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Sudan Tribune

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US expresses surprise at Kiir remarks on progress of Sudan peace

By: Wasil Ali

November 14, 2007 (WASHINGTON) — The US expressed surprise today at statements made by Sudan First Vice President Salva Kiir to members of the US Congress last Thursday in which he said that the peace agreement is off track.

Salva Kiir
Salva Kiir
A US official speaking to Sudan Tribune on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issues discussed, said that Kiir made statements to US lawmakers that contradicted with the recent understanding reached between Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

“He [Kiir] signed an agreement on November 3rd with the NCP on a framework to resolve outstanding issues. There is progress made on the CPA [Comprehensive peace agreement]”.

Kiir met with US lawmakers including Democratic Rep. Donald M. Payne, chairman of the Africa subcommittee of the House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee, following a meeting US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

The Southern leader told the lawmakers that “the National Congress Party has shown deliberate intent of dishonoring the CPA, that they have not behaved in good faith,” Payne said. “He mentioned that things need to be concluded that have not been concluded.”

“We are not sure why he turned around to say something different to the Congress despite the agreement he signed which paved the way for resolving most issues. They also agreed that they will try to reach a common ground on the issue of Abyei” the official added.

The U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, last week proposed a set of “confidence-building measures” to Kiir. One of the proposals was that China, Saudi Arabia and the US would mediate between the NCP and SPLM to formulate a “package deal” to solve the impasse around Abyei and north-south border demarcation.

However Kiir rejected the proposal saying that he is satisfied with the agreement reached with the NCP last week to resolve the outstanding issues in the CPA.

The spokesman for the US State department Sean McCormack said last week that based on Kiir’s assessment of the CPA implementation, the new proposals are “no longer relevant, because they’ve [SPLM & NCP] actually moved beyond it”.

The US official cautioned against any talk of returning to war between the North and South.

“There are hardliners within the SPLM who want to go back to war. I don’t believe they are ready for such an option which would be devastating for South Sudan and the entire country” the official said.

The official stressed that the CPA implementation is a priority for the US policy in Sudan.

“We are honest brokers and we want the peace agreement to hold and be successful” the official added.

Kiir is due to meet with US President George Bush tomorrow to discuss progress of CPA. This would be their second meeting since Kiir joined Sudan’s government of national unity.

The 2005 peace agreement brokered by the US and other western countries ended two decades of civil war between the Arab and Muslim-dominated north and the mainly Christian and animist black southerners.



  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    US expresses surprise at Kiir remarks on progress of Sudan peace
    People should have to understand one thing they had ever missed to and this is not other than many colours of Bashir. Kiir statement of CPA being off track is the current issue,coz the brothers in the north can only reveal just a flash of the needed truth only to cover blind eyes and attempt to step in in the name of implementation is an invitation of argument.What if the CPA which was signed in a broad daylight is in danger what does one think of the agreement in the dark corner of Bashir house in Khartoum you know?. I personally encourage people to rely on what they see than they hear, only applicable where arabs are available….not Biblical. I mean Kiir is talking of what he had already seen and how they arrived at the conclusion on those issues which are not yet implemented.

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    US expresses surprise at Kiir remarks on progress of Sudan peace

    Yes, your Hon. Mr. 1st vice president, Khartoum government may try to lend you its chair to rule Sudan in general for the little tick, but if you accept that discredit harmony, no doubts that you may be one amongst those who had been misleading Southern Sudanese because of wealth issues. We believe that, though all other political concerns are laid down, South Sudan Self-governing is not the agenda to be laid off the table. We believe that many people of Southern Sudan have learnt
    enough lessons from the Khartoum government. Enough is enough. We have never been satisfied and we will not be satisfied if SOUTH SUDAN IS NOT SEPARATED FROM KHARTOUM GOVERNMENT. Our goal of autonomous government (of South Sudan) is not something to be misapprehended or used individually for debris.

    If you are really the president of south Sudan, we don’t want the Khartoum military to stay in our ‘backyard’ hunting for our resources. Abyei issue needs possible solution, if President Bashir does care for the people of South Sudan and respects the CPA? Look at Northern alliances that are still in Bentiu currently they are unwanted too as CPA spelt it. What are they still doing in that state if Bashir is serious about the Comprehensive Peace Agreement implementation that was signed in Kenya January 9, 2005? Didn’t that CPA say anything about Northern Militaries to hand over South Sudanese’s Properties as it is determined by CPA documents? Therefore, if it did, what is your job as president of South Sudan? Why are you still giving hints to his Hon. Mr. Pres. El ‘Bashir’ government to continue horrifying our nation?

    If you leaders bequeath South Sudan to Khartoum government like the one of 1972, we trust that one day we the young men will bring it back and Khartoum government will not take it back for good. We, youth have kicked out fear from our hearts and we are ready to face this Northern administration fearlessly for the sake of our unborn children and for those who have offered their being for seek of the self-governing of South Sudan since Anya-nya 1. We shall not back up or give our soul to Khartoum government so that we may be satisfied today, but not tomorrow. Our nation shall not be capitulated to Khartoum government for money or leadership, and our goal is only one. Land is ours; therefore, its fruits belong to us. The time is on tap and we will not curse time to give up our land for any dirty business. We shall always stand firm and face our rivals with one soul. We have arisen for the best of South Sudan and will seek freedom for our new generation. In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. We will not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred but development. Today is me; tomorrow may be you.

    Your Hon. Mr. Salva Kiir Mayardit, in the year 2011, (if we reach it in peace) though we may mislay the election for self-determination, South Sudan will still remain as South Sudan. NO CHANGE. Youth are rally behind SPLM leadership and they have only one choice. Our Goal is to work towards independent only, not unity of Sudan.

    Nb: I write the word ‘SEPARATION’ in block letters to be visible to everyone.


    Thank you,

    Yirol boy

    Contact: [email protected]

  • Kur Michael
    Kur Michael

    US expresses surprise at Kiir remarks on progress of Sudan peace
    Bravo,Bravo Kiir with your cabinet, you’re about to take us out of wilderness. you know more than others think so,Arabs’ decisions are not fixed to rely on them.Many agreements were signed before SPLM/A with its CPA, yet were all violated like Addis-Ababa agreement which later called as not a Bible nor a Qurant, which are only Books need not to be changed.But get aware of your own life since they are not happy of your leadership that ever being opened to talks and truth,willingly in their Evils’hearts,they may seek for worst than CPA’s Violation.
    keep up going with your missions,you may end up rewarding southerners.

    [email protected]

  • Kony Alieth David
    Kony Alieth David

    US expresses surprise at Kiir remarks on progress of Sudan peace
    Bravo!!! Bravo !!! Salva Kiir Mayardit for your committement for the implementation of CPA.You have to be keen enough not to accept any irrelevant advise which take us back to war again. All what you are doing are to they satisfactory of all Southerners and wish you the same spirit to achieved what remained from late Dr John Garang as the Joshua of Southerners.
    Preach CPA and Bashiir will one time accept that ideas he think is contracdicting with his Islamic sharia law.your agreement with Bashiir can also be green light to CPA and GOSS to achieved permanet peace rather then fighting. God will lead you.

  • Bombom

    US expresses surprise at Kiir remarks on progress of Sudan peace
    By Bob Tata

    Mr Kiir did very well by rejecting the tricky package anticipated by USA as an exit to the current crisis between two ruling parties (NCP and SPLM)! The proposed package would have resulted in the mistrust by NCP with ultimate result of deterioration of the CPA! It (the package) can also undermine any future USA involvement if things get out of hands once more! I mean, it can take the CPA back to the square one if not zero!

    It is really astonishing to see the peace broker OR negotiator such as USA to try to destroy the peace they have already built! How can USA claim to want peace in Sudan while at the same time trying to destabilise or undermine it by seeking separate deals with different groups in the country! I would like the USA and the West to be genuinely committed to solve the problems in Sudan and not just hypocritically in order to further their hidden agendas there (Sudan)!

    Lastly, while we are still grieving the death of our police officers who were gunned down recklessly by the so-called JIU in the town of Yambio, I would like to know why there has been no any civic condemnation by any significant GoSS official! either on the www or on the national Television! Above all, people need reassurances from GoSS that the perpetrators of such a disturbing crime will be punished in the court of law and not IN their campus by their comrades in JIU just to avoid such immoral behaviours by any member of our army in the future!

    Bol Thourmuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir (UK)

  • Lang Mijak DengChol.
    Lang Mijak DengChol.

    US expresses surprise at Kiir remarks on progress of Sudan peace
    Is USA, China and Saudi Arabia allying over the Interest of Oil In South Sudan?

    My dear fellow citizens of South Sudan and the honorable leadership of GOSS, the latest visit of our President of GOSS to USA is developing the unwanted political interests of Southern Sudanese and the marginalized Sudanese in general. Our president, His Execellency Salva Kiir Mayardit is not visiting Washington, D.C to renegotiate the CPA with the US, but he came to arbitrate the NCP over the slowness or breaching of the deceptive implementation of CPA as was stipulated in the CPA protocols. Kiir Mayardit main agenda in Washinton D.C is to ask the USA, as the former CPA broker to help pressure the NCP to strictly comply with the implementation of the CPA.
    However, the official visit of His Excellency, Salva Kiir Mayardit seem to have been diverted and manipulated by US officials in unexpected manner from the public of marginalized Sudanese, and especially among Southern Sudanese in particular.
    The new proposal being discussed by US Secretary General, Condi. Rice with Salva Kiir is totally objectionable to Southerners and marginalized Sudanese.Again today, Salva Kiir met with US lawmakers, Senator Payn and other members, and the similar previous proposal being discussed with US Sec. Condi Rice seemed to have been reiterated. This peculiar approach by the US officials with Salva Kiir is not only alarming , but is uncomfortably irritable among the Sudanese in diaspora. This kind of new alliances to broker deals over the fate of oil areas and border demarcation by US is unacceptable to all Southern Sudanese and it should not be allowed to escalate further.
    The idea of US, China and Saudi Arabia allying to broker another renegotiation or mediation over the CPA dispute between NCP and SPLM is dangerously suspicious and totally unacceptable to Jenubiin. We simply want to see US, China, and Saudi Arabia to pressure NCP to comply with CPA protocol and implement it to letter in their watch in the lieu of urging its alteration.

    Thirdly, I would like to appeal to fellow citizens, South Sudan members of parliament, and the GOSS president and his presidential cabinets to stand firm with the interests of the Southern Sudanese and marginalized Sudanese until NCP comply with the proper implementation of the CPA.
    In addition to that, I would like our president, Salva Kiir and the GOSS legislators not to be influenced and coerced by any foreign powers if they believe is not the absolute desire of the South Sudanese public. Please let us all perpetuate to advocate Washington D.C to pressure NCP to effectively implemet the CPA as we demanded it instead of alteration. We Sudanese in diaspora are ultimately opposed to any renegotiation whatsoever it may be. The trio-nations should either follow our interests or leave us alone to resolve it in our own ways.
    Eventually, I would like to salute His Excellency, Salva Kiir for his rejection to new proposal by the US to alter the CPA. I would also like to extend my appreciation to the American Advocacy group and US former envoy to Sudan for having boycotted the new proposal by the US government and I commended them so much for their committed support toward the marginalized people of Sudan. God bless you all and let freedom quest continue.
    Thirik Mijak.
    Can be reached at [email protected]

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