Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions

November 20, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Discordant voices within the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement criticized the SPLM secretary general and accused some circles of seeking to oust Salva Kiir from the chairmanship of the party.

In statement to the Arabic language al-Sudani, the former state minister at the presidency, Telar Reng Deng, accused some circles within the SPLM of seeking to overthrow the chairman of the party, Salva Kiir Mayadrit. He warned that such move could split the SPLM.

Telar, according to the Khartoum based daily, also addressed harsh criticisms to Pagan’s statements against the National Congress Party (NCP). He described it as individual and do not represent the position of the SPLM.

He further accused what he called “communists” inside the SPLM of working to organise a popular uprising. He further said these communists didn’t fight during the war in the battlefields.

Pagan Amum and Yasir Arman are among those who are often presented by the pro-NCP media as “communists”. They also called “Garang boys”. Pagan who focused his efforts to reorganise the SPLM since the 2005 peace deal, has succeeded to become very influential these last months.

Telar reiterated his support to Salva Kiir saying that no one has the capacity to remove the current SPLM leader from his position. He also said that Kiir would not run the presidential election in 2009.

Telar Deng is seen as one of those who defend the idea that SPLM should work only in the south and leave the north for the NCP rule. Pagan considers the SPLM is the future ruling party for the whole country.



  • BORAnyidi

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    I can believe the SPLA secretary general could be accused of some SPLA memebers. would we trust these people that are pretending themselve as the SPLA. absolutely not there are people that are working within SPLA, but they still have hearts of norhern Sudan.They understand the Garang boys are really working hard to complete the vision that we were fighing for the last 21 years. Some of other people are going to undestand that this accused that was made by one of the SPLA senior is not working at all. I hope our leader would have to work closely with DR.Garang boys rather than listening to these blamless accusation. I know there are Dinkas that have weaken hearts, they hate people that are doing the right things in Sudan. but they have to know we don’t mind about what they are saying, Pagan will keep working very closely with Kiir as long as they reach the SPLA mission. He is not going to leave like NHial Deng. our president knows that Pagan is willing to bring the liberation to the people of Sudan. NHial left Sudan because of such hot accusation by some of his own tribe.

  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Khartoum puppets have started talking in the name of SPLM to achieve what they will not but remain a nightmare.Who is Telar Deng in the history of new Sudan? one should be wise to ask him/herself such question.Please Mr. Telar hunting for a position has got nothing to do with talking against the true sons of the land. The divide and rule policy you are lured to by the NCP will not be acceptable in the South Sudan and in the SPLM you are trying to divide using your fed mouth ….NEVER….Pagan and Yasir are there to defend the position of the SPLM not to be fool and prey like some people I know. Telar should go back and be fed with another plan not these first two of which the first was the demand for the position of SPLM secretary general and this being the second attempt.Kiir is not that driven and he will not give room to such plan of you wanting to take his side in return for a position,he doesn,t appoint people because of personal friendship but coz of the quality seen in you.Shutup your filthy mouth man we don,t listen to people like you. also Put in mind that no one in the SPLM is there coz of position they are in and even the chairman is not in the SPLM coz of him being the chairman but coz of the common goal they would want to achieve……stop dirty politics.People like you should mind of the value of goods since your thoughts are inclined to money and not serving people.

  • Mayen Mangok Mayen
    Mayen Mangok Mayen

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Please Taler Reng, stop telling the innocent people of Southern Sudan Nonsense. you are a useless man who wanted to cause jealousy among the fighter of Southern Sudan, Pagan is not what you think but true committed comrade whose H.E. the President of Southern Sudan needed to work along side him in war against our enemies Arabs.
    your statement showed that you wanted position from Kiir but H.E. is willing to accommodate you so long you are not a collaborator, but its seem there is sense of a collaborator in you so dear Former minister change your mind for better, we southerners our days of entertaining collaborators are numbered. this time even though you are a born from the same parents and you are not working for the freedom of black then you deserve to died.
    our unity will not be destory by Arabs’ buy people any more.

    [email protected]

  • Dhieu Dok
    Dhieu Dok

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Pagan Amum Okich is a former soldier who made his way to the bush before Dr. Garang and Salva Kiir. He was in a different political party from that of Gai Tut and Akuot Atem. He integrated into SPLM/A in 1983. The man has done his part and he is still doing it, Iam so proud of him. And by the way, who are you(Telar)? Did you really fight? Well, a person who has fought will never talk like that because he know what it means to go to war and command an army that is not paid at all.

    Do your best but it is already known that it is another Beshir accusing the SPLM secretary general with baseless allegations.

  • Kujur

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Oh God

    Rats are coming out from their hidings, so does southern sudan have cats or will they allow rats to play around as they wish.

    Cloud which was hovering as rumours has started to showered but if it allowed to rains it will flood all areas. Telar and Aleu can not make that mistake of betraying their own people because of their interest; may be some jalaba are using media to create doubt among strong SPLM/A leadership. Ajoba karaba soba is among you brothers/sisters, in regards to who contributed what and how much is not a good guage to use as mean to measured your citizen and don’t forget that the struggle or liberation of southern sudan and marginalised areas had started before all of you; it is continuation we do our part and other continue with it till we liberate every peice of our land from monsters.

    I pray to our lord to bless our land and give wisdom to those who are trying to betrayed their own people whom they dream to serve.

    Guem David
    Canberra ACT

  • Monye Jur
    Monye Jur

    Mr. Tiler Reng Deng is really Foolish
    Shame on you Mr. Tiler Reng Deng, the former state minister at the presidency for accusing the sons or man like Comrades Pagan Amum Okich and Yasir Saeed Arman of seeking to overthrow the chairman of the party, President Salva Kiir Mayardritt.

    Shame on you for accusing them as for what you called “communists” inside the SPLM of working to organize a popular uprising and that they didn’t fought during the war in the battlefields.

    You are really stupid and crazy, you are getting out of your mind, if this is the way of lobbing for position better change it in to something realistic and perceivable.

    Shame on you Tiler for trying to create disunity and lack of trust within the SPLM/A cabinets in particular and southerners in at large.

    Shame on you for “addressing harsh criticisms to Pagan’s statements against the National Congress Party (NCP) and by describing that it is as individual and do not represent the position of the SPLM”.

    Pagan and Arman are realistic people with integrity whom are working closely with our president Salva Kiir Mayardit for the liberation of the blacks and marginalized people of Sudan from the Arab Jalabas (Northerners) and black Jalabas like you (southerners)

    If you are accusing Pagan & Arman for criticizing the NCP then I can say; maybe you are a NCP dog within the SPLM compound that didn’t get a fallen food from the master’s table and now seeking to eat the master’s food. Better you resign from SPLM and joint the NCP so that you will get your share like Riak Gai Kok

    All the southerners knows who are Pagan and Arman during the liberation days (whether they fought war in the battlefields or not) till the time of CPA signing, and what ever Pagan & Arman are saying is really reflecting and describing the SPLM position and they are
    Motivating and moving the hearts of the marginalized people of Sudan and southerners in particular. So Please Mr. Tiler, what ever you are wrestling with-does not have a room in the south.

    May our president not give a single room to this allegations or lobbing by such people like Tiler and the NCP dogs, but rather put much trusts in this two guys Pagan & Arman and work closely in collaborations with them. This is the time that we need such people who are brave with enough courage to point a finger prints at the NCP face for not implementing the CPA as it is.

    Long live Our President Mayarditt
    Long live the sons of man, Pagna & Arman
    Long live the SPLM/A.
    Am in Juba, and can be reached at [email protected]

  • Kony Alieth David
    Kony Alieth David

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    O God!!! why don’t you killed this Arab oriented people who had let us stayed in the bush for 21 years due to thier greediness to get money from Bashiir to be so call rich man in blood shed of thier brothers. Mr Telar Deng an spy to the GOSS becuase we had not even heard of his achievement in the movement and he is pretending to creat choas the loyal son of SPLM,Mr Salva Kiir And Pagan Amum the true sons of South Sudan. Mr Pagan keep the same spirit and we are behind you, don’t let the nonsence be cheated by colloberators In Bashiir Government.Dr Garang had brought peace so his sons can fill thier vision not to leave die as you think to destory it with stupied ideologies from Arab.

  • Matthew

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Telar Deng never fought but comrade Amum did fought in the movement and I have no doubt 100% because I was in the front with him. Telar Deng was busy buying cows marrying an Arab daughter of the Khartoum Ambassador to Norway in the early 2000s. Please Telar shut up and leave SPLM/A alone because you are nothing but money manace.

  • Lual Dau
    Lual Dau

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Shame on you Mr.Telar Bashir, don’t try to bring confusion among the peacefully leaders and the mother of CPA SPLM. Mr. Amum fought the Jalaba before you, anyway who are you? you did nothing to people of southern Sudan in 21 years of civil war and the hero Mr. Pagan spend his entire life to let us free from your cannibal brother who is the master of genocide in Darfur and elsewhere. please Mr. don’t entertain us with your bullsheet politic, if you like then joint NIF or whatever they call it. we southerners believe in Mr. Salva as a good leader including Mr. Amum himself. let me ask you little Bashir, how many dollars worth than our land did Bashir pay you to be Mr. Judas.

  • Dominic Majok Makuei
    Dominic Majok Makuei

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    It is nonesence for Mr.Telar Riing to release such a bogus words that Pagan wants to overthrow Kiir.our peace should not be disturbed by the puppets of Al bashir.for some one who didn,t fight in the war and knows beter our vision is far better than you the pro-NCP.

  • Monyror

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Good BUT uncle Telar,you can not generate fire too much even if you know there is a fire.

    We are all from South Sudan,please be a South Sudan citizen, there are so many things for us to talk about not to talk of somebody’s seniority.

    Pagan is the minister of SPLM and it is also known very well that Salva Kiir is the Chairperson for SPLM in the Govt, of South Sudan as you know and lets avoid abusive talks and lets say, we are Southerners,and if we are southerners,lets maintant our South.
    We can also fight for those who are against CPA for us to feel free.


    Monyror Nyariel

    Yirol South Sudan.

  • Magiir Kenyang
    Magiir Kenyang

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    Telar Ring is one of the arrogants who think they own the SPLA. There is no different between him and Dr. Lam Akol. They must be removed. They are disease.

  • Kur

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    They have started to feel hungery because they lost their jobs.
    The interest of the people of South Sudan is far more important than anybody’s political ambitions.So Mr.Telar, can you just shut up and leave Pagan and
    Mr. Kiir finish the job. We know who you are and you were lucky to represent SPLM as a minister in GNU in the first place.That mistake should not happen again.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Former SPLM minister slams Pagan Amum positions
    That’s unfortunate for honourable Telar to have made such inflamatory remark at this critical moment!.
    I hope he retracts his comment and apologises to Sudanese people who are deeply hurt by his remarks …

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