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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan charges UK teacher with insulting Islam

November 28, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — A British teacher detained in Sudan after her class called a teddy bear Mohammad was charged on Wednesday with insulting Islam in a move that sparked a diplomatic row between London and Khartoum.

Gillian Gibbons
Gillian Gibbons
Gillian Gibbons, 54, was also charged with inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs, Sudanese official media said. If convicted, she could face 40 lashes, a fine, or one year in jail.

“Khartoum North prosecution unit has completed its investigation and has charged the Briton Gillian (Gibbons) under Article 125 of the criminal code,” the Sudanese news agency SUNA said, quoting a senior Justice Ministry official.

In London, a Foreign Office spokesman confirmed Gibbons had been charged and officials said Foreign Secretary David Miliband was calling in the Sudanese ambassador over the affair.

“We are surprised and disappointed by this development and the foreign secretary will summon as a matter of urgency the Sudanese ambassador to discuss this matter further,” Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s official spokesman said.

The matter will go before a court on Thursday and Gibbons, who is from Liverpool, is expected to appear.

A statement from the Sudanese embassy in London said the case came in response to parents’ complaints.

“It is now a police case and the temptation to treat it as a media sensation should be resisted. We certainly do not wish to resort to ‘trial by media’.

“British teachers are doing a great job in Sudan. We hope that Ms Gibbons’ case will soon be resolved,” it said.

Fellow teachers said they did not believe Gibbons had intended to insult Islam and had made an innocent mistake in choosing the name.

Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said in a statement released in London: “This is a disgraceful decision and defies common sense.”

Earlier on Wednesday, three British embassy officials and a teaching colleague from the Unity High School where Gibbons worked were allowed to visit her for more than 90 minutes.

“I can confirm that we have met Ms. Gibbons and she said she is being treated well,” said British consul Russell Phillips. “We remain in close contact with the Sudanese authorities on this case.”

Gibbons was arrested after some parents complained about the bear being named after the Prophet Mohammad.

Teachers at the school said Gibbons had asked her class of 7-year-olds to choose their favorite name for the bear, and 20 of the 23 had voted for Mohammad.


A 7-year-old student called Mohammad told Reuters this week he had suggested his own name be used for the bear.

In a writing exercise students were allowed to take the bear home and asked to keep a diary of what they did with the toy. These accounts were put together in a book entitled “My Name is Mohammad”.

Leaflets were distributed in Khartoum calling for protests after Friday prayers, but many ordinary Sudanese said they were ready to forgive Gibbons if she apologized.

“When we heard we wanted to demonstrate immediately but some said we should wait and see what the concerned authorities find out,” said Abdallah, a science student.

Shopkeeper Sabir Abdel Karim said that if Gibbons had not intended to insult Islam, an apology to Muslims would be enough to end the problem.

“Any one can make a mistake and Muslims are forgivers. She will be forgiven and God will be the judge.”

Rumors of riots, violent protests and cars burning near the school were rife but the streets were calm and there was no sign of demonstrations.

Not everyone was ready to forgive and forget, however.

“She is a teacher and should be teaching her pupils to be respectful and have morals but instead she is doing the opposite,” said Mohamed Toum, a law student.



  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    Sudan charges UK teacher with insulting Islam
    If Sudan court punish this aparently innocence victim, then it is clear that there no any thread of wisdom nor justice in Sudanese court. First, it was the child’s idea, not the teacher’s, secondly, the child’s name is Mohammed, and on the top of tha, the class voted for that name. For justice sake, she is a foreigner who values democracy and desires of her students-keeping whatever name they like.

    If such a thing became a “Police case,” then let them be the judge and judge her with the Quran since it is a Sharia’s issue.
    Also, if the Sudanese police can arrest people over any issue involving Mohammed’s name, what about those issues that involve Jesus’ name? And if the government do not protect Christians’and others’ faith, what would make them feel? How can we be united if the government only protect Islam and not Christianity and others? How would you feel if you were in the other people’s shoes?

    Should the Christians in Sudan find their own police to go after those who despise their faith? What do you think? It is an awkward situation.

  • Machkuol

    Sudan charges UK teacher with insulting Islam
    Dear brothers

    I would like you to remember that we are not going to judge this muslims believers or point out that the Islam is a dume religion. there is nobody knows What religion is good or what religion is not good, only the God knows. we people are supposed to work togather solving our problems wether we are Muslims or Christians.

  • Afroarabian

    Sudanese Youth Demand the Immediate Release of Ms. Gibbons
    These are some comments from Sudanese Youth who formed a group on Facebook demanding the immediate release of Ms. Gibbons.

    “Today the jails are filled with rapist, criminals and murderers and some of them have the name Mohammad… now is this in any way an offense to the Image of our Prophet?

    How did a very innocent situation like this escalate into such a blow out of proportion extreme outcome. The Children voted on the name, which is a healthy process most adults in Sudan are not able to exercise.

    It is a damn shame to see what “some” of our fellow citizens have been reduced too; extreme hate infested extremist that can not even use basic common sense and logic, and what is more appalling is the actions of the Sudanese Authorities but then again it’s not out of their norm…

    It’s a TEDDY BEAR and these are 5-7 year old’s and it is just a name!” Amru

    ” Our religion, to those who dont know, or perhaps were never allowed to know, preaches non-violence, I dont think any of the Sa7abba took action against the Jewish man who used to enjoy throwing garbage in front of the Prophets house on a daily basis, they didn’t take action because the Prophet (PBUH) would have never allowed it. It saddens me that people commit such crimes in the name of Islam, what do they know about Islam???” Hana

    “There are far, far, far more pressing issues the country needs to deal with than the naming of a teddy bear. This is exactly why Sudan will never prosper.” Amanda

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