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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur rebels call for cessation of hostilities

December 15, 2007 (JUBA) – The Juba based Darfur rebels called upon “all sections of the Darfur society” to stop fighting and to resolve their disputes through the deeply rooted traditions and custom in Darfur.

The newly formed SLM led by Ahmed Abdelshafi also urged the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement to host a conference for Darfur tribal chiefs, in order to heal antagonisms and resentments.

They designated the ruling National Congress Party as sole responsible the tribal clashes in the region.

«The NCP used Islam as a tool to insult the traditional, religious, tribal and social ties among the different components of the Sudanese society. In South Sudan, for instance, the NCP used religion, and in Darfur it used tribal feuds to advance its agenda.”

They further said favourable to “encouraging any initiative that is aimed at resolving any tribal or community conflicts within the Darfur society, and neutralizing the NCP’s destructive policy.”


Below the text of the appeal for cessation of hostilities in Darfur

Sudan Liberation Movement/Army

Date: December 14, 2007

An Appeal for Cessation of Hostilities and Peaceful Coexistence in Darfur

For centuries, the region of Darfur has enjoyed an exceptional level of peaceful coexistence among its inhabitants using traditional customs and laws, as well as social forgiveness as means to resolve conflicts within its diverse society. When the National Congress Party (NCP) took power through a military coup in 1989; it adopted a policy of divide and rule (by adopting a culture of ethnic and cultural superiority) which consequently led to the disintegration of the whole Sudanese society. The NCP used Islam as a tool to insult the traditional, religious, tribal and social ties among the different components of the Sudanese society. In South Sudan, for instance, the NCP used religion, and in Darfur it used tribal feuds to advance its agenda. Now that none of the above tools had worked, the NCP is now resorting to dividing Sudan further, based on geographical and area of location (central and Arab elites) which will eventually throw the country into a deeper abyss.

We, as armed groups from Darfur, irrespective of our affiliation or our social identification, we are resolved to restore our Darfur society’s deeply rooted traditions and customs by bringing to a halt the NCP’s destructive policy (a policy that is using religion, tribes and area of location as tools to divide the country). And on the basis of the challenges that are currently facing the people of Darfur to defend their land, and resources, we would like to call upon all sections of the Darfur society to abide by the following:

1. Cessation of hostilities among the people of Darfur;

2. Stopping and outlawing of the bloodshed in the region;

3. Safeguarding this initiative and protecting it from the enemies of the people of Darfur as well as protecting it from those who are exploiting the outstanding values, and traditions of our people;

4. Any senseless attack on any individual in Darfur shall be considered as a crime and an attack on all members of the Darfur society;

5. Agreeing in principle that the NCP junta bears the sole responsibility (and not the people of Darfur) in initiating the tribal feuds, ethnic conflict, and social disintegration in the region;
6. Calling upon all armed groups to adopt this initiative and implement it;

7. Calling upon all Sudanese people and the people of Darfur in particular to bring to a halt all policies of the NCP using whatever means necessary;

8. Using Darfur old traditions and customs as a tool to resolve any conflicts among the different components in Darfur and reject the role currently played by the NCP as it is portraying itself as an impartial juror;

9. Encouraging any initiative that is aimed at resolving any tribal or community conflicts within the Darfur society, and neutralizing the NCP’s destructive policy;

10. Calling upon the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to host (as a matter of priority) a conference for community (tribal) chiefs of Darfur.

Being mindful of what occurred in Darfur, we call upon our people in Kordofan to stay vigilant and to neutralize the NCP’s plans to inject divisions among Kordofan’s social components.
Sudan Liberation Movement/Army

Juba, South Sudan

Date: December 14, 2007

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