint it but don’t impose it on the southerners, we are in fact living the reality of one country two systems

In seriously and effectively dealing with the NCP, whether in peace or in war, no single political party that will be better then the SPLM itself that has fought the successive regimes of Khartoum, the NCP itself is not just only a local Sudanese movement but a part of an international movement that is executing non Sudanese agenda. Its pure aim is to occupy the total land of Sudan, they want all the African Sudanese uprooted or killed so the vast rich Sudan can be a source of funding of their endless war with the west. They are very strategic and they know how the world politics works and they are well trained in deception in any time of space, lying in the name of God is just a philosophy, they have nothing to do with God neither with Sudanese people but they see Sudan as the source of wealth that need to be seized by all the cost.

The NCP can bring the whole China Arms machines to protect the oil fields but will not even provide a relative security to poor African Sudanese in Darfur, instead it is using this oil money to funds its Arab expansionist project by the systematically killing and uprooting of African people of Sudan. With this vast wealth they will create a military machine that will not only crush the African people of Sudan but a funding base that funds all the terrorists agenda of their kind and pursue their march into the rest of Africa. With this oil money, the NCP is not just only a part of all the problems in black Africa but a main facilitors for all the unrest movements here and there in Africa. Truly, those who are blaming the SPLM pullout are those who don’t have a clue about the history, aims and objectives of NCP and how this racist party works. A final peace will not be attained through escaping the reality that we are dealing with wars lovers and inhuman ideologists that don’t sees the world as we see it but it will be attained through a clear cut victory upon the evils machine and it is just a matter of time.

In the light of this bitter reality the SPLM must not believe in a final trustworthy peace agreement with the NCP, but let it go the extra miles with NCP, laugh when they laugh and grin its chins when they does, you never know when the devil finally did or will decide to change, but all options must be on the table, just like it did, the SPLM must know when it have to start, pause, stop or terminate the game. In the quest for final peace and democratic transition in Sudan, it is of imperative that the SPLM/SPLA have to play the game of politics very well, by being fundamentally a peace and change maker through politics and dialogue while being up-to-date in terms of military readiness as well as intelligence gathering, financial resources and political awareness and mobilization of its bases. It is the responsibility of SPLM/SPLA to defend the southern gate of Africa and therefore it will need to strengthen itself and create not only a movement that is really capable to provide a new agenda for new strong Sudan but for the whole Africa, it will need viable allies in intelligence gatherings and military operations and in the light of this our foreign relations with the rest of Africa must be solid as well as the rest of our international ones, we must contain the NCP every where and engage it every where. The SPLM is a movement with sacred cause and it will continue to shine and thrill as long as its sticks to that cause and it did proves with the recent pullout that it is still the people’s movement

In the case of Darfur, the history and the nature of NCP make the negotiations useless, with such a minority regime that has nothing to give but lies, false and fake promises. it is not a surprise to us at all that the gallant Darfur fighters did decide to boycott the proposed peace negotiations in Libya , learning from the SPLM pullout, it is better to search for realistic alternative instead of wasting time with a system that is built on lies, mockery and deception. In fact the poor Sudanese need to think seriously about real effective and efficient ways to deals with the minority rulers in Khartoum. Sudan will never be the same and the people of Sudan must not retreat nor surrender because their victory against tyranny and authoritarian of the few in Khartoum is certain and near.

Khartoum rulers need to face the reality that the poor Sudanese people won’t give up the fight neither surrenders nor retreat, their destiny will be like any tyrants and dictators who have killed millions of their own people, the truth about the Sudan will prevail, neither the widowed women will forgets their murdered husbands nor the orphans children won’t forget their murdered parents, nor the uprooted masses won’t erase the bitter memories of their burnt villages, killed relatives. In this technological era, the modern world history is well kept and recorded through videos and other sophistecated devices, and clearly the NCP has nothing to hide, its naked racist and inhuman bloody face is well known around the whole world. It is really a good chance for them to seize this moments of peaceful oppertunities for the problem of Sudan to slove, it is impartive that they come back to their Sudanese conscience, it is never too late for Sudanese people to forgive neither it is too late for the Sudan of dignity, unity, freedom, democracy to prevail and time will tell.

*The author is a Sudanese that resides in US, he can be reach at [email protected] , to read more topics by the author go to http://chuarjuetonline.blogspot.com


  • Augustino

    Better for Khartoum not to test the will of freedom fighters


    IAM AVAILABLE AT [email protected]

  • Wael Elamin
    Wael Elamin

    Better for Khartoum not to test the will of freedom fighters
    Dear Chuar,
    I have to admit that you are one of the few elite not pointing a finger of generality and blaming all “Northerners” for the deterioration in OUR country. It is excellent to differentiate between the rulers and those ruled. As a matter of fact it shows great maturity. The majority are not participitating in either the SPLM or NCP, but are normal “citizens” striving for their daily lives. I doubt if they worship politics as the politicians would like to picture them to. They are just too busy and worried with very simple agendas, such as the increasing prices of bread and how to provide the extra necessary income for sustainance. This is the case in both North and South, despite the differences in defining daily necessaties. If the needs of the people are met, be it through independance/sepearation/unity, believe you me, it is better for both, for 56 years of grief meant that a whole generation has seen nothing but that. I hope that we meet one day; but I guess we already have, atleast in our love for our peoples. I also appreciate that you seem to talk logic and accept differences in opinion in a very civilised manner, if only the majority of our peoples would understand the manners of a civilised argument. I bow in respect to he who listens and voices his opinion, and is brave enough to hear a correct voice.

    Thank you.

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