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Sudan Tribune

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North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA

January 2, 2008 (JUBA) — Khartoum has missed a new deadline to withdraw its troops from south Sudan, flouting a deal that saw former rebels rejoin the government last week, a senior Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) commander said on Wednesday.

A_SPLA_in_Juba.jpg“They have not moved up to now,” Major General Mai Hoth, deputy chief of staff of the southern former rebel SPLA said. “They haven’t given us a concrete reason.”

The promise to pull northern troops out of the southern autonomous region by the end of 2007 was part of an agreement that paved the way for the former rebels to rejoin the national unity government on December 27, ending a two-month crisis.

The rebels’ withdrawal from the cabinet in October was the worst crisis to hit a 2005 peace deal that ended Africa’s longest-running civil war. An estimated two million people were killed and another six million displaced in the two-decade-long conflict.

Khartoum’s failure to meet an earlier deadline for the troop pullout was one of the key reasons cited by the former rebels for quitting the government.

Under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which created a southern autonomous government and two separate armies, Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) should have withdrawn from the south by July 9, 2007.

However, the SAF had only moved two-thirds of its forces by that date, according to the United Nations, setting off a protracted war of words that culminated in the south recalling its ministers from the unity government.

Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir insists 85 percent of northern troops have withdrawn from the south, where the Sudanese army says only 3,600 northern soldiers remain.

The south and United Nations officials have disputed this figure.

Major General Hoth said there are about 18,000 northern troops in the south. Of these, 15,000 are in Unity State and 3,000 are in Upper Nile State, two oil producing states at the north-south border.

The north has in the past argued that its army needed to remain in the south to protect the oil wells.

More than 80 percent of the country’s oil is in the south.

Under the CPA, the two sides should have formed a joint north-south force to patrol the oil areas, but the force was not fully operational by the time the south pulled out of government.

Southern army spokesman Major General Kuol Deim blamed this failure on the Sudanese army’s refusal to contribute troops to the force.

Hoth said he expected an explanation for the delay from northern officials during a meeting of the Joint Defence Board on January 5 in Khartoum.

“We are going to review the deployment,” said Hoth. “From there they will tell us why they haven’t moved.”



  • Athian Apuruot
    Athian Apuruot

    North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA
    Thank you Mr. Mai Hoth for giving this information out to the public.
    I know and every body knows that the NCP will continue to repeat the same partern to disrespect the agreement they had made last week with the SPLM, it’s very clear now that they were just decieving the SPLM so that to rejion the GNOU. Now, it’s very tough for the SPLM to make the descission quickly, it’s really require wise mind from the SPLM leadership to sit together inorder to come out with good decission that will save together our SPLM leadership in Sudan and the live of our people.
    Because the NCP knows that there will be no way to dodge the agreement with the SPLM of last week, that was why they started to assault the SPLA in northern Bhar El-Ghazal in December/07 so that to be an indication of there missing deadline of there troop withdrawal from the South.
    Despite of all these games been played by NCP SPLM/SPLA is going to win every thing.
    What so ever the NCP is going to do inorder to intimitate the SPLM/SPLA they will not win.
    SPLM/SPLA, SPLM/SPLA, SPLM/SPLA OYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee–oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    President Kiir Mayardit, OYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    Long live SPLM leadership
    Long live people of South Sudan.

    Athian Deng Aken Apuruot

  • Athian Apuruot
    Athian Apuruot

    North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA
    Thank you Mr. Mai Hoth for giving this information out to the public.
    I know and every body knows that the NCP will continue to repeat the same partern to disrespect the agreement they had made last week with the SPLM, it’s very clear now that they were just decieving the SPLM so that to rejion the GNOU. Now, it’s very tough for the SPLM to make the descission quickly, it’s really require wise mind from the SPLM leadership to sit together inorder to come out with good decission that will save together our SPLM leadership in Sudan and the live of our people.
    Because the NCP knows that there will be no way to dodge the agreement with the SPLM of last week, that was why they started to assault the SPLA in northern Bhar El-Ghazal in December/07 so that to be an indication of there missing deadline of there troop withdrawal from the South.
    Despite of all these games been played by NCP SPLM/SPLA is going to win every thing.
    What so ever the NCP is going to do inorder to intimitate the SPLM/SPLA they will not win.
    SPLM/SPLA, SPLM/SPLA, SPLM/SPLA OYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee–oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    President Kiir Mayardit, OYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    Long live SPLM leadership
    Long live people of South Sudan.

    Athian Deng Aken Apuruot

  • Athian Apuruot
    Athian Apuruot

    North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA
    Thank you Mr. Mai Hoth for giving this information out to the public.
    I know and every body knows that the NCP will continue to repeat the same partern to disrespect the agreement they had made last week with the SPLM, it’s very clear now that they were just decieving the SPLM so that to rejion the GNOU. Now, it’s very tough for the SPLM to make the descission quickly, it’s really require wise mind from the SPLM leadership to sit together inorder to come out with good decission that will save together our SPLM leadership in Sudan and the live of our people.
    Because the NCP knows that there will be no way to dodge the agreement with the SPLM of last week, that was why they started to assault the SPLA in northern Bhar El-Ghazal in December/07 so that to be an indication of there missing deadline of there troop withdrawal from the South.
    Despite of all these games been played by NCP SPLM/SPLA is going to win every thing.
    What so ever the NCP is going to do inorder to intimitate the SPLM/SPLA they will not win.
    SPLM/SPLA, SPLM/SPLA, SPLM/SPLA OYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee–oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    President Kiir Mayardit, OYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    Long live SPLM leadership,
    Long live people of South Sudan.

    Athian Deng Aken Apuruot

  • Koor Garang
    Koor Garang

    North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA
    well, thank to the people like Major General Mai. its was unwise for SPLA/m to rejoin the government on December 27,2007 while they knew very well that we are dealing with sick minded enemy.why do you want to rejoin after you gave someone ultimatum? Our leaders need to remain firm , say something and stick with it.In my opinion, our leaders from SPLA/M should have waited patiently and see if their demands are met. Now what ? pullout again or go back on the table and talk?. I hope all is well with you all!!!
    Kgc, USA

  • Samson Liberty

    North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA
    keeping a promise is one thing and executing it is another.Again delivering an oath and acept a written document testifying an agreement is a quarrantee for a formulated document.Sometimes agreements were made under pressure,yet when coming to implement it can be an agony.Going around the scenario what matters according to people’s feeling expectation was the condition set forth if the critical crises is not fully made before any deadline drawn.The first violation by SAF to pull out by 9 July,2007 passed,now the second also gone,lastly the final phase to be will determine who suppose to do what at the right time and who actually derserves the right to be at the right side.

  • Joe Dyer
    Joe Dyer

    North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA
    Did anyone ever really believe that the Khartoum government would abide by their agreement to pull the northern army to their side of the border? Has Bashir and the NIF — oh, excuse me. I meant NCP — EVER kept their promise or honored ANY agreement they ever made? They NEVER have and they NEVER will, unless it’s made very clear to them that they have something to lose. And by “They”, I’m talking about the greedy murderers (and their Chinese friends) in Khartoum.

    If anyone wants to debate me personally on the issues that I comment about, here’s my e-mail address: [email protected]

  • Gatwech

    2008: A year of prophesies in South Sudan
    Hi, General James Hoth Mai. First of all, congratulations for your new responsibility as Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations after you were exchanged with General Bior Ajang, who now instead handles Logistics as Deputy Chief of Staff also.

    You have a very big responsibility this year of 2008, as many predict, unfortunately though, that more military operations are to come as indicated by the behavior of the NCP-forces, called the Sudan Armed Forces who refuse to withdraw from the oil-rich states of Upper Nile and Unity. Prophet Ngundeng Bong once predicted more than a centuary ago that ‘Joklit paam cue koore muoch doop i cua we hoo, i ku jakoak le buut i yii. Tungda en nyaal i kuice luel paduili deang i kaan ke le tong bang. This is what the SAF is doing using the so-called Messeriya tribe as a trigger for a possible wel-planned military show down, and may be very soon, but God forbid.

    But, should they do that, the predictions are that they will lose this war in a very short time and forever. So your being in charge of military operations as entrusted in you by the SPLA Commander-in-Chief, 1st Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, is indeed timely. Don’t ever believe that the NCP-army will respect any agreement. They are for war!

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    North Sudan army misses new deadline to quit south- SPLA
    Iam a believer in a united Sudan,what is wrong with NCP not to stick to the Agreement to foster peace in the Sudan?. Mr.President Al Hassen Al Bashier you have done enough to bring you to go into history as a peace lover and maker why don,t you accomplished what you started?.

    Do what you think is right for sudan to live in peace whatever it takes Allah will reward you in heaven for the next life to come in your later life. Do not be pressurized by those who only want hapiness of the day. One sudanese life lost is a big lost to sudan. No dollar, No Dinar or Euro can replace that.

    Unite the Sudanese masses in your capacity as the president of Sudan. It is you and you alone who can make that diffrence. Will this year 2008 be a year of permanent peace for the sudanese people?. We have not seen peace since 1956 we are tired of the killing of innocent people we need freedom, the freedom to stretch our wings to fly to any corner of our beloved Sudan.

    We have seen the world, we have travelled the world and the world knows we exist why don,t we make peace to bring peace to our world.The world is behind us every step of the way. Do we need the world to always work out a peace solution to our problems if we can just go on the air on Radio Omdruman or radio juba or Radio Sudan if there is one to declare that Sudan today is a free country. No more war in the four corners of Sudan fron Port sudan to Nimule and from Nyala to kasala. It takes only a second to make that $1 million Dollar decision instesd of bringing the world body to come and solve your internal problems. Let us plant into us that little seed called peace forever both Allah and God loves Sudan!!!

    Peace Lover
    justin Chicago Opiny

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