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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s Machar ordered forces to stop hostilities with splinters

SPLA-IO Kitgwang

SPLA-IO Kitgwang delegates at the opening session of the talks in on January 11, 2022

January 20, 2022 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s First Vice President Riek Machar has ordered his forces of the SPLA-IO in the Upper Nile region to cease hostilities with the breakaway forces under the leadership of his former chief of staff, Simon Gatwech Dual.

On January 16, the South Sudanese government and the  Kit-Gwang forces agreed in Khartoum to recommit to the ceasefire and to integrate the SPLA-IO splinters in the SSPDF.

In an order to his forces on January 17, Machar said that  Kit-Gwang forces have now become part of the government forces and should therefore ceasefire confrontation in compliance with the permanent ceasefire which he and the government had signed in 2018 in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

“By this agreement, Kitgwang has joined South Sudan People’s Defence and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in government and the forces of Kitgwang group are now part of SSDF, as such SPLM/SPLA-IO forces to disengage and ceasefire with Kitgwang forces, just like they currently existing ceasefire between the SPLM/SPLA-IO and the SSPDF as per Khartoum declaration of June 27, 2018, which came into effect on 1st July 2018”, reads the order.

Machar further directed his forces to ensure the security of navigation on the White Nile.

The peace agreement was signed in Khartoum by General Simon Gatwech Dual, and his deputy Gen. Johnson Olony. The duo signed two separate agreements with President Kiir’s generals.

The agreement stressed the status of forces and maintaining the 2018 permanent ceasefire agreement.

One of the articles provides for the establishment of coordination offices in Jonglei state’s capital Bor and Upper Nile’s capital Malakal to enable the reintegration of the forces into the SSPDF.

Schisms in Machar’s movement escalated In August 2021 when his chief of staff announced he has been ousted and installed himself as the interim chairman.

Machar rejected the ousting and called on his supporters to respect the terms of the 2018 revitalized agreement. The split caused skirmishes and fighting between the breakaway faction forces and those loyal to Machar in the Magenis area in Upper Nile State where the group had established the base.

