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Sudan Tribune

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Bashir assistant stands by south Sudan partnership

November 19, 2007 (KHARTOUM, Sudan) — The second in command of Sudan’s main ruling party Monday defended Khartoum’s partnership with the south of the country and said their peace agreement could move forward despite a recent crisis.

Nafi Ali Nafi
Nafi Ali Nafi
“Our party is totally convinced of the need for this partnership,” Nafi Ali Nafi told a National Congress Party NCP news conference.

“We are satisfied with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and we think the only way to implement it is to work with the SPLM,” he added, referring to the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement that battled northern Sudan for 21 years.

Nafi seemed to downplay a tough stance adopted by President Omar al-Bashir Saturday when he ordered training camps of an NCP auxiliary – which fought the south during the conflict – to re-open in order to prepare for war.

“We hope we can sit down (with the SPLM) and talk free from outside pressure,” Nafie told the news conference, convened to discuss preparations for a national NCP congress, held every four years. “I am sure a lot of officials in the SPLM believe it is in Sudan’s interest to continue our partnership.”

Senior southern figures said they didn’t want a return to war, denouncing war-like rhetoric from the NCP after Bashir’s speech.

Nafi said SPLM demands could be accommodated but emphasized the north wouldn’t give ground on Abiye, the oil-rich region vitally important for Sudan’s economy and claimed by both sides.

“I don’t know if the differences are unsolvable, with the exception of Abiye,” he said, explaining that the border could not be drawn up overnight, nor a census organized or democratic reform implemented instantly.

The SPLM walked out of the Khartoum government last month.

Relations between Khartoum and the south have been increasingly unstable and talks aimed at resolving the political crisis broke down last Sunday.

Their peace agreement ended Africa’s longest-running civil war in 2005 that killed at least 1.5 million people.

The deal provides for a six-year transition period in which the south would enjoy regional autonomy and participate in a national unity government ahead of a referendum on the region’s future status.



  • Sammy Wadar Lat Daknyaroah
    Sammy Wadar Lat Daknyaroah

    Bashir assistant stands by south Sudan partnership
    Nafi Ali, SPLM is also very committed to work and walk while holding hands with those who are committed to the implementation of Peace. Your words are not satisfactory regarding Abyei and Border demacation issues. Stop lying us! Where were you when Omer was sprinckling the CPA with faeces?

    Until you arabs will give solutions to the pending issues(Abyei, Demacation of North – South border,relocation of SAF troops from South to North and many ………), otherwise SPLM will not work with you in the GoNU.

    This is not 1956 or 1972. We are not the Anyanya 1 either. We refused totally to be intimidated in this land of our fore-fathers. This time we are capable to defend our rights in whichever ways.

    Nafi, please, advise your Bashir, otherwise the repercusions of the second war you people are planing shall be unbearable to you with your children.

    CPA Oyee!
    South Sudan Oyee!
    SPLM Oyee!

    Sammy Wadar

    Student from Kenya Methodist University,Nairobi.

  • johk james
    johk james

    Bashir assistant stands by south Sudan partnership
    Mr. Nafie Ali Nafie do you know what you are talking about now? It is a real war declaration . There is neither southern Sudan without Abyei and the North-South border nor there is peace in Sudan without implementation of CPA in letter and sprit. WE southerners are totally disgusted with your arrogant and dishonest leadership in Khartoum and you should remember that you are advisor Almaah Nafa (wrong advisor) to Bashir and so you rather stepdown or seek help from SPLM cadres for you to forge the way forward on CPA implementation. Otherwise, you Nafie Ali Nafie,Bashir and the rest of your gang members in NCP are bragging for what you can’t manage. You are just strong headed foreigners in Sudan. If you can read Sudan history on “coming of Arabs to Sudan”, you would clearly learn that you are only traders so you know nothing about Abyei and even the tribe in Abyei area.
    May peace dwell among the sudanese people alike!
    By JamesJohk Lual

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    Bashir assistant stands by south Sudan partnership
    Dear Nafi Ali,

    You don’t what you are talking about, you would have better keep quiet rather. How did Bashir reopen paramilitary training camps without you and Taha? I don’t believe.

    To assure you Arabs [Bashir, Taha and Nafi] this time is not 1956 or 1972 where you blindfolded the Southerners by taking Abyei region to North unknowingly. The real son of South will never fear death or whatever means you may use.

    I cordially like the way Mr. Pagan talks that is the really Southerner whom I can trust. Arabs want immediate action thus congratulations Amoum. No one will return you into your mother’s worm. Sudan belongs to all Sudanese not Bashir nor Ali, Taha.

    Thank you,

    Yirol boy

    Contact: [email protected]

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