Friday, December 20, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s Equatoria Youth condemn Yambio killing

Equatoria Youth Union (EYU)

An Eye on the Future

Press Release on Yambio Incident

A wave of barbarism swept over Southern Sudan with the murder in cold blood of 10 law enforcement agents including three high-ranking police officers by heartless and senseless brutes in the ranks of JIUs by virtue of affiliation to SPLA.

This savage act of scoundrels has chipped away at the number of Southern cadres of the highest caliber in the persons of Brigadier General Michael Sebit, Lieutenant Colonel Abbud Abdalla and Major Joseph Ermino.

Guided by the needs and conditions of youth, inspired by our people’s values and informed by their experiences across the board in Greater Equatoria,we in Equatoria Youth Union hereby states with clarity and profundity our stance:

We condole with the bereaved families of our fallen beloved and gallant heroes whose tragic death was a profound shock to us all in Greater Equatoria.They were a valuable acquisition to our people and a useful addition to southern Sudan and Sudan at large. May God rest their souls in eternal peace. On the same note, we commiserate with mourners in Yambio, Juba and Torit who were sickened by this heinous crime.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the blood-letting drive conducted by enemies of peace who love to see impunity acceptable in South Sudan. We commend the swift move made by GOSS to apprehend the murderers and demand that the culprit soldiers be arrayed before a military tribunal so that justice is done right and proper. We demand a full and comprehensive public inquiry into the conduct of the JIUs in Western Equatoria and its composition and command structure.

We view ethnic animosity as the anti-thesis of peace, stability and sustainable development. We are keen to make immense capital out of our hold upon our identity, unity and integrity as Southerners.EYU admires the wisdom and self-restraint exercised by our masses both at home and abroad.

We, therefore, call upon Government of South Sudan (GOSS) to act with realism and foresight by ensuring the composition and disposition of the SPLA afford a recognized basis for inclusion and diversity in both recruitment and deployment. Such mindless and inhuman acts can only transform positive popular sentiments into a tangle of uncertainties and frustrations if and when ethnic and geographical representation in the army is not taken seriously.

Because post-conflict reconstruction is by definition development with a sensitivity to conflict, we as Southerners should educate ourselves through reflection and introspection to a rightful stance of self-criticism read off the political notation of New Sudan which is merely a pretentious radicality unless there is a place for all in any account of its elaboration The arduous task of post-conflict reconstruction will then be galvanized into a high pitch of success and progress as Southerners live and work in an atmosphere of trust, tolerance and respect.

We in EYU feel profound respect for the historical relationships of kinship, friendship and affinity we enjoy with all noble Southerners. We admire the firmness and oneness of our stance in the struggle for stability, equality and prosperity in Southern Sudan where tribalism, nepotism and favoritism will not hold sway. Southern Sudan community has a moral and political responsibility to maintain an environment where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility. We acknowledge with pride the vital contribution of our gallant and elegant people from Terkaka to Nimule and from Tombura to Kapoeta in this regard.

EYU is a platform for expressing solidarity with our community to build lasting peace and stability. It is an active and assertive response to the needs and concerns of our people away from partisan and sectarian considerations and/or affiliations. We strongly send a loud message that the ruthless killings inYambio will under no circumstance be tolerated.

Long Live Our Noble Heroes!

Long Live Western Equatoria!

Long Live Eastern Equatoria!

Long Live Central Equatoria!

Long Live Greater Equatoria!


Joseph Ladu
Executive Committee.

Equatoria Youth Union (EYU)


  • Moses Deng Malual
    Moses Deng Malual

    Sudan’s Equatoria Youth condemn Yambio killing
    “So get rid of all behavior.Be done with all deceit,hypocrisy,jealousy and all unkind speech.And don’t sin by letting anger control you.Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry,for anger gives a foothold to the devil”

    Suggested Prayer: “Dear God,with all my problems help me to see the real cause/s behind these,and fine the help I need to overcome them so i will take away any and all footholds in my life that leave me open for Satan to tempt me in these areas.Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.Gratefully in Jesus name,Amen.”

  • Goy Malual Leek
    Goy Malual Leek

    Sudan’s Equatoria Youth condemn Yambio killing
    Many thanks to the members of the Equatoria Youth Union (EYU) for their couragious act , it is at such tragic moments that we show support and unity in spirit wherever such acts take place in Sudan so as to stop them further escalating. Such babaric acts are not just loses to the region, but to the entire south Sudan which on the other hand slows down the process of proper establishment of security in that region and elsewhere. It is therefore very significant for members of the EYU to condemn the killings as many other young people in South should follow suit and put such acts to an end so as to focus on improving the current situation of the south.

    • alfredgatot

      Sudan’s Equatoria Youth condemn Yambio killing
      The Yambio incident where 10 police men died is unspeakable savagery by those evil calprits,I think they will test the fruit of their wickedness once they are sentence.But questioning whether they had any other motive for their action is really clueless because these people seem to be acting out of ignorance of the consequences of their action,they might have imagine being free after the crime they have commited which is not the case now.So we hope the incident will be the last of it kind in our world’s youngest government [GOSS]if we truely mean to establish ourselves in the world community as one and democratic force to deal with.Equotorians youth are not alone in their codemnation of the killing,others alover southern sudan states were outraged and condemned in the strongest term possible the brutal and primitive killing of the police officers who were in their regular state duty.However allowing ourselves to comment along ethenic line is instead plunging people into state of confusion,it does more harm then good to our possible harmonious interaction as people who share common destiny.There is no way we can aviod each other no matter what happen the only way out for all of us is by sticking togather as brothers,giving room to hatrate will only exervate the state of our relationship as members of diferent communities. For possible settlement of all the grudges we held against each other which were obviously war creation,I propose an official reconciliation talk to be held by all communities in southern sudan under the guidance and leadership of the [GOSS]SPLM now ruling party and all the churches in the country.Here the griviances of each community can be aired by their respective representatives, that way I think our differences would be settled. And after government’s assurance of protection of thing held valueable by each community against the encroachers,security in the whole southern sudan region is going to be restored.

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