Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Eritrean troops slip to Sudan after rebel attacks

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

November 26, 2007 (MEKELLE, Ethiopia) – The rebel Democratic Movement for the Liberation of Eritrean Kunama (DMLEK) today said a recent attack against Eritrean troops has forced hundreds of Asmara soldiers to cross to the neighboring Sudan.

Eritrean_troops.jpg“Following the ongoing attack we are taking in sub zone of Shamboko, our insiders have confirmed that over 900 Eritrean troops have slipped to Sudan, taking the advantage of the attack as a means to escape” the group’s office chief and central committee Andu Mana told Sudan Tribune.

A 1998-2000 border war between Ethiopia and Eritrea has claimed about 70,000 people.

Despite a peace deal and a border ruling, today about a quarter of a million troops are in eye ball to each other in a tense stand-off from trenches, in places just meters apart to each other at the frontier.

“Our members inside Eritrea and inside Sudan have confirmed 900 Eritrean troops arrival in Sudan starting from Nov, 20 2007.” Andu said adding “Thousands of other Eritrean soldiers are also backing off from the on going fight battle area of Melezanay also called Tselim Riisu.”

Andu stresses that that unlimited defections are a big blow to Eritrea government. He said “The defections are clear message that the Eritrean soldiers are in dead sprit to go to battle”.

Recently the government of Sudan has expressed its concern of mass flee from Eritrea

During a meeting with the representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Ariel John, The undersecretary of the Sudanese Foreign Ministry, Mutrif Sadig Mutrif said” due to harsh conditions at home, the influx of Eritrean refugees to Sudan has become uncontrollable. ”

He has stressed that Sudan does not oppose to host refugees from neighboring countries adherent to the international covenants, but demanded on help.

He said “the UNHCR has to play its role in developing programs which could contribute in returning those refugees to their country or to contribute in programs that would support their stay in Sudan.

The representative of the UNHCR in his side has pledged to raise the Sudanese government’s request to the Commissioner in Geneva, stressing the growing role played by the government in hosting refugees.



  • dahlakislands

    Eritrean troops slip to Sudan after rebel attacks
    sudan tribune, i would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to comment on your articles.

    i’ve been following up with many fairy tale stories written by this tesfalem tekle reporter on sudan tribune.it’s very sad to see ethiopians using sudan tribune to blackmail eritrean people.

    This so-called “Democratic Movement for the Liberation of Eritrean Kunama (DMLEK)” is a “quisling league” created by the mekele thug (meles) and his desperate gang members. and it’s led by few shallow individuals that have no interest in “liberating ” kunama people (5% of eritrea’s 5 million people).i feel that the kunama people have been victimized by these few morons who have chosen to use the kunama movement name as a mascara.this league have been set up by the mekele thug for his political agenda inorder to bring chaos to eritrean people and ultimately to destablize Eritrea. i wouldn’t even be suprised if half of these guys are from tigray.

    anywho, the Eritrean people will stand united as always and will not be fooled by few individuals who serve oursider’s interest.remember even when the world denied us our right for self determination, when all superpowers sided against us, when ethiopians warplanes bombed our homes, when we were massacred for being eritreans and when we were starved to death, WE DIDN’T GIVE UP THEN. AFTER 30 YRS of bloodiest war in world’s history, Eritrea was put on the map. and now ERITREA SHALL PREVAIL AGAINST ALL ODDS!!! because THE CAMEL CONTINUE TO WALK TO ITS DESTINATION NO MATTER HOW MANY DOGS OR HOW INTENSE THEY BARK ON THE SIDE LINES.

    dahlakislands, Ontario, Canada

  • Mehari

    Eritrean troops slip to Sudan after rebel attacks
    Tesfa-Alem Tekle or Ghebremariam Aregay does not mater whether you Tigrawai or Ethiopian get serious you morn don’t be silly..

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