Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Stop fuelling tribal differences

By Garang Ayang Kuoi

November 13, 2007 — November 4th 2007, South Sudan was struck and terribly stabbed in the back when the so called joint integrated unit (JIN) recklessly and unlawfully shot and killed three police officers in Western Equatoria State. Although we were seriously hurt by this unfortunate event, some politicians back along with their boys on internet have diverted this unlawful crime against our citizens into their own political dynamics, making it a case against the tribe of Dinka instead of making a case against SPLA troops who belong to the government of South Sudan and not an innocent tribe known as Dinka. Before I moved with my critics against those who have been intentionally fuelling tribal differences, I would like to express my deepest condolences and sorrow to the families of the lost ones. I must admit and confess to our people that I as a member of Dinka community, and a peace loving citizen of Sudan believed that the rule of law has been broken, crime has been committed, and therefore, we people of South Sudan have moral obligation to after the government of South Sudan to carryout investigation immediately, the justice must be done, and the responsible killers must be brought to justice, whether they are John Garang’s sons or Salva Kiir’s. We must not be driven away from the reality by tribal names, this a critical moment for the government of South Sudan and the families of deceased ones, it is a moment in which we must all pay our respects to those three freedom fighters who have been victimized by none enemies, it is a time for us to mourn, not a time for political philosophers analyze, there is nothing to be analyze at this juncture rather than truths to be told. The truth is that other human beings have taken away other human being’s lives, and they must be held accountable for their deed. Whether they were killed by Dinkas, Nuer, Equatorians or anybody responsible for their death must give us answers as to why they did this.

Perhaps, I believe that the entire Dinka community is terribly hurt by this incident, given the reaction of some immature politicians on the webs, those whose rationality has been driven by tribal politics and not the genuine reasons that these three officers were national professionals who died along their national duty lines. They were on the line of duty in which they were serving their country, not their tribes, which is the only reason that bring me to conclusion that anyone who has over crossed the line by fueling tribal differences between Dinka and Equatoria must be an old foe of my people. Some people have been recklessly saying things that are contagious and even dangerous to their own selves; however, the fools have failed not to recognize the truth must reveal and that our dead brothers have place in our hearts as we mourn them to this day. The old foes and enemies of our people are very tricky and treacherous indeed, they keep an eye on our people with their dark heartedly ideals to justify their claims and wrong deeds against our people, having betrayed us during the war is a big fear to them as they wait for something unfortunate like this incident to happen so that they can make their case well known. Otherwise who does not know significance of our unity? How many bad examples do we want to see happened so we can realize that our undivided will and dedication is vital and crucial for our own success? Early in the 90’s, our movement was stabbed in the back by those traitors who are always quick to comment along tribal lines rather than the real enemy; during then, SPLA and SPLM were almost severely destroyed by fundamentalist and radical Islamic regime in the North, which was another evident that South Sudan can not achieve it goals and objectives without our collective efforts. Although that terrible and horrific event was meant to get ride of Dinka, yet we were all hurt, those who defected to the north ended up with being unscrupulous and unpatriotic as they shamefully came back, and the Dinka people with their unified will with other patriotic South Sudanese maintained the movement until 2005 when comprehensive peace agreement was reached between the south and the North Their coming back to rejoined the movement was viewed as truths can speak for itself, that there is no one in Sudan to give us our freedom and dignity than us to claim it by all means necessary and that we must not judge our actions but the history can judge us, and proof us either wrong or right. To me that was a great lesson which we should have learned from. There is nothing that we can achieve in Sudan without collective and undivided effort of our people to stand side by side with one another and fight for their common objective. During the funeral of these patriotic brothers who were murdered in cold blood in Yambio, speeches were given by some people whom we supposedly should refer to as our elders and the knowledgeable people of our time who can lead us to the promised land of freedom, justice and liberty for all. However, I was personally and literally shocked by Clement Wani when he largely blamed the murder on the entire community of Dinka rather than blaming those responsible for their action.

Instead he called upon the government of South Sudan in which he is a member to immediately probe the incident and bring the bad guys to justice, Wani however, went on and attacked Dinka at large as he referred to them a “un civilized and cattle camp soldiers”, an action which reminded me of his past records and action against Dinka in 1993 when I was a boy when he sent enemy troops and the so called Aringa to Aliab county with intention to destroyed Aliab community. Because the Dinka society is hated for no good caused, a tiny Aliab community retaliated against Clement his army and was defeated terribly. During then, what benefit did we gain by killing ourselves? It was shocking to see and elderly person who is supposed to be wise enough siding with some boys who called SPL/SPLA Dinka movement. Nevertheless, I am here to let those of Clement Wani know that we as South Sudanese citizens loves those three brothers, and we will be happy to those who are responsible for their lives brought under their knees and face the rules of law; given the matter of the subject that one of our themes and most important of all why we went to war is because we want to be free citizens who can have equal justice under the rule of law. In order for us to have equal freedom and justice, we must start acting as nationalists rather than tribal leaders, your hate for Dinka, and your willingness to divide our people have no room, and people like you ( Clement ) must start acting as anti tribal division now.

All in all, I have a message to all Southern Sudanese in particular, and Sudanese in general that we must stop fuelling tribal differences and be true heroes of our people. We have a long way to go with the struggle, given the notion of many obstacles that are on our way such as our fragile and shaky CPA. The enemies of peace in Sudan will never get anything done to please us unless we are united with one unified goal and objective, and demand our freedom until we are totally free. Our differences are the most vital tools they used against us so that they can achieve their goals. We have not been fighting with people’s army in Sudan, rather than we have been fighting against a powerful system which is designed for the victims to victimize one another; it is not new and we should have learnt from it long time ago. There is nothing called Arab in Sudan, all is there is Arabism which is a system designed to destroy our values and humanity. We should be prepared by now and wait on the recent political development between the NIF and the SPLM, we might be hopping for the best that the enemy will implement comprehensive peace agreement in full, but it might turn out to be something different given their dishonesty and violation of agreements. I urge the government of South Sudan to do what it can in its capacity to ensure that the murders and culprits brought to justice. And I once again appeal to the families of deceased that I am personally sharing those terrible moments with you, and I pray the almighty God to give you strengths and courage to be strong. And may God bless the dead and rest their souls in heaven.

The author is a student at Southern Vernment College U.S.A. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • Garang Ayang Kuoi
    Garang Ayang Kuoi

    Stop fuelling tribal differences
    I as Garang Ayang Kuoi is responsible for any error this post may contain, I apologized in advance as I was moved by anger and iresponsibility of some of our brothers who had recklessly diverted this incident into their own personal interests and not the interest of our people. The article has languistical errors in it, it was writen by me and I held myself resnponsible for any error it may contain. If you are a reader and have any question, you may not hesitate to reach me at [email protected]. And I will appreciate your understanding.

    May God bless our people

    Garang Ayang Kuoi
    Bennington VT U.S.A.

  • Bombom

    Stop fuelling tribal differences
    Dear Garang Ayang Kuoi

    You seem to be one of the rare Dinkas who fancy publicity of their tribe and proud of generating a greater deal of enemies! People like you should be held responsible for the hatred of Dinkas by other tribes! why? because your deeds cause people to synonymise Dinka tribe to SPLA/M! for example the majority of high ranked SPLA commanders used to be from Dinka tribe and now GoSS and GoUN are being dominated by Dinka as well! as Dr Reik once said “ Garang didn’t like semblance (resemblance) and thus he like to run the movement as his own property”
    people are not happy for you as they think you are power hunger and self-centred group and that can lead into tribalism and ruin of the unity of South Sudan!

    I can describe your provocative and naïve comments such as the back-stubbing of your so-called movement in 1991 and the return of what you called the traitors after the dishonouring of their treaties with governments in Khartoum as reckless and insensible, given to their(comments)being divisive as those words alone are offensive enough to fuel the tribalism that you are hypocritically trying to condemn!

    For your information! I would like to remind you about the fact that there would have been no something called comprehensive peace agreement today if such forces you have reefed to as traitors did not accept to unite with SPLA/M be realistic about that!

    Moreover, don’t giggle at us (Naath) because of people like Dr Reik Machar, among others of Nuer leaders who have naively and weakly run to join your movement that I believe we (Naath) initiated for you as I believe none of you (including your hero Dr Garang whom I think he is busy right now facing the justice from the 2 million people he killed with his stupidly or carelessly executed and prolonged war) knew the location of Itang before we showed you!

    I don’t think they (those of Dr Machar)did the right thing by joining the SPLA/M that was responsible for the dishonouring of their agreements!

    Nevertheless, I personally don’t believe in your so-called stubbing of the movement at the back by those of greater Nasir faction led by two giants by then, namely Dr Reik and Dr Lam! I believe they deserted SPLA/M with good reasons such as the cold blooded elimination of the highly educated high ranked army persons from other tribes by the dead tyrant and your hero Dr Garang! Who used to send those to fight in the enemy frontlines as he liked only to surround himself with bunches of illiterates or primitives simply because he didn’t like competition or semblance!

    So, take this piece of advice! Please keep a way from reminding us about the history as I don’t believe it will do you any good! Instead, I believe it will make the already worsened matter even worse! Don’t derail the course of this discussion! The murder of South Sudanese police officers in Yambio by JIU! We Nuer are keeping quite and letting you enriching yourself with our wealths and power that killed us even more than anyone else in Sudan!if you think that our patience will last forever then you must be silly!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir(UK)

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