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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM to propose new reshuffle in Sudan government – Official

By Wasil Ali

December 2, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese First Vice President and Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), Salva Kiir Mayadrit, will propose a cabinet reshuffle in the government of National Unity, according to a senior SPLM official.

Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayardit
The official who spoke to Sudan Tribune on condition of anonymity said that Kiir is working on a final list of new ministers and will submit to Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir.

The southern ex-rebel group, which signed a peace agreement with the central government in 2005, took a decision in early October to suspend the participation of its ministers in the government of national Unity.

The SPLM justified their decision by saying that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) is dragging its feet on the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

In an effort to end the political deadlock, Al-Bashir announced a cabinet reshuffle mid-October to incorporate changes requested by the SPLM. However there has been conflicting reports on whether the reshuffle matched what was requested by the SPLM.

The official declined to elaborate on the nature and scope of the reshuffle, but he denied reports that Mansour Khalid, appointed as the minister of external trade, will be assigned the ministry of higher education.

The surprise announcement of an upcoming reshuffle come a week after the SPLM summoned three high ranking members to Juba in order to investigate statements and contacts they made during the political crisis with the NCP over the implementation of the CPA.

The three officials were Lam Akol former minister of foreign affairs and newly appointed minister of cabinet affairs; Telar Deng former state minister at the presidency and newly appointed minister of state at the Ministry of Justice; Aleu Ayieny Aleu former state minister for the Interior.

Mohamed Yousif Ahmed al-Mustafa, SPLM leading member and state labor minister, told the daily Al-Sudani that Akol conduct raised suspicion about its purpose. He further said Akol was working secretly but his movements were monitored.

Regarding Telar Ring Deng and Aleu Ayieny Aleu, the SPLM leadership seems angered by last week statements about a plot to overthrow Salva Kiir from the leadership of the SPLM. Both have blamed Pagan Amum for the current crisis with the National Congress Party on the implementation of the CPA.

Aleu had said “Southern Sudan needs development not political troubles,” insinuating that Pagan Amum hard position for the full implementation of the CPA is counterproductive.

The 2005 peace agreement brokered by the US and other western countries ended two decades of civil war between the Arab and Muslim-dominated north and the mainly Christian and animist black southerners.



  • Michael Arob Deng
    Michael Arob Deng

    SPLM to propose new reshuffle in Sudan government – Official
    Keep on reshufling Mr Pressident!!!

    No room for traters in South Sudan Government nor representetives in Government of national unity any more.please clear all the selfish group, because south Sudan cannot tolerate such behaviors. These three men are looking into their own good ,that makes them worst enemy to SPLA? vission and mission.

    God bless South Sudan….M.Arob Deng

  • Kony Alieth David
    Kony Alieth David

    SPLM to propose new reshuffle in Sudan government – Official
    Dear President Salva kiir Mayardit, it good decission to reshuffle your government but take care of those who pretend to be SPLM members to acquired position and later on work for thier family benefit not South Sudan people interest. We are tired of those who do collobrate with Arab idology not thier personal indeas. Have a critical look at them and don,t let them cheat you once more.Arab is playing thier usual game in South Sudan field now but we are not awared of the risk. Murle militia had been back up by Arab now that is why is doing serious opreration in neighbours communities to destroy CPA.

  • Steven Riek Deng
    Steven Riek Deng

    SPLM to propose new reshuffle in Sudan government – Official
    a dinka man who is a prominent leader was talking to us today on the present political crisis, he was narrating to us a proverb of a dinka and i quote. “a angry lion never destroy his hiding even if things went out of control because it is where he take refugee and shelter to defend itself from the him” to my thinking people like lam akol, Tellar, Aleu and some of the leaders who choose to express thier feelings openly than to hide it and advice thier boss openly, these are the true leaders who want to serve thier leader and thier people. therefore, reshufling for the sake of correcting things is not bad, but disastrous when done to fullfil some people’s interest because they are against so and so. I propose to our president that bring only people who the real desire to work and represent thier to cause you problems. We will support your wise decisions.

  • Francis Buk
    Francis Buk

    SPLM to propose new reshuffle in Sudan government – Official
    This is a deserving decision took by Mr. President Kiir. We’re not longer for leaders, who only seeks for their own self–interests than to serve their Government and its people. It is time to rejects these kind of behaviors and Ideologies.

    Francis Buk

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    SPLM to propose new reshuffle in Sudan government – Official
    That is good but not the best because we still have other NCP agents in the upper ranks of the movement and the GoSS.

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