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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia urges African troops to Somalia peacekeeping mission

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

December 26, 2007 (ADDIS-ABABA) — Ethiopia called on African countries that made pledges to contribute troops for the proposed African Union (AU) peacekeeping mission in Somalia to meet their promises.

Two_Ethiopian_soldiers_pass_by_AU.jpgThe Ministry of Information in a statement it issued on Tuesday commended Burundi’s recent efforts in deploying 192 soldiers to join the AU peacekeeping mission in Somalia.

The measure Burundi took assists the ongoing efforts meant to realize lasting peace in Somalia, which has been plagued by civil conflict over the past 16 years.

The Ministry also said that other African countries that promised to send troops should materialize their promises as soon as possible.

The failure to fully materialize the agreement signed to deploy strong peacekeeping mission in Somalia has put negative impact on the ongoing efforts of bringing about lasting peace to Somalia, it said.

Accordingly, the Ministry said efforts of building capacity of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, cracking down terrorist moves as well as reconstructing the country are all activities that need to be carried out urgently.

The assistance from the international community is essential in ensuring durability of the existing peace in Somalia, it added.

Taking the magnitude of the crisis in to account, Ethiopia for long has played a constructive and leading role towards finding solutions for the problem by supporting the TFG, the statement noted.

Among the African countries that pledge to contribute troops for the planned 8000-strong AU peacekeeping mission, Uganda has sent 1600 soldiers to Somalia.

Accordingly, Uganda has been demonstrating commitment to support the efforts being made to ensure lasting peace in Somalia, the statement underlined.

Similarly, Burundi has demonstrated its firm determination for the realization of AU’s resolutions and the peace and stability of the Horn of Africa by sending 192 troops to Somalia.

The Ministry underlined that the Somali crisis should not be seen as only the problem of Somalia alone, rather it should get the necessary attention since it clearly involves terrorism that could affect the international community as a whole.

The international community should discharge its responsibility in practically supporting the efforts of finding lasting solution for the problem through providing financial, logistical and other assistances, the statement said.



  • Sewete

    Ethiopia urges African troops to Somalia peacekeeping mission
    As an Ethiopian, I like seeing my country making positive moves. Africa as a whole used to lack the capability of seeing our continent in a bigger picture. But this move is great, as long as we are not hurting innocent people regardless of what country they’re from or what they believe in. Realizing terrisom can affect us all is looking at the bigger picture and I’m proud of my country for doing that.

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