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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan Tribune flooded with angry emails after verdict in British teacher case

November 28, 2007 (PARIS) — Sudan Tribune was flooded with angry emails following the verdict on a British teacher accused by Sudan of insulting Muslims. The primary source of the emails appears to be Britain.

Sudan Tribune
Sudan Tribune
Mohamed Nagi, Sudan Tribune editor in chief, expressed regret at “the profanity and hatred incited by these emails”.

“The Sudanese people are the daily victims of the mentality that led to the imprisonment of Gibbons. The regime encourages this line of thought” Nagi said

Gibbons was charged on Wednesday with insulting Islam, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs because of the toy’s name. Under Sudan’s penal code, she could have faced 40 lashes, a fine, or up to one year in jail.

In court, Judge Mohamed Youssef listened to two accounts — one from school secretary Sarah Khawad, who filed the first complaint about the teddy bear’s name, and one from the official who has been investigating the case, court sources said.

“While it is understandable that people feel outraged by the verdict, it is inexcusable to direct these feelings in this obscene manner” Nagi said.

“Sudan Tribune represents the fight against extremism and fanaticism and preaches for peaceful coexistence and tolerance in the Sudan. This has been and will continue to be our mission” he added.

The Sudan Tribune is a non profit online website based in France that was launched in July 2003. Last year it had over 8 million visits.



  • Scusi

    Apologies on behalf of the Brits
    As a Brit I would like to apologise for my fellow countrymen who feel it is justified to direct their anger in this way. I am thoroughly ashamed.

    I can only assume that they are a very ignorant portion of the British population, to feel that it is entirely justified to blame anyone in Sudan for the actions of their government. Wholehearted apologies – we’re not all like that.

  • Bombom

    Anyone who made a mistake deserves punishment
    National Anthem of Sudan says!

    “We are the army of God and of our land,
    We shall never fail when called to sacrifice.
    Whether braving death, hardship or pain,
    We give our lives as the price of glory.
    May this Our land, Sudan, live long,
    Showing all nations the way.
    Sons of the Sudan, summoned now to serve,
    Shoulder the task of preserving our country”.

    First of all I would like to congratulate the Government of the independent Republic of Sudan on the fair and just trail it gave to the immoral English teacher. This really reflects the trustworthiness of the Sudanese people for the independency of the decisions and norms of their country regardless!!

    Nobody is above the law of the country. Their colonisation and slavery are things of the past, although they still believe in them up to date.
    Thus, it is our duty, the people of the third world countries to free our minds from the mentality of slavery and colonisation and start to own our decisions in total freedom by all means! It is up to us to reject their claim that we should be treated as subhuman! It is up to us to behave in the same way like the role models of the third world countries, people like Dr Robert Mugabi of Zimbabwe!! Castro of Cuba, Hussein of Iraq, Mohamedinajed of Iran, Hugo of Venezuela, among others of the greatest people of the third world countries, who said and are still saying no and loudly to the western mentality of colonisation and slavery. Even though it will cause us our lives like some of those I mentioned above, we have to be ourselves and speak our minds in total freedom. The poor English teacher whom I might consider to be lucky enough to work in Sudan (as she might end up homeless or junkie if she lives Britain) has offended Muslims and all the people of faith in particular(all the believers) when she immorally permitted her pupil to call her teddy bear by the name of the Muslim prophet.

    To me, Sudan did exceptionally well by punishing her in a civilised manner, not by slashing but by locking her up in accordance with her basic human rights.
    So, if British government or EU or USA or whichever country from hypocritical human right protectors question the fairness of that punishment, they may go to hell, because their great time in Sudan when they used to do as they like is over and thus they must now start to put up with whatever norm laid down by the government of the independent Sudan just like we are putting up with their norms here in Europe(UK) and the USA.

    Bol Thourmuuck of Greater Nuer Greater Nasir(UK)

  • sudanson

    Sudan Tribune flooded with angry emails after verdict in British teacher case

    Why do you want to hide the bad things happening over there in your country? The institutional descrimination going on against other minorities in your country, is that what you call civilized? how about those minorities being refused job opportunities, thier kids being kicked out of school,the poor housing and poverty ravaging the poor in silence, why are you ashame of talking about your bad things while you are quck and happy to jump and talk about other peoples bad things, you like to talk about only the good things in your country while bad things about others, try and be reasonable and portray and fair and just view. How about the war and descrimination in north Ireland, why only the rich are happy while the low income people and being hold as slave to the system in your country, why is there high rate of family instability and abuse of children by old men? why don’t you address this things in your own country instead of running after other peoples problems when you have a bunch of crisis in your own house. I funny thing is we don’t see this things in the news, all we see is the good news while the real problem is kept in the background. Christians here have a good relationship with hristians in America and Europe and want to keep that relations strong and clean, but people like you are just ignorant and full of hate and rascism which is a big shame while you claim you are from a civilized nation cos your actions don’t match with the words.

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