Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?

By Khorhok Gal Gar

December 26, 2007 — If there is anything that makes unity of Sudan more attractive “it is tribalism not development” as it was stipulated in the comprehensive peace agreement. There is no doubt if the referendum is carryout today most minority tribes will vote for unity of Sudan instead for secession of the south from the north, since the so called majority tribes are acting like dinosaurs. You can’t call yourself a “liberator and master” at the same time, you have to choose one. Although 2005 peace agreement brought significant progress in term of stability in the south, in recent months we had witnessed countless attacks perpetrated by organize criminals to create tension among peace loving citizens.

The government in Khartoum knows very well that it’s doesn’t matter what they do, people will vote for separation so they are unwilling to allocate enough funds for southern development. Subsequently, the lack of adequate resources aided by corruption; southern tribes became more competing over limited resources. As a result they became more fragmented and loyal to their ethnic group then to the government. The system of divide and rule has been used effectively by various regimes in the world and it is still works today. The present camps in northern Sudan by the Sudanese refugees are no less then potential reservations if we have to remain divided.

Some even went further by calling for segregation between ethnic groups using marginalization as pretext; despite the fact that the Interim Constitution of South Sudan made it clear that one’s has to choose his/her residence. They (southerners) are become more intolerant with one another. And our enemy is waiting anxiously to see whether we will bond together has one people or we shall fell a part after separation. The question for those who believes in a segregated south: How you’re going to build a nation if you deem ethnic integration is not possibly at this moment? Yes there are people who felt they are being dominated by others, but calling for segregation is not the best way to fight an inequality in southern Sudan. There are many ways to address civil rights issues in postwar south. One of them is South Sudan Commission of Human Right if some people felt legitimate reason to believes they been marginalized. In addition to that is South Sudan Interim Constitution that guarantees an individual right.

For those who are using being majority to bulldoze minority rights there is no such a thing of guaranteeing your freedom while denying other people the same rights. The current insecurity in Jonglei State is result of mistrust between the government and communities and our government need to take this issue seriously if peace and tranquility have to prevail in the south. Some minority tribes have no faith in the government to protect them from potential threat post by their neighboring tribes so they are hesitant to handover their weapon to authority peacefully. Without comprehensive disarmament of civilian in Southern Sudan there will never be development as long people who could be potential investor can’t guarantees that their businesses have a potential grow in the country.

Some of these people who are carrying guns are seen by their tribes/clans as community defends force. Introducing a program that provides incentive to those who are willing to give up their arms peacefully will encourage voluntary disarmament without loses from both sides the government and the civilian. Also this will discourage young men from culture of guns to new life style like opening small shop.

A more secure southern Sudan means more development and jobs for local people because investors will come and invest in services sector like healthcare, transportation, tourism, and accommodation. But if the people who are supposed to use those services are fighting among themselves how do we expect investors from foreign counties to come and invest their money in a volatile state like southern Sudan?

Comparing with other cities in the world Juba has low crime rate, but racial motivated killing can not be just simply ignored has it happened in many cities in southern Sudan, in view of the fact that in business language both the victim and suspect are both potential costumers so anything that hampered his/her staying late at night in the movies theater because he/she feared being attacked by X and Z because he/she from Y. Being a diverse country shouldn’t be used as an excuse of not getting along with one another rather than strength.

We need to be nation that embrace diversity and value our cultural differences, which will make our country unique example of United African States. The lack of roads connecting different party of Sudan and national language has been used as tools by Khartoum to isolate the rest of us from outside world. Even today some Sudanese don’t know what country they are in. If we need the dream of New Sudan to become reality, we must be the ones who championed the idea of multi-ethnic, cultures, religious, lingual and parties’ democratic Sudan not to work against it. And this can not be done without collaboration and compromise among South’s Sudan various ethnic communities.

Khorhok Gar can be reach at [email protected]


  • Zechariah Manyok Biar
    Zechariah Manyok Biar

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    First of all, those of you who read my comments must know that I use my real name and my real place. My opinions are my opinions, not for my tribe.

    It is amazing that some people bite off other people’s fingers and cry with the blood in their mouths that they are being beaten. Majority tribes do feel pain also, if you do not know that, Mr. Khorhok. The freedom we are fighting for belongs to us all, whether you are from the majority or minority tribe. What Human Rights are you talking about when others are continually killing others? Do the minority tribes kill the majority tribes to reduce their number so that voting for unity would be attractive?

    Irrational appeal might not help unless we become real. One cannot intimidate me that he or she would vote for unity if I don’t lie down and let him or her cut my throat. What would the voting for separation do for me if I am dead?

    Creating jobs for people is absolutely a good idea, and the government is supposed to take it seriously. But does it mean that somebody should raid other people’s cattle and kill people on top of taking their cattle away so that jobs are quickly created for them? Where do the people they take their cows get their cows from? Is it not from their hard work, like selling one cow and doing business so that the money of one cow can bring twenty cows within five years?

    When it comes to corruption, we have not carried out a research to find out that majority tribes are the only corrupt ones. If there was a research that had proven it, we would have dealt with it. Can one show me a person who is not corrupt in the minor tribes so that I can take him as my hero?

    How can one say that he is preaching peace but talks about what the minority tribes will do against the majority tribes? Is it not good to point to the problem as a problem without irrational defence mechanism.

    Voting is not far away. If the minor tribes think that we will let them kill us so that they vote for unity, then I will go for unity and see who will be the loser.

    Zechariah Manyok Biar,
    Graduate Student at Abilene Christian University, Texas, USA.

  • Chol Aleng Maguet
    Chol Aleng Maguet

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    Dear Korok.
    There is something wrong or missed in the creation of other tribes such Murle,they believed that the are human being but the are not completely.
    Let me advice you that it is too earlier to joint politics.
    Build your villages first leave sleeping in the bushes like wild animals and you are really animals.
    I don’t know why the wildlife department is not keeping you in the zoo so that the tourists can pay visit to go and watch the wild animals created like human being.
    Murle are going to be missed in the goverment because the behave like animal.
    How can really southerner choose the big enemy to joint him and share politic.
    all the crimes that you are committing are now known that you want to bring the majority tribes to your level by killing them day and night and we are not going to give you a room.
    you are really stupid Korhok to post silly statement to the webs.
    even if you vote for unity it will not help you to increase in number since you even don’t produce because of your permanent infertility.
    Southern Sudan is going to achieved the really total freedom without you as it was fought without your participation.

  • Samson Liberty

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    People are more anxious now with very high expectations to the future of Sudan.Sudan has been in a mess for political rivalry,cultural diversity and rligious conflict for over five decades.Others have started focusing on the future of Sudan/Southern Sudan from different perspective.Now for sure who are the majority and minority? I think Mr.Khorhok had a high profile of emotional writting than checking the political arena.Once upon a time a proffessor of statistics at Juba University told his students that;(always prefer quality figures than quantity figures).Napoleon the great with his several thousand fighters did not managed to conger the whole World,but a handful free dozens of Missionaries gained the World with their Bible and the word of mouth.Now suppose that the writer of the open text thought that his subject proves it so right,by surpraise at the ballot screen things may change to be the opposite of it,as they use to know.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    Mr Gal Gar ,do not wait for your yes vote for unity of sudan untill 20011,but do it now by taking a stable dwell in northern sudan or you will enjoy a shower of spears from an ordinary southerner if you try to preach that in south sudan. You are free and you can even vote yes to your slavery. But there are those who can not do it.
    South sudan is defined and is there forever!!!!


    South sudan

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    Mr Gal Gar ,do not wait for your yes vote for unity of sudan untill 20011, but do it now by taking a stable dwell in northern sudan or if you are in south sudan and you are confused of how south sudan is heading ,just keep silent untill your chance in 20011.You are free to vote for anthing ,even voting yes for your slavery,but there are those who can not vote yes for inferiority and they have an equal chance like you in 20011.

    South Sudan is defined and will be there forever!!!!!

    South sudan

  • Deng

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    I think Mr. Khorhok has a mixed message that doesn’t make a clear sense. I don’t understand why people like Mr.Khorhok would think that voting for unity will help the minority. In what way will it help the minority? You guys don’t learn the easy way but the hard way. His complaints don’t make sense at all. In what ways are majority denying the rights of the minority. In the south, there is a decentralized government where everybody is represented. There are ten states that govern themselves. The federal government comes in where there is national concern. There is a lot of self-governing as compare to the old Sudan where the entire south was not politically considered as part of Sudan but only considered as part on economic grounds. He talks about development. What kind of development has the Khartoum government done in the south since independence? It is ludicrous to think that the majority are the most corrupt. Everybody can be corrupt whether majority or minority. According to you, voting for unity will eradicate corruption. You must be missing something. Corruption is something that everyone detests and we all want it to be dealt with. But this will not force us to vote for unity. If you vote for unity, then you have proven that you can’t make your own life and prepare life in bondage. I will blame the government for not contending the insecurity. They have all the powers to provide maximum security to the people. But I wouldn’t blame them for much of the development. Our government doesn’t have enough resources to be blamed and that is why we want separation so that the government gets 100% of the oil money instead of the current 50%. People should understand that development is not entirely the responsibility of the government. For you to blame the government, you must have paid a reasonable tax. How much tax have we paid to the government to put all the blame on them. For us to blame the government, we must pay the tax. Addition to that, development comes in slowly. So, why would we put all the blame on the government that has been in the office for 2 years and with limited resources? The communities must take the responsibility to develop themselves. The government will never give 100% development to our communities. Even the rich nations aren’t able to do that. It is our responsibility to come out of the bush and build our permanent living places not the government’s.
    Back to your article, stop blaming the majority for no reason. Those benefiting from the government are individuals not the majority. Tell us any development that has been done in Majority places where the minorities have not benefited. We all do not have enough schools. We all do not have clean water. So, how have the majority benefited from the government? You have been made into thinking that voting for unity is a punishment for the majority but you are wrong. Vote for unity and dig your grave in shame. Minorities will be miserable in the united Sudan than in the divided Sudan. In the divided Sudan, minorities will freely come out, ask and defend their rights. In the united Sudan, minorities won’t have even the slimmest chance to speak out for their rights. So, voting for unity will never be a punishment for the majority but minorities’. You have to understand that, Khartoum doesn’t care about you whether you vote for unity or separation. They might be promising you to vote for unity and at the end will favor the minorities in the united Sudan. No way, no day. You should learn from example. Khartoum cheated the Durfurians and made them fight against the south in the name of religion. But what is currently happening? They are paying a big price for the gravest mistake they made. They have learnt a lesson that they will never forget on the face of this world. If Durfuris who are Muslims were never respected by their brothers in religion, will they respect this minorities who are not even Muslims. Even if you vote for unity and convert to Islam, you will never get any favors from the Khartoum. It is better you leave you window open and get a little bid of fresh air than closing it completely.
    If you want to punish yourself, vote for unity. It’s no intimidation to majority.

  • James James
    James James

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    Hi Mr. Khorhok!

    Your article could be one of the best if you would have posted it in new york time in united states or somewhere else within the western world. I see there is a big tragedy upon Sudanes people specially in the south of the country, our people have no time at all to examine or review things writen by people who might be more experient than them by the way.

    Gal, all you said are only the truth and I don’t thing open minded person has to see it in opposite lens.

    I urge whoever want to challenge your opinion to feel free and go to Juba and observe the way jobs are allocated, how ministrial positions are assigned, how south Sudan fund are handled, what people are responsible for this, and overall how good southerners’ relationship is look like before he/she stick her/his mouth into you with hot attacks.

    What do these people think is the main cause of the problem in Jongolei ? the all thing is that, Bor in Jongolei believes themselves as the only smartest tribe, seeing the other tribes like Anyuak and Murle as uneducated barbaric tribes who don’t deserve equal share of whatever is given to the state.
    Beginning from the divisions of counties, you can directly tell without a question that, there a serious problem between Bor and other tribes within state, Bor who are located in small geographical area, has many counties than Murle who have the largest geographical area ranging from Bor-Murle border all the way to Ethiopian_sudan border, what type of criterios do you think have been used ?

    I don’t think faking population is going to be the best solution.

    Do you think Bor are more than Murle and Anyuak all combine ? the answer is obviously no. do you think this will bring peace ? no. Actually it may bring peace now but not tomorrow when Anyuak and Murle are going to wake up and find Bor have been dripping them alive.

    Mr’ Gal let those who curse or insult your experient continue to do so but the truth will dig out the truth someday.

    I even do n’t understand Bor sometime when they speak even our fifth language called english and they still pretend to be the most educated people in Jongolei I don’t understand how ? I laugh alone sometimes.

    Body keep your God’s given knowledge till people are willing enough to give them as part of help.

    Happy new year.

    God bless.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    Khorok, you’re entitled to your opinion but mind you it shouldn’t interfere with the right of others to security and stability …

    The other point i’d to stress is that whether you are aware about the provision of voting during the referendum in 2011?

    Please, visit the blue print on the Interim National Consitution and GOSS on how the exercise is going to be carried out, because it seems you’re naive, you aren’t familiar with topic in discussion.

    Wish you all you best and keep stirring trouble to South Sudanese but it will not take long before we close down on you!

  • Lual Chol Kuir
    Lual Chol Kuir

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    khorhok do you really know what Sudan people’s liberation movement/Army were foungt for?, please mr if you are not orphan go ask your parent about what kill some million of people in south sudan but if you are, ask anyone who think quality in your tribe.
    please Mr khorhok you are sick,you need to go and see the doctor and I wish that’s not how your tribe think like.

    think qaulity,

    think deeply what kill your parents,

    don’t wise to know is bad, to know is worse.

    Lual Chol Kuir.

    you can reached me at [email protected].

  • Deng

    Why minority tribes in the south will vote YES for unity of Sudan?
    Hi James,
    So you said that Murle have been denied many counties and that is why they are looting other people in Jonglei. Are they fighting for counties? Do you thing looting cattle will eventually give them more counties? Please, don’t amalgamate things which are by far not related. It appear to me that insecurity in the state is politically motivated by the like of you who don’t understand the best political solution to any crises. If that’s what you tell your people as part of the solution, then you are doing a zero work and those illetrate Murle who go on looting are better than those who tell them to go and loot so that their problems can be solved. Who told you that many counties are given to people by looting, abducting children and killing other people. Murle are not being denied many counties by Bor in Jonglei as you said. Counties are created by the federal government not the state government. Therefore, if you want to complain, go to the federal office and you will be given your many counties you are looking for. The problem is, while other tribes in Jonglei are concentrated in major spots, Murle are scattered across a large area. So, it is always hard to form a county. You believe that counties are given with regard to the geographical area. That is wrong. A county is given to a certain number of people concentrated in one area. There must be a minimum number of people living in the same locality for them to be granted a county. Unfortunately, Murle are scattered across a wide area in many bushes. Furthermore , they keep on moving from place to place. You can’t move with a county. The first thing we got to do is, building permanent places and live close together and then ask the government to give us our county so long as we satisfy the minimum requirement for a county. So, be assured that, counties are not given according to the size of the land but on how people settled. If geographical size matters, then we could have given the Sarah desert some counties.
    Finally, don’t be cheated that those who speak English fluently are the most learned. English is a foreign language and you can’t laugh others when they don’t speak it well. There are people who are better than you but can’t despise you. When you go to school, you don’t understand things in the language of instruction but in your own dialect. Your brain translates the foreign language into your own and that is how you understand things. Unless you are not aware since you believe that the highly educated are those who speak good English. You got to understand that there is a difference between a written and a spoken language. You may be good at one but not other or all. Also, pronunciation varies across the planet ranging from Europe to Asia to America to Africa to Australia to equatorians to Dinkas to Nuers to Murle to Anyuak. Presidents of many countries do not speak good English but people will not dispute their education background. My advice is; don’t ever laugh at any person who doesn’t speak good foreign language. You better laugh at somebody who doesn’t speak his native language well. That’s logical.
    It is stupid to laugh at somebody who doesn’t speak foreign language well. That kind of pride is just as good as useless. I am not defending the people you have targeted but every other person who doesn’t do it well.

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